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[Guide]Kaldr-The Ancient Apparition

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Defeated in a battle long forgotten, this once great mage was banished to a tomb of ice for all eternity. For countless ages he lay in unbearable anguish until he was discovered by minions of the Lich King. In a vain attempt to gain favor with this ancient soul for his own purposes, the Lich King released him. But this soul no longer knew gratitude, it no longer knew friend from foe, it knew only pain. With it's bodylong since decayed, the soul took up the only form it knew. Consumed with hatred, even a touch from this monstrosity causes agony. Able to conjure devastating ice storms with a mere thought and hurl soul-shattering bolts of frost seemingly impossible distances, this creature punishes all who dare to stand their ground against it.






*Hero Type: Intelligence

*Affiliation: Neutral

*Range: 600

*Movement Speed: 295

*Damage: 43 - 54

*Armor: 2

*Strength: 18 + 1.4

*Agility: 20 + 2.2

*Intelligence: 25 + 2.6






cold-feat.PNGCold Feet:



The Apparition curses his foes with The Frozen Mark which will freeze enemies to the ground. Unless target enemy moves at least 740 away from the mark within 4 seconds he is frozen still.


Damage per second: 37.5/50/62.5/75

Stun duration if triggered: 1.25/2/2.75/3.5


Cooldown: 15/13/11/9

Manacost: 90

Target: Single

Note: Target takes damage per second until he is stunned or moves out of range.



ice-vortex.PNGIce Vortex:



Gathers ancient frost energy into one area to create a small, immobile ice vortex at a location. Whenever enemies are near it, their movement speed and magical resistance are reduced.


Movement Reduction: 18/22/26/30

Magic Resistance: -10/15/20/25

AOE: 275


Duration: 12

Cooldown: 6

Manacost: 80/90/100/110



chilling-touch.PNGChilling Touch:



Releases a gust of cold wind at a target area, enchanting allied heroes with bonus magical damage on their attacks. Lasts for a limited number of attacks up to a maximum of 40 seconds. While the enchanted heroes have this chilling touch, their attack speed is reduced by 15%.


Maximum number of attacks: 2/3/4/5

Bonus Damage: 40/50/60/70

Attack Speed Reduction: -15%

Cooldown: 50/46/42/38

Manacost: 140

Note: Damage only triggers on enemy heroes, not creeps.



ice-blast.PNGIce Blast (Ultimate)



Ancient Apparition projects his presence out to make way for a powerful ripple of hailstone and dark magic. Once cast, it can release the spell to strike targets within 200 area of where his presence was upon release. It will deal damage to enemy units and apply a frostbite curse on them for 7 seconds where their health regeneration will be frozen and will shatter if they fall close enough to death. This spell has global range depending on howlong you wait for the projections to move. Frostbitten units will take minor damage over time.


Impact Damage: 250/350/450

Shatter Threshold: 10/11/12%


Cooldown: 44/32/20

Manacost: 100/125/150


Note: You can charge (non-channeling, time based) this as long as you want if you want it to travel further outwards. Has an initial aoe of 200, but increases by a small amount the further it travels.


If u can't understand ulti's use check:





Cold Feet

Ice Vortex

Cold Feet

Ice Vortex

Cold Feet

Ice Blast

Cold Feet

Ice Vortex

Ice Vortex

Chilling Touch

Ice Blast

Chilling Touch

Chilling Touch

Chilling Touch









Early-Mid game:Take a bottle,try to take runes and help at lane gangs.Use ur ulti right when u go lvl 6.(The most important and imba thing at AA is his ulti :)).Try to keep ur enemies close to u and use ur 1st.(make slow,hex).Many players dont use 2nd/3rd skill right.Ur 2nd skill fit with ur 1st and with Dagon :D.3rd skill can help u and  ur alies to make more damage.(Especially Ursa.Make ur 3rd at ursa and he will pwn) :D


Late game:If u die fast make a vanguard or a hot (if u have gold) or take a ghost scepter.Dont do deaths (try to escape with bot).



ITEM BUILD                                       


Starting Items


emptybottle-v5mm.jpgMostly for mid game




if u take it random take some mana potions or more hp potions or Branches


Mid Items





Late Game Items





Items that you can also use







vanguard.gif  Instead of HoT

mjollnir.gif  Instead of Eye of Skadi







Good Allies




Those 2 heroes because are fit with AA's ulti.



Stunners are good allies too.And holders like Void and Axe.




Credits: me :D




Edit: Strategy Added,Items Added,Allied hero Added


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Advertisements deleted . We do not allow links to other sites but MaxCheaters. Next time I see you posting a direct link to other sites i'll request a ban. Guide is strategyless.

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Advertisements deleted . We do not allow links to other sites but MaxCheaters. Next time I see you posting a direct link to other sites i'll request a ban. Guide is strategyless.


sorry for the links ):


about the strategy, i havent played with AA a lot. I will add strategy in some days... :D

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Kaldr without Shivas? Extreme mistake! Shivas is a must for kaldr , the extra slow works really well with Cold Feet.

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Kaldr without Shivas? Extreme mistake! Shivas is a must for kaldr , the extra slow works really well with Cold Feet.


The only reason that I like Kaldr is his ulty because you can do extremely easy KS :D

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I think the best items are these.


Boots of Travel


Eye of Skadi




seriously even for an em getting all these items u must have many leaves,playing for 1 hour or more etc..lol..


a build i use is




bottle through all the game for runes


blade mail

mostly i do dmg via cold feet+shivas+hits+radiance,i like killing heroes who flee back to base too with ulti :p

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seriously even for an em getting all these items u must have many leaves,playing for 1 hour or more etc..lol..


a build i use is




bottle through all the game for runes


blade mail

mostly i do dmg via cold feet+shivas+hits+radiance,i like killing heroes who flee back to base too with ulti :p


Not a bad one but seriously hex is a must on him.

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Not a bad one but seriously hex is a must on him.

actually i dont like having shivas+hex xD,dont know :p also i dont like having many things to cast..AA has already 4 skills to cast,5 with shivas,6 with blade mail xD,so i dont want 1 more^^ :P

btw i have in my build hex,i dont usually get it though xD

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Well hex is awesome cuz in hex the hero is slower and in combination of the binding skill it makes the hero gets stunned 100% and allows you to kill him which means it completely disables the hero for 10 sec aint it better ? :).

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Very good guide dude i start play with kaldr and i wondering what items i need to make !!

thanks you !!

i think all chars are good allies with kaldr cause he can hit from whereever he wants and he can help all his team:)!

P.S: this char pawnz!!!!!!

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Well hex is awesome cuz in hex the hero is slower and in combination of the binding skill it makes the hero gets stunned 100% and allows you to kill him which means it completely disables the hero for 10 sec aint it better ? :).

i can tell u why i prefer shivas xD


i do first buff on me chilling something then i do vortex on them and they get slow and -magic resistance,then i pop shivas and the slow gets worse!!,they also get better dmg from shivas from vortex -,and i use cold feet that does too ++dmg because of -resistance from vortex,if they dont die by then i use ulti xD,as u can see shivas+vortex+cold feet is pure ownage..no need for hex really :D

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is radi good? :S


i think yes but it isnt a must item :D.


i dont think that AA is an imba hero <.< he just has a good ulti :D if u know him u can beat him easy :D(with other hero) :D


p.s Guide Edited *_*

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