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[Guide] Rikimaru, the Stealth Assassin!

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Well, hi everybody again.. I got bored of Davion, so I decided to start playing with a new character.. I saw that he was very good, and had quite nice skills. I found some good items, so I thought to share with you my "tactics". Remember, this is not something professional, it is just enough to win at the first stages..




Rikimaru, the Stealth Assassin

Alliance: The Sentinel

Costs 250 coins



Story - The beginning


Born as the heir to the satyr dominion, Rikimaru was trained by the mightiest warriors of his race. However, the power of the Burning Legion managed to corrupt many of his kind, leaving them as mindless beasts in the forest. Vowing revenge against the Scourge, he sharpened his skills for battle. Using his small size to his advantage, he can render himself invisible, enabling him to stab his enemies in the back. He can also use thick smoke as a cover, to silence his enemies and become nearly untouchable.


Strength: 17 - 2.0

Agility: 24 - 2.9 (Main Attribute)

Intelligence: 14 - 1.3


Rikimaru learns the skills: Backstab, Blink Strike, Smoke Screen and Permanent Invisibility.


Attack Range: 125 (melee)

Movement Speed: 300



Hero's Starting Attributes (0 equipment, No skills)


Damage: 48-52

Armor: 6

Strength: 17

Agility: 24

Intelligence: 14


HP: 473

MP: 182



Hero's Level 25 Attributes (0 equipment, Full Skills plus Attribute Bonuses)


Damage: 117-121 + 20

Armor: 16 + 2.8

Strength: 65 + 20

Agility: 93 + 20

Intelligence: 45 + 20


HP: 1765

MP: 845



The Skills of the Hero



Smoke Screen


Throws a smoke bomb down in the area, silencing opponents and causing them to miss on most of their attacks. Also slows by 25% at all Levels.

Lasts 6 Seconds.


Level 1: 250 AoE, 40% miss.

Level 2: 275 AoE, 50% miss.

Level 3: 300 AoE, 60% miss.

Level 4: 325 AoE, 70% miss.


Cooldown: 15 seconds.



Blink Strike


Teleports to a unit and strikes it if it is a foe, dealing bonus damage.

Costs 50 mana.


Level 1: Deals 30 extra damage.

Level 2: Deals 60 extra damage.

Level 3: Deals 90 extra damage.

Level 4: Deals 120 extra damage.


Cooldown: 30/20/10/5 seconds.





The Stealth Assassin is not afraid to fight dirty, and specializes in attacking his opponents from behind.


Level 1: Deals 0.25x the Agility of Rikimaru to the target.

Level 2: Deals 0.50x the Agility of Rikimaru to the target.

Level 3: Deals 0.75x the Agility of Rikimaru to the target.

Level 4: Deals 1x the Agility of Rikimaru to the target.



Permanent Invisibility


Rikimaru becomes permanently invisible when not attacking.


Level 1: 3 seconds fade time.

Level 2: 2.25 seconds fade time.

Level 3: 1.5 seconds fade time.



How to pick your skills at each level:

Level 1 Smoke Screen

Level 2 Backstab

Level 3 Smoke Screen

Level 4 Backstab

Level 5 Blink Strike

Level 6 Permanent Invisibility

Level 7 Smoke Screen

Level 8 Backstab

Level 9 Blink Strike

Level 10 Smoke Screen

Level 11 Permanent Invisibility

Level 12 Blink Strike

Level 13 Blink Strike

Level 14 Backstab

Level 15 Attribute Bonuses

Level 16 Permanent Invisibility

Level 17 Attribute Bonuses

Level 18 Attribute Bonuses

Level 19 Attribute Bonuses

Level 20 Attribute Bonuses

Level 21 Attribute Bonuses

Level 22 Attribute Bonuses

Level 23 Attribute Bonuses

Level 24 Attribute Bonuses

Level 25 Attribute Bonuses



Hero's Equipment



Power Treads


This is my first item, since it is really cheap. It is quite useful, since it can be used by all types of characters (Intelligence, Strength, Agility) and you can set it to suit yours!


You will find this item at Gateway Relics.


To purchase it you will need: Boots of Speed (you can find them at Cache of the Quel'thelan.), Gloves of Haste (you can find them at Cache of the Quel'thelan.) and Robe of the Magi (you can find it at Sena the Accessorizer.)

*Note that instead of Robe of the Magi, you can use two other items too, but I mentioned this, since it is the one I use.




Wraith Band x2


What's better? Cheap, giving +3 to all attributes, and +6 to agility. And it's even better when you have two of them.


You will find the Wraith Band at the Gateway Relics.

To purchase it you will need: Circlet of Nobility (you can find it at Sena the Accessorizer.) and Slippers of Agility (you can find them at Sena the Accessorizer.)




Diffusal Blade


Agility, Intelligence, skills and last but not least Easy to purchase! Yeah, one of the most useful items, you will really need it..


You will find the Diffusal Blade at the Enchanted Artifacts.

