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Infinite Aion!


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01/13/10 - Updates

1. Fixed offline recall.

2. Slightly reduced spawn times for mobs using the spawn templates (only by about 30 seconds).

3. Redid resistances since the last skill update had broken them.

4. Updated quests for Heiron, Theobomos, Pandaemonium, Brusthonin, and Eltnen.

5. Added some missing spawns for Theobomos, Heiron, and a few other areas.

6. Server side prevention for speaking while dead.

7. Disallowed activation of powershards while in shop mode and while dead.

8. Initial support for repeatable quests added.

9. Fixed certain buffs being able to be cast on npcs.


Update 2:


1. Updated a number of flight and teleporter coords. Most of them were just small adjustments to prevent players from clipping through the terrain when landing.

2. Added missing teleporter to mist mane village to get atop the tree. If there are more that are missing, please post info on them so I can grab them on retail.

3. Updated more bind prices for areas. Adding them as I get them on retail. If anyone knows of a site that has them all listed out, please post in the data collection area.

4. Curse of Roots disabled, again.

5. Fixed issues with duels after update.

6. Fixed certain npcs that weren't showing properly.



01/15/10 - Updates

1. Fixes for shield skills. (Such as stone skin)

2. Fixed a few bugs with certain buffs not stacking with one another.

3. Various quest fixes.

4. Few code optimizations and possible bug fixes.

5. Purged all CHARACTERS that have not been accessed for at least 2 months on Siel. There will be no restoration of purged characters. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. All threads concerning this matter will be purged as well.


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what happened to the server?

even the site and forums cant be accessed since last night.. :((


*can login the game but launcher doesnt show server status

still site and forums are down


Can you play? When I try to login in the game this error apear "Cannot connect to the authorization server", or something like that :(

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I am also with this problem, I have seen some forums that the site server and back also have new link for the site, whether that should have a new launcher for Aion? If anyone knows the link and going back to make it work thanks.

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We had a little DDoS but it's stopped. :) No worries. No matter how much we get DDoS'ed, we're still going to develop and stay ahead of every single other server out there.


Updates 01/20/09 (Version


Postby Erb on Wed Jan 20, 2010 3:34 am

1. We are now compatible with

You MUST use the new launcher. No other method will allow you to connect to Infinite's servers. All posts regarding this change will be DELETED.

You MUST update your client. If you are using with a bin32, you have to delete your bin32 folder then repair your client. Make sure to download the most recent no_ip_restrict file from Fyrre's website ( http://fyyre.ivory-tower.de/ ).

2. Fixed a few npcs that weren't showing up (sanctum teleporters).

3. Fixed casting skills on dead targets.

4. Some Abyss quests updated/added.

5. Fixed a number of npc stats for npcs in Morheim.

6. Added a bunch of missing npcs in Theobomos along with some npc stat updates for more there.

7. Minor update to the magic damage formula.

8. Fixed NPCs that were friendly but allowed you to attack them.

9. Helms will now show.

10. Godstone skill activation added (along with skills that have a chance to activate).

11. Offhand attacks for dual wielding fixed.

12. Resolved the issue of random disconnects for a small number players by redoing some internal safety checks.




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