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[L2J Contest - Share]Advanced 3ple Faction Engine

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I am trying add it in my project...but i have one question!

Where the hell i find the ".classpath" file!??!!?!?!?


I checked it, and there's no need to add it.

I suppose that it's there because of the build of libs + GS at the dp so errors won't appear..

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I checked it, and there's no need to add it.

I suppose that it's there because of the build of libs + GS at the dp so errors won't appear..

Ok man...prob solved!

I asked sofaki to help end...and she helped me a lot!

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I am trying add it in my project...but i have one question!

Where the hell i find the ".classpath" file!??!!?!?!?


u dont need edit the classpath. skip this part. anyway u can find the .classpath into the project folder. workspace/projectname/(here)

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