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[Guide]How to setup your own Aion Server!

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Do what i said in ' gameservers ' table.


To create an admin account , login in AION with any account and then go to your database and change the access level of your account.

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i have this problem: so i run the consoles and everything was OK, then i log witch account in the game and the problem appeared when i tried to enter the server it says:"no game server available to the authorization server". HELP ME, PLEASE ! ! !

I'm sure that i was connected to my server because my account appeared into the database.






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After that , when you install your database , open the table ' gameserver ' .


You must see three columns.




In ID you must write the the ID of the gameserver . ( 1 to 60 ) ( each number is a server name )


In MASK you must set the ip where loginserver will search for gameserver.


In PASSWORD you must set any password you want.


Example : 12345 ( be sure that you have the same password as the config files )

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In the config file , put the same password as your db one.


The 12345 password was an example.


in gameserver.network.client.host leave it as it is. ( * )

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man look:

in config file is my db pass

in db ip is

and i still cannot enter the server


Read again what i said to other guys.


I cannot write them again , read my replies in second and third page.

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no, man i still cannot log in the game server! can u pm me with you skype and fix it with team viewer pls?


I haven't skype and i'm working right now.


Follow the steps one by one that i gave to my replies in 2 and 3 page and i'm sure you will login.


If you don't try alone , you won't learn.

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man here are my files if you can find the problem tell me:


# Port that will be used to listen for client connections



# Host that will be used to listen for client connections



# Maximum online players on the server



# Address of login server



# Id of this game server



# Password of this game server

gameserver.network.login.password=my pass here


# Additional threads that are used to read network data



# Additional threads that are used to write network data



# Name of gameserver

gameserver.name=aion private


# Character name pattern to be checked at char creation




# LoginServer will listen for connections on specified port



# LoginServer will bind specified network interface

# * - bind all interfaces



# How many times player can try to login before he get's banned for bruteforcing



# For what time in minutes player should be banned in case of bruteforcing



# Host that will be used by LS to listen for GS connections



# Port that will be used by LS to listen for GS connections



# Nuber of additional threads for NIO that will handle only reading



# Nuber of additional threads for NIO that will handle only writing



# Create accounts automatically or not?





in navicat:

connection name:localhost

host name/ip address:



pass:my pass here


In ae_server_ls ---> tables ---> gameservers

id      mask        password

1 my pass here

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Well , delete all the gameservers that you created in ' gameservers ' table and create again the gameserver.


Be sure to create it with id 1 because in your configs the servername of the gameservers is the server 1.

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Notice that you'll need AionNA client and NOT AionEU and version of When you have AionEU client, you can do 2 things:


1- update your client with the original nclauncher, but in options use NA version. After this you'll need to download a bin32 folder from some private servers out there (google is your friend!) with the no-ip patch (this needed because official is now wich isn't supported at this time by the gameserver).


2- go into the gameserver\config\ folder and edit the gameserver.properties as the follows:


# Server Country Code (cc)



You can use these codes instead of the default "1":  1(NA Client), 2(EU Client), 7(RUS Client)


Regards: Ident




I personally highly recommend everyone that stay as player or use only at localhost when she/he cannot create a quality server. Noone need tons of sh1t servers that l2j had and destroyed not only the game it self, but the whole java community. When you go to the gameserver emulator's forum, do not beg, it is at the very beginning the whole thing, with time it will grow.

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