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[Share] L2J-OFF Project, in Development.

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but can u tell me first 1 finished chronicle ? with all retail feature ?


There isn't one.

Although what's easier: Add the missing gracia feature now that it is easier, or return back to Interlude and re-start working on something bugful and non-retail?

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so no finished project, but u still say that THEY are the only one who will fail in making a project even if is not IL.  so this is some kind of flame imo, and i proved u that ur totally wrong.

2nd. i like IL more then gracia, reason: simple, for ppl who will say that why i stop on midle of L2 and i dont want to play it all, till is finished. ill tell them that, actualy i play all L2 feature, IL has them (speaking about Last L2 chr./thr. or w/e). i dont like kamaels, i dont like vesper or dynasty or icarus. they are the same, give more P def / M def / P atk / M atk. and skills give more P def / M def / P atk / M atk so or Draconic, or Vesper on its chr. is the same for me... 10302103 skills and ill still use 2-6... more lag at Sieges, i dont have NASA pc.

to be more precise here

actualy i play all L2 feature, IL has them (speaking about Last L2 chr./thr. or w/e).

i play all features of last l2 chr, i like. i like more C4 then IL , but i still play IL and not C4, cuz its newer and last. and i wont play gracia for now cuz is kinda other game.

(if u get my point)

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The point is NcZoft focked Lineage 2, if you play postIL you play a Aion-like, you miss only TIE-fighter, a Yoda and a Dark Vador and you can do a Star Wars remake.


Shiterlude (Intrepid copyright) VS Kamalol. Hard fight.


IL is (for some ppl... Me at least :D) the last good chronicle (even if it's not one... Don't say C6 plixplox), whatever it is bad coded, missing features, etc.


To say the truth, and seeing the lack of decent IL teams, I was even tempted to make a C3 server, as L2J dropped C3 in their nightlies lol :).


Ofc, the best would be to make a project from 0, but all know (and me first) than no one have aptitudes to do this (or good devs make the run to get their last kamalol epilogue running). And it's not "teams" like L2J OFF and the 10-15 before who will change anything.


The main problem actually, is the lack of share. Good sources go private, and when they die by lack of interests, they keep their work. So a new team have to rework from 0.


It's why teams stop after :

-> importing trunk

-> changing all imports for l2jmyserverpown.xxxx

-> trying to find all authors, and ofc change the name for their (uahahah I got a new disease "exXx syndrom" - I'm evilllll)

-> c/p from others public timelines the well known fixes (which are 100% work, some exemples ? Olympiad prefrenzy, olympiad fakedeath, and so on... I checked all Assembla IL timelines (around 10), I begin to know them lmao).

-> adding some "leet" stuff, but removing it just after cause never tested and they don't test before commit.

-> 99% time, they die wihout letting a word. Well, because team was just a bunch of friends who wanted to feel smart.


SO you got a timeline with 400 commits, 200 are typos related (aka = shit), 150 are "adding-deleted" stuff (the best is to check svn, generally they haven't been commited lol...), when 50 are usable.


It's around 9/10 timelines I saw until now.


To resume my words : you should find others IL teams and do a big team. After all depends on which way you want to bring your server, but generally, people ask for "retail" (by retail understand = as close as retail-like...).


For example, Skylancer and Ventic are actually working on their own IL pack. They got nice fixes for the moment (classic but they haven't 5000 typos commits), many are security related. Why won't you coopered to find bugs together and fix them ? That would be healthier than spying the timeline of other (and for others, you don't have to see both timelines...).


If you want to federate IL teams, I can give you timelines I keep in bookmark :

http://trac6.assembla.com/L2j-Ing/timeline => Psycho5, even if all commits aren't needed...

http://trac6.assembla.com/L2J-Infinity/timeline => Skylancer / Mace / Ventic


Even if they don't want to merge, you can share your fixes. All is adaptable.


At the same time, you shouldn't let SVN admin to ppl like exXx. I know he "tries" his best, but seriously, he is the sort of team-killer. You should test ppl, if they can find and fix a couple of bugs, you let them SVN access.  You should separate DP and Core, dunno if you can allow ppl only for one or other branch, but it's perhaps better to have different timelines anyway. I made that for my project and it's more readable.


After saying bad words from my previous posts, I just want to say gg for your christmas stuff (290/291, god, why you never test before commit... This is one commit), even if it's c/p, it's the first time I see it commit for IL.


About c/p thing, and as I have already posted, it's not a bad thing : why to remake the wheel, when it works perfectly :). Personally, I'm c/p a lot, I passed some entire nights seeing all IL timelines (yeah, your 290 commits too lol...).


And don't desesperate, even on Archid (last rev was 1292, you miss around 1100 revisions) there is massive bugs lol, like multisell, skills don't working (salvation/soul of phoenix), etc. In what server you got "Spell Turning" working ? Well now it's fixed on my copy so :P.


And I hope my post will be good hints for ya :).





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so no finished project, but u still say that THEY are the only one who will fail in making a project even if is not IL.  so this is some kind of flame imo, and i proved u that ur totally wrong.

