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Tools From Hint


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These tool can be found in this link:










L2Newbie (154kb)


Patch, which makes it possible to create through bot L2Walker of chara with any exterior view and any profession (Gnome- magician, Ork- spoiler and t.d.)


Side effect - MP and HP are not restored.




Cost of program - 20WMZ




Info: http://msfu.net.ru/exbb/topic.php?forum=22&topic=15








Elmore SS/SPS Craft (165kb)








Makes it possible to autocraft with bot SSD/SSC/BSPSD/BSPSC without the dual expenditure of resources.


DEMO- version! Only for prescription SSD!






Cost of program - 5 WMZ




Info: http://msfu.net.ru/exbb/topic.php?forum=22&topic=6








EngineExt (2kb)




Obtains Token and Protocol Version from Engine.dll (it works with the packed dlls).




Info: http://msfu.net.ru/exbb/topic.php?forum=22&topic=4








L2Hint (222kb)




Convenient utility, which reflects status of server Lineage2. It is possible to dispose under any of shard. (?)




Info: http://msfu.net.ru/exbb/topic.php?forum=22&topic=14








HTML For L2Walker (163kb)




It makes it possible to use HTML-bag through bot L2Walker (to find and edit HTML code of dialogues with NPCs and prescriptions)




Info: http://msfu.net.ru/exbb/topic.php?forum=22&topic=3








LA2LVL (409 Kb)




This utility shows the levels of players directly in game LineAge2




Info: http://msfu.net.ru/exbb/topic.php?forum=13&topic=1








Pick For L2Walker (159kb)




Patch, which forbits the bot to pickup item "ANCHOR" (visible only with bot,its a way admins use it to ban bots)


It is accessible DEMO- version (see infos)!




Cost of program - 5 WMZ




Info: http://msfu.net.ru/exbb/topic.php?forum=22&topic=2








Token (42kb)




Patch, which will help you to dispose bot L2Walker under your server. Changes token in AP of bot by the necessary.


It also disconnects gmlist in L2Walker 10.4.9




Info: http://msfu.net.ru/exbb/topic.php?forum=22&topic=5








For more infos pm Hint,(or reply here for english) or visit his site (Russian)

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I use L2Hint, you can set it for your server, it's easy. You can also use it to show status of two server (but just login or game server for each one). Nice tool if like me you play on servers that has some downtimes.

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Anyone can help others to play in the game with any way (adena, weapons, armors etc). But here is deferent. Some ppl here has age<18


so they can't pay for that. some others don't wanna pay for this (one of them is me because i wanna try it, but if i have to pay, i prefer to play on official :P). So if anyone have pay to get this we 'll be glad if he give them to us ;)

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