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I hope you like it :)


Credits is going to DragonHunter because I wrote them self



No Weight Limit

UPDATE armor SET weight=0;
UPDATE etcitem SET weight=0;
UPDATE weapon SET weight=0;
UPDATE custom_armor SET weight=0;
UPDATE custom_etcitem SET weight=0;
UPDATE custom_weapon SET weight=0;



Customize your guards

UPDATE npc SET level='85' where type='L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET hp='30000' where type='L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET mp='30000' where type='L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET patk='30000' where type='L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET pdef='10000' where type='L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET mdef='10000' where type='L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET title='Customized Guard' where type='L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET serverSideTitle='1' where type='L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET serverSideTitle='1' where type='L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET rhand='0' where type='L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET lhand='0' where type='L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET runspd='300' where type='L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET ss='1' where type='L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET bss='1' where type='L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET ss_rate='100' where type='L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET attackrange='100' where type='L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET aggro='5000' where type='L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET str='100' where type='L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET con='100' where type='L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET dex='100' where type='L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET wit='100' where type='L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET men='100' where type='L2Guard';
UPDATE npc SET str='100' where type='L2Guard';



Make mobs stronger

UPDATE npc SET level='85' where id='******';
UPDATE npc SET aggro='200' where id='******';
UPDATE `npc` SET `patk` = `patk` * 3 where id='******'; -- 3x the P.Atk
UPDATE `npc` SET `matk` = `matk` * 2 where id='******'; -- 3x the M.Atk

by Monster Type:
-- This is maybe not handy because every mob in the game will have these settings!
-- Even level 1 mobs :P
UPDATE npc SET level='85' where type='L2Monster';
UPDATE npc SET aggro='200' where type='L2Monster';
UPDATE `npc` SET `hp` = `hp` * 2 where type='L2Monster'; -- 2x the HP
UPDATE `npc` SET `patk` = `patk` * 3 where type='L2Monster'; -- 3x the P.Atk
UPDATE `npc` SET `matk` = `matk` * 2 where type='L2Monster'; -- 3x the M.Atk



Automatic Server Restart:

INSERT INTO global_tasks(task,type,last_activation,param1,param2,param3) VALUES 
('restart', 'TYPE_GLOBAL_TASK', '2147483647', '1', '00:00:00', '300'); -- At 00:00 in the night he will do a server restart players will have 5 minutes to logout

INSERT INTO global_tasks(task,type,last_activation,param1,param2,param3) VALUES 
('restart', 'TYPE_GLOBAL_TASK', '2147483647', '1', '12:00:00', '300');-- At 12:00 in the midday he will do a server restart players will have 5 minutes to logout



Make all Raidbosses stronger:

-- Baium
UPDATE npc SET level='85' where id='29020';
UPDATE npc SET title='Improved Raid' where id='29020';
UPDATE npc SET serverSideTitle='1' where id='29020';
UPDATE npc SET aggro='1000' where id='29020';
UPDATE `npc` SET `patk` = `patk` * 3 where id='29020';
UPDATE `npc` SET `matk` = `matk` * 2 where id='29020';

-- Zaken
UPDATE npc SET level='85' where id='29022';
UPDATE npc SET title='Improved Raid' where id='29022';
UPDATE npc SET serverSideTitle='1' where id='29022';
UPDATE npc SET aggro='1000' where id='29022';
UPDATE `npc` SET `patk` = `patk` * 3 where id='29022';
UPDATE `npc` SET `matk` = `matk` * 2 where id='29022';

-- Queen Ant
UPDATE npc SET level='85' where id='29001';
UPDATE npc SET title='Improved Raid' where id='2901';
UPDATE npc SET serverSideTitle='1' where id='29001';
UPDATE npc SET aggro='1000' where id='29001';
UPDATE `npc` SET `patk` = `patk` * 3 where id='29001';
UPDATE `npc` SET `matk` = `matk` * 2 where id='29001';

-- Core
UPDATE npc SET level='85' where id='29006';
UPDATE npc SET title='Improved Raid' where id='29006';
UPDATE npc SET serverSideTitle='1' where id='29006';
UPDATE npc SET aggro='1000' where id='29006';
UPDATE `npc` SET `patk` = `patk` * 3 where id='29006';
UPDATE `npc` SET `matk` = `matk` * 2 where id='29006';

-- Orfen
UPDATE npc SET level='85' where id='29014';
UPDATE npc SET title='Improved Raid' where id='29014';
UPDATE npc SET serverSideTitle='1' where id='29014';
UPDATE npc SET aggro='1000' where id='29014';
UPDATE `npc` SET `patk` = `patk` * 3 where id='29014';
UPDATE `npc` SET `matk` = `matk` * 2 where id='29014';