2nd. i like IL more then gracia, reason: simple, for ppl who will say that why i stop on midle of L2 and i dont want to play it all, till is finished. ill tell them that, actualy i play all L2 feature, IL has them (speaking about Last L2 chr./thr. or w/e). i dont like kamaels, i dont like vesper or dynasty or icarus. they are the same, give more P def / M def / P atk / M atk. and skills give more P def / M def / P atk / M atk so or Draconic, or Vesper on its chr. is the same for me... 10302103 skills and ill still use 2-6... more lag at Sieges, i dont have NASA pc.

to be more precise here i play all features of last l2 chr, i like. i like more C4 then IL , but i still play IL and not C4, cuz its newer and last. and i wont play gracia for now cuz is kinda other game.

(if u get my point)


1) Proved me wrong? lolfail. I actually proved you that NOBODY will ever be able to create a retail-like interlude. And since they are trying to do so, it is just a waste of time. And btw, is it offencive telling your opinion? Face that: They are introducing us their project, they like hearing good comments, but they HAVE TO hear the bad comments as well.


2) That's so freakin' funny. You actually think that Gracia is just about vespers, dynasties and kamaels? If yes, you are WRONG!

It's boring telling the same thing all the time, so:


And I'm also wondering: Who of you did Kamaloka? Who of you actually have flown an Airship? Who of you have been in an Ekimus and/or Tiat Raid? Who of you played Territory wars? Who of you have done Oly's 3 vs 3? K, do those all, and then say if Gracia brought new things or not. Cause like 99% of you is just joining the crowd that screams it all sucks blabla, all assumptions, opinions based on 0 arguments. Only one way to give an objective opinion: play it yourself.
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I must agree about the name, it's pretty arrogant :P.


About Kamael+, I have to agree too-too(too). I never tried new stuff, cause each time I played on them, it was failservers. Just seeing a Kamael make me lol, so...


The only good thing with higher chronicles is the sort of erotic dances from DE females , if you want my opinion.


About L2J servers there are just failservers, I mean except one network where they have NASA stuff, and surely put thousands of $ on it so what is the point to make retail like... L2J is made for custom nothing more.


I don't want even talk about L2 in general, which is around extinction (just see how fast they made the different updates to finish L2 and put teams in other project), whatever chronicles you claim to prefer :P.


Airship = TIE FIGHTER ! Where's my laser saber ?


Oly 3vs3... I suppose it's codable on IL no ? If there is something enough mad to check the Olympiad code lol.




BTW, try to stay on topic, to remember it's talk about one team who develops for IL :P. It hasn't to end in troll about "my Chronicle is better than your". You can say your positive or negative comments, but just don't dissuade them to make what they want. It's pretty childish.


After, they got "bad" maneers (aka bigger than their head ego) blablabla, it's understable too :P. That shock me and make me laugh too.


Let's see how longer this project will be :).

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-from net.l2off import L2Config  

+from net.l2off import L2L2Config  




Its not fail, is only stupid typo, happens.

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  • 1 month later...

project stoped for ever, or lol'd it goes private :)))))))))


Whatever happened it will always be a failed project.

Like every other that runs without a developer.

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    • This is my first and last topic created on a Lineage Forum, because if there's one thing that causes headaches for a lot of people, it's the critical error, that's why I decided to share it...   I'm creating a server again and before starting configurations I started collecting dozens of customs, without realizing my system folder had 950MB of files, so I started to enter the game, every 1 to 2 hours my client was reaching the maximum limit of virtual memory of the game due to the absurd amount of customs inside the system folder, reaching the maximum limit of 2047MB virtual ram, automatically we get critical, regardless of the error that appears on your screen, "THE WORDS ARE IRRELEVANT, unless it is a critical error before the ram memory limit reaches its limit", if you are seeing "2047 MB", it means that the game's virtual memory has reached its limit, and this memory is not configurable due to the game being created on 32-bit architecture, so I significantly reduced the amount of customs within the system from 950MB to 625MB, so my client started to reach the maximum memory limit every 10 to 12h, a huge progress, but my goal was at least 24h before reaching the virtual memory limit (playing frantically), so I reduced the system's custom files from 625MB to 267MB, the result was a first virtual memory limit critical error appearing after 41h.   My client is H5, the only types of customs I added to the game were focused only on equipment, one of the main causes were these skins and cloaks, they consume a huge amount of MB's within the "system", the problem is not adding customs to the client, the problem is adapting a custom and adding it inside the system folder, the system folder was not created with the intention of storing a huge amount of files.   Adding customs to the system folder means significantly reducing the time your client can remain open before reaching the virtual ram limit and make no mistake, there are hundreds of different critical errors with a small summary of the cause of the error, but if the critical table shows 2047MB of RAM, the problem is only 1. Example: I can see 3, 5, 9 critical error with different messages, but if this table is showing 2047MB ram, the reason was the virtual memory limit, an important detail is that this 2047MB ram is not a "fixed message or information from your computer", this 2047MB only appear when the cause is the virtual ram limit, it means that when you get a critical error with random numbers of ram memory appearing, such as 358MB ram, 715MB ram, it means that the cause of this error has no connection with ram virtual memory.
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