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[President Obama Could Shutdown the Internet]


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Just How powerful one man, one President could be? He can order National Security and get a Nation wide “Emergency”. But did any one ever heard, President of a country shutting down Internet for the whole world? We are not far.


The second draft of a Senate cybersecurity bill appears to quote a language that would grant President Obama the power to shut down the Internet.




The Senate bill, first introduced in April by Senator John Rockefeller (D-W. Va.), does, however, still include language that gives Obama the authority to direct responses to cyber attacks and declare a “Cyber Emergency”.


The language in the first draft of the bill has been rewritten regarding the President’s authority to shutdown both public and private networks including Internet traffic coming to and from compromised systems.


The original bill included the words:


   “The President may order the limitation or shutdown of Internet traffic to and from any compromised Federal government or United States critical infrastructure information system or network.”



Now that's pretty sick, isnt it? :/

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but does he know the power of MxC that we are going there and burn his home? D:


P.S Please change the red color. I will become blind! O.O

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If internet stop, the world stop! We cannot survive without internet, well i cant :x ( no more mxc, and most important NO MORE PORN!!!! )

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EVERYTHING new is gonna be based on internet.. wifi connections /satalite connections and so.All is INTERNET!

the next Taxi's gonna be based on i-net and GPS"s.. I saw it on discovery! its soooo fucking amazing!

You no driver ,press on the gps where you wanna go and it drives ya and it doesnt unlock the door till you pay xD

if you try to broke anything it locks all and drives u directly to the police station WTF?!


and its gonna be based on i-net.. so obama sucks.

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Come on people this will never happen...So many companies, so much money...(American companies too)...Internet can not become offline.

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Like frank says..so much companies...the world in most part depend by computers..this was a silly joke of president

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Come on people this will never happen...So many companies, so much money...(American companies too)...Internet can not become offline.


1st of all this is a project of law (not a law yet) and as with any law, both the House and Senate would have to pass the bill and the President would have to sign it, so this could really happend in the future. btw is not like title says ¬¬ "turn of the internet" lol, it means he could have the power to order to private networks to shut down if a threat happens.


Like frank says..so much companies...the world in most part depend by computers..this was a silly joke of president


Nope, not a joke at all.

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Omg I dont wanna hear bull-poop aka sh1t. The internet is based on several sub-networks , even if the pentagon servers close other private servers will not.Its not like all of the internet is in 2-3 pcs.

Also they will have problems with almost everything that operates from the internet , from companies to communications and other...

This cannot be done anymore , anyway the america started the internet for the army inicially so I dont think they will or even CAN close it.

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Ahahahahahaha many powerfull companies are based on internet.

I know that you prolly find it paranoic or false but you know,

many companies can DESTROY whole countrys instantly.

You think anyone has the guts to go against em ? Even if

this is real, nothing will happen. Don't be naive and foolish.


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