-- Antharas
UPDATE npc SET level='85' where id='29019';
UPDATE npc SET title='Improved Raid' where id='29019';
UPDATE npc SET serverSideTitle='1' where id='29019';
UPDATE npc SET aggro='1000' where id='29019';
UPDATE `npc` SET `patk` = `patk` * 3 where id='29019';
UPDATE `npc` SET `matk` = `matk` * 2 where id='29019';

-- Valakas
UPDATE npc SET level='85' where id='29028';
UPDATE npc SET title='Improved Raid' where id='29028';
UPDATE npc SET serverSideTitle='1' where id='29028';
UPDATE npc SET aggro='1000' where id='29028';
UPDATE `npc` SET `patk` = `patk` * 3 where id='29028';
UPDATE `npc` SET `matk` = `matk` * 2 where id='29028';

-- Frintezza
UPDATE npc SET level='85' where id='29045';
UPDATE npc SET title='Improved Raid' where id='29045';
UPDATE npc SET serverSideTitle='1' where id='29045';
UPDATE npc SET aggro='0' where id='29045'; -- 0 = Retail... I think
UPDATE `npc` SET `patk` = `patk` * 3 where id='29045';
UPDATE `npc` SET `matk` = `matk` * 2 where id='29045';

-- Scarlet van Halisha - Transformation 1
UPDATE npc SET level='85' where id='29046';
UPDATE npc SET title='Improved Raid' where id='29046';
UPDATE npc SET serverSideTitle='1' where id='29046';
UPDATE npc SET aggro='1000' where id='29046';
UPDATE `npc` SET `patk` = `patk` * 3 where id='29046';
UPDATE `npc` SET `matk` = `matk` * 2 where id='29046';

-- Scarlet van Halisha - Transformation 2
UPDATE npc SET level='85' where id='29047';
UPDATE npc SET title='Improved Raid' where id='29047';
UPDATE npc SET serverSideTitle='1' where id='29047';
UPDATE npc SET aggro='1000' where id='29047';
UPDATE `npc` SET `patk` = `patk` * 3 where id='29047';
UPDATE `npc` SET `matk` = `matk` * 2 where id='29047';


Ban Account IP:

UPDATE accounts SET accessLevel=-100 where lastIP='IP HERE';


Un-Ban all IP's and players

UPDATE accounts SET accessLevel=0 where accesslevel=-100;
UPDATE characters SET accesslevel=0 where accesslevel=-100;


Delete an Item from the players inventory:

-- Only use this when something realy wrong is going on because in every inventory this item will be deleted!
DELETE FROM items WHERE item_id = 'ITEM ID';



Remove skills from the skill tree:

DELETE FROM skill_trees WHERE skill_id = '****';


Remove all the monument of heroes:

DELETE FROM spawnlist WHERE npc_templateid = '31690';


Make the raidbosses easier

-- Baium
UPDATE `npc` SET `hp` = `hp` / 2 where id='29020';
-- Zaken
UPDATE `npc` SET `hp` = `hp` / 2 where id='29022';
-- Queen Ant
UPDATE `npc` SET `hp` = `hp` / 2 where id='29001';
-- Core
UPDATE `npc` SET `hp` = `hp` / 2 where id='29006';
-- Orfen
UPDATE `npc` SET `hp` = `hp` / 2 where id='29014';
-- Antharas
UPDATE `npc` SET `hp` = `hp` / 2 where id='29019';
-- Valakas
UPDATE `npc` SET `hp` = `hp` / 2 where id='29028';
-- Frintezza
UPDATE `npc` SET `hp` = `hp` / 2 where id='29045';
-- Scarlet van Halisha - Transformation 1
UPDATE `npc` SET `hp` = `hp` / 2 where id='29046';
-- Scarlet van Halisha - Transformation 2
UPDATE `npc` SET `hp` = `hp` / 2 where id='29047';



Remove all the heroes stats (L2 Emu)

UPDATE characters_custom_data SET hero='0' where hero='1';



Remove the XP/SP for skill enchants

UPDATE enchant_skill_trees SET sp=0;
UPDATE enchant_skill_trees SET exp=0;



Un-Jail all the players

UPDATE characters SET in_jail='0';
UPDATE characters SET jail_timer='0';



Make all the pets stronger

-- This could be handy for a high-rate server with custom items
-- It will make the pets 50% stronger
UPDATE `npc` SET `hp` = `hp` * 1.5 where type='L2Pet';
UPDATE `npc` SET `mp` = `mp` * 1.5 where type='L2Pet';
UPDATE `npc` SET `patk` = `patk` * 1.5 where type='L2Pet';
UPDATE `npc` SET `matk` = `matk` * 1.5 where type='L2Pet';
UPDATE `npc` SET `pdef` = `pdef` * 1.5 where type='L2Pet';
UPDATE `npc` SET `mdef` = `mdef` * 1.5 where type='L2Pet';
UPDATE `npc` SET `runspd` = `runspd` * 1.5 where type='L2Pet';



If you want to remove the mobs between a level of...10 - 60 (Its long time ago but I think around level 10-60 mobs)

This can highly improve your server load time

Use it for high-rate servers


www.wde.wargodsnetwork.com/delete not used mobs.zip


OMAGAD nice [share][guide]i think its is....very nice man some  of them they are really helpfull


where u found them ?