To purchase it you will need: 2x Blade of Alacrity (you can find them at Sena the Accessorizer.) and Robe of the Magi (you can find it at Sena the Accessorizer.)






Agility (your best friend), attack speed and movement speed. I think that we are talking for the perfect item!


You will find the Yasha at the Enchanted Artifacts.

To purchase it you will need: Boots of Elvenskin (you can find them at Sena the Accessorizer.) and Blade of Alacrity (you can find it at Sena the Accessorizer.)

*Note that you can use a second Yasha instead of the following item.




Healing Salve


Well, I could say that Rikimaru is not well known for his HP, which means that he doesn't have many chances to survive after multiple enemy hits. The solution? Healing Salve.


You will find the Healing Salve at the Ancient of Wonders.







Here, I will show you another build.

Note that you can't get most of these items from the beginning, so you will have to fight much and earn many coins.

Take a look:









This is an insane build (Thanks to TheEnd). Your damage, strength, agility (and generally every attribute) is increased dramatically..

I don't have to tell many things, just note that with this build you will 1) pwn every hero on 1v1 2) kill the enemy buildings!

The only problem is that you have to get many coins, in order to purchase all these items.




The way I use Rikimaru


Well, as you may have noticed I buy many items that increase Agility.

The reason? Backstab.

Yes, this beloved skill.

If you read at the description of the skill, it gives extra damage to your oponent, depending on your agility.

So, when I have to fight versus an enemy hero, I first use the Blink Strike skill, when he doesn't even expect it, and then the skill backstab takes action. Since I get teleported behind him, and start hitting him automatically, then guess what happens ^^. When I have to face many enemies, I use the Smoke Screen skill. It has a very low reuse, so I am not afraid to use it as many times I want. I use this versus my enemies, and when they cannot see me, I go behind them, and start working with backstabs!



The Hero's Enemies


I have used this hero in many matches, so I suppose that I can find his enemies.


Well, to start with, every hero with the item Gem of True Sight icon.JPG can be your worst enemy.

The reason? He can use this item against you while you are invisible.

The result? He will see you and pwn you (especially if your HP is not in the best condition).


Other heroes that can pwn you quite easily are:



Azgalor, the Pit Lord


Well, I don't know why (maybe it's because he traps you and then hits you with both - spells and melee attacks), but I played 3 matches versus him, and I was not able to kill him at 1v1..




Gondar, the Bounty Hunter


Oh gosh, I think that this hero has been made especially to be Rikimaru's enemy.. He can find the invisible target, he reduces his stats, he gives to his alliances near Rikimaru extra bonuses, and if Rikimaru dies he gains extra gold. And all these, with just one skill. I don't need to say anything more - if he is your opponent, then just leave the game. It is very hard to face him, especially when you do not have any alliances.





Well, guys that's it!

I spent more time on this guide, than the previous one, to make it more analyzed.


NOTE that this guide explains my gameplay, neither yours, nor the neighbor's.

If your style is different, then you can just suggest me extra stuff.

If they suit to mine, then I will probably at them ;]



Best Regards,


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you aren't gonna stay with 2 wraith bands,will you?

sange & yasha,butterfly maybe vlads would be good


sange and yasha no..

I would prefer to stay with 1 yasha.

if I had to purchase sange and yasha, I would need extra money.

But since my tactic is to deal high damage to the oponent, based to my agility, it would be a bit useless..


vladimir's offering, well I didn't think of it..

I will try it out..


But, if I need to get rid of 1 wraith's band, then I suppose that I will purchase another Yasha..



Remember, that to purchase too many expensive items, I need coins.

And to get too many coins, I need time.

But the game doesn't have the time I need ^^

Hope you get me.

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I mean if i open ten more guides i'll see the same build.


Well, I present my style.

And btw if this or at least similars, are the only good (or at least close to good) ones, what do you expect?


Show me some guides tho..


EDIT: I just saw NABs..

Well, yeah they are similar but only at the equipment, but still, not totally..

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Well, I present my style.

And btw if this or at least similars, are the only good (or at least close to good) ones, what do you expect?


Show me some guides tho..


EDIT: I just saw NABs..

Well, yeah they are similar but only at the equipment, but still, not totally..

Still you need to add items,except if you play games that last no more than 15 mins

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Well i don't know , Strategy guide maybe ?


Well, I added a few infos..

I will study the hero even more and update the post tomorrow, if possible.

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don't like  skill build, what for 2 smokes at the begining?

i do


















p.s. item build

boots , 3 wraith bands,  after make pot,

depending on against who u play may need even vanguard

if u dont get ganked too often make sang yash, diffusial, butterfly, radianse

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EDIT: I just saw NABs..

Well, yeah they are similar but only at the equipment, but still, not totally..


nooo don't trust that guide it's outdated lol... I guess ima go update it

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yasha should be S&Y, vladimirs missing...

butterfly ofc...

if you dont want S&y you go for desolator...

radiance can be good..

MKB ofc...

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