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What u think about Major Arcana set ?

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Why none posted anything about elemental defences..

Wtf ... is everyone here from x5k server only ?

C'mon people !!! EVERY class with a 150 ( don't even think going vs 300 element )

weapon will 1/3 shoot a mage in dc/taLUM/MJ.

Im not kidding and im not making things up. YOU'LL GET ONE TO THREE SHOOTED

WITHOUT ANY ELEMENTAL DEFENCES. (you will get 1 stabed even if you got em tho...) .


Btw + on Koyuki's posts.

Ma is for ideal for extended grinding / farming. Don't even think the matk, the mp from the grade diference

is enough.


Dc WAS the best before gracia. Now (with 300 weapons) you just can't pvp without s or s80 grades.


good point i forgot to mention MA supports stones and DC robe doesnt lol

one more point for Major Arcana


i had one with +++ holy and was awesome

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