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Aion or Lineage 2?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Aion, why? The only this u can do right now on a l2 server is farm and some lame pvp.. this game turned into a lame 3d Mu-Online fukin game. NO MORE FUN!

Aion has thousands of ways to entertain urself and the pvp is just epic, i spent like 3 or 4 days on it and im FUKIN AMAZED, its a fuking mind blower, u have campaign quests and side quests, u can fly from lvl 10 and the worlds dimension and citys.. ah.. basically all artistic features are just bind blowing.

So the only thing to say is.. Aion pwns l2 hard xD and iv been playing l2 for like over 6 years my self.


L2 or l3


stupid statement.

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L2 ... i think AION is better only on graphics



Later L2>AION

Always L2>AION



later? are you a magician? if you are please tell me my future.


Guys first play and then say your obinion:)



i start play aion about some weeks now and it perfect.

Its not like L2.

I suggest you if you really know l2 play aion.

And if you want play you will must learn too much things or if you dont learn the game you will be a NOOB and no like L2 if you dont know L2 you can be the best player just cause of the ++++ armors and the unbalanced servers. If you really dont know some things about aion then you cant be the best.

if you dont stay on l2.


l2 is a very easy game and even on official.

No need to speak for private server and x5k noobservers.


Before i start play aion i say L2. But when i play and i really understand the game and play some pvps;) i really like it!

Now AION ftw!


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