OMAGAD nice [share][guide]i hink its is....very nice man some  of them they are really helpfull


where u found them ?



I wrote them self, Learning some SQL is handy for a server admin ;)


nice 1 DragonHunter thx.

U can add initial itens in the inventory plz.

here's a custom initial itens,but i need to put items in inventory like tutorial book:

-- this sql updates db to make diff intial items.
update char_templates set `items1`=  24 where `ClassName` in ( 'Human Fighter','Elf Fighter','DE Fighter','Orc Fighter','Dwarf Fighter'); -- chest/ bone breast plate
update char_templates set `items2`=  31 where `ClassName` in ( 'Human Fighter','Elf Fighter','DE Fighter','Orc Fighter','Dwarf Fighter'); --  legs/ bone gaiters
update char_templates set `items3`= 219 where  `ClassName` in ( 'Human Fighter','Elf Fighter','DE Fighter','Orc Fighter','Dwarf Fighter'); --  sword breaker
update char_templates set `items4`=  44  where `ClassName` in ( 'Human Fighter','Elf Fighter','DE Fighter','Orc Fighter','Dwarf Fighter');-- leather helmet
update char_templates set `items5`= 38  where `ClassName` in ( 'Human Fighter','Elf Fighter','DE Fighter','Orc Fighter','Dwarf Fighter');--  low boots

update char_templates set `items1`=  430 where `ClassName` in ('Human Mage','Elf Mage','DE Mage','Orc Mage'); --robe of evotion, 
update char_templates set `items2`=  1104 where `ClassName`  in ('Human Mage','Elf Mage','DE Mage','Orc Mage'); -- stocking of devotion 
update char_templates set `items3`=  100 where `ClassName` in ('Human Mage','Elf Mage','DE Mage','Orc Mage');  --vood do dool 
update char_templates set `items4`=  49 where `ClassName` in ('Human Mage','Elf Mage','DE Mage','Orc Mage');  -- gloves
update char_templates set `items5`=  44 where `ClassName` in ('Human Mage','Elf Mage','DE Mage','Orc Mage');-- leather helmet

You can add this please?

Thx in advanced :)

This topic is now closed to further replies.

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    • Where I can buy a cheap domain .com? cheapest I found was on Godaddy for 12 euro and Hostinger for 10 euro.
    • Hello everyone, here's a simple and useful idea for any type of server.   This code applies a discount when a player makes a purchase inside a clan’s castle or clan hall, offering a benefit to clan members who own a castle or clan hall. Important: Merchant transactions must be handled through multisell, not buylist. The discount is directly applied within the multisell, so the price shown is already reduced.   "For example, if a scroll costs 1000 Adena and you set a 20% discount in the config, the final price when purchasing inside a castle or clan hall will be 800 Adena."   This code is developed on the public aCis 401 revision.   public static int CLAN_BASE_OWNERSHIP_MERCHANT_DISCOUNT; CLAN_BASE_OWNERSHIP_MERCHANT_DISCOUNT = clans.getProperty("ClanBaseOwnershipMechantDiscount", 20); # If clan owns a clan hall or castle, all members have a discount of X% at merchant transactions (multisell). # Discount applies only inside the base (castle or clan hall). ClanBaseOwnershipMechantDiscount = 20   /** diff --git a/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/data/xml/MultisellData.java b/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/data/xml/MultisellData.java index 556e111..bbf8e69 100644 --- a/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/data/xml/MultisellData.java +++ b/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/data/xml/MultisellData.java @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ do { // send list at least once even if size = 0 - player.sendPacket(new MultiSellList(list, index)); + player.sendPacket(new MultiSellList(list, index, player)); index += PAGE_SIZE; } while (index < list.getEntries().size()); diff --git a/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/clientpackets/MultiSellChoose.java b/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/clientpackets/MultiSellChoose.java index 7c82c5b..1654abc 100644 --- a/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/clientpackets/MultiSellChoose.java +++ b/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/clientpackets/MultiSellChoose.java @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import net.sf.l2j.Config; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.enums.FloodProtector; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.enums.StatusType; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.enums.ZoneId; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.enums.items.CrystalType; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.Augmentation; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.Player; @@ -225,6 +226,20 @@ return; } + if (player.isInsideZone(ZoneId.CLAN_HALL) && player.getClan() != null && player.getClan().hasClanHall()) + { + e.setItemCount(e.getItemCount() * (100 - Config.CLAN_BASE_OWNERSHIP_MERCHANT_DISCOUNT) / 100); + if (e.getItemCount() == 0) + e.setItemCount(1); + } + + if (player.isInsideZone(ZoneId.CASTLE) && player.getClan() != null && player.getClan().hasCastle()) + { + e.setItemCount(e.getItemCount() * (100 - Config.CLAN_BASE_OWNERSHIP_MERCHANT_DISCOUNT) / 100); + if (e.getItemCount() == 0) + e.setItemCount(1); + } + if (Config.BLACKSMITH_USE_RECIPES || !e.getMaintainIngredient()) { // if it's a stackable item, just reduce the amount from the first (only) instance that is found in the inventory diff --git a/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/serverpackets/MultiSellList.java b/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/serverpackets/MultiSellList.java index 9269b06..c6102a0 100644 --- a/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/serverpackets/MultiSellList.java +++ b/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/serverpackets/MultiSellList.java @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ import static net.sf.l2j.gameserver.data.xml.MultisellData.PAGE_SIZE; +import net.sf.l2j.Config; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.enums.ZoneId; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.Player; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.multisell.Entry; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.multisell.Ingredient; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.multisell.ListContainer; @@ -15,7 +18,9 @@ private boolean _finished; - public MultiSellList(ListContainer list, int index) + private Player _player; + + public MultiSellList(ListContainer list, int index, Player player) { _list = list; _index = index; @@ -28,6 +33,8 @@ } else _finished = true; + + _player = player; } @Override @@ -74,7 +81,14 @@ { writeH(ing.getItemId()); writeH(ing.getTemplate() != null ? ing.getTemplate().getType2() : 65535); - writeD(ing.getItemCount()); + + if (_player.isInsideZone(ZoneId.CLAN_HALL) && _player.getClan() != null && _player.getClan().hasClanHall()) + writeD((ing.getItemCount() * (100 - Config.CLAN_BASE_OWNERSHIP_MERCHANT_DISCOUNT) / 100) < 1 ? 1 : ing.getItemCount() * 80 / 100); + else if (_player.isInsideZone(ZoneId.CASTLE) && _player.getClan() != null && _player.getClan().hasCastle()) + writeD((ing.getItemCount() * (100 - Config.CLAN_BASE_OWNERSHIP_MERCHANT_DISCOUNT) / 100) < 1 ? 1 : ing.getItemCount() * 80 / 100); + else + writeD(ing.getItemCount()); + writeH(ing.getEnchantLevel()); writeD(0x00); // TODO: i.getAugmentId() writeD(0x00); // TODO: i.getManaLeft()  
    • DISCORD : utchiha_market telegram : https://t.me/utchiha_market SELLIX STORE : https://utchihamkt.mysellix.io/ Join our server for more products : https://discord.gg/uthciha-services https://campsite.bio/utchihaamkt
    • WTB EXP ETERNAL 10x new dm.
    • This project is based on the latest public aCis sources (revision 401) and supports a multi-client system (C4 & IL), making it suitable for custom usage but not for retail.   You can configure the SelectedClient option in server.properties and loginserver.properties to switch between C4 and IL.  Both clients are fully synchronized, including login, server selection, packets, and geodata.   Notable Features: - Completed the login and server selection phase for both clients. - Synchronized all packets to support both clients (including some specific features). - Reworked the datapack and SQL files (excluding HTML files) to work seamlessly with both clients. - Added geodata support for both clients. - Adapted nearly all AI, scripts, bosses, HTML, and MULTISELL files to match C4 functionality. - Reduced the maximum clan level from 8 to 5 (C4 feature). - Rewrote clan HTML to remove C5-C6 features.   Disabled the following C5 and C6 features: - Divine Inspiration (C6 feature). - Clan skills and clan reputation points (C5 feature). - Pledge class (C5 feature). - Hero skills (C5 feature). - Dueling system (C6 feature). - Augmentations (C6 feature). - Cursed weapons (C5-C6 feature).   General Improvements: - Performed a general HTML cleanup and optimized features based on the client version. - Added an option to display the remaining time of disabled skills. - Skill timestamps now update when using the skill list.   This flexibility allows you to create a unique progression system tailored to your needs. The price for the diff patch, which can be applied to aCis public sources, is €150. For inquiries, please contact me via PM or Discord (ID: @Luminous).
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