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interlude [Interlude L2J] Fully FRESHED and WIPED Line][Age DeathWhisper PvP


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I Will just say something for all you to understand..


1)Server is getting old , and he has already gained a perfect reputation and everyone has a chance to get good equipments , , ,

2)There won't be any wipe bcause if there will be , not only the "good" players will leave , but , and those who just started to gain items.

3)Yes lately some russian bastards try to hack this server , i will say u only one thing..DeathWhisper is one of the most protected Interlude L2J servers around and you all know that..The stability problems lately i think is because admins are on vocations :)


Just think it :)



Join all www.l2deathwhisper.com


Thanks for that. Well, actually we are not on vacation but you know, it's summer time...Anyway, about those Russians, we're trying to do our best to protect our server for one more time.

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Thanks for that. Well, actually we are not on vacation but you know, it's summer time...Anyway, about those Russians, we're trying to do our best to protect our server for one more time.

I'm sure that u will for one more time..
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[GR]dn ine atuxos apla dn kseri na pezi akou eki bison pff hawk ftw re niose

[GR]: Nαι εσυ θα μου πεις τι τους εκανα εγω με Tyrant ...

Αλλα το προβλημα ειναι οτι με κανεις το ιδιο και το ιδιο, γι'αυτο κατανταει βαρετο.


Α και κάτι αλλό.

Τσεκαρα καποια skills, arena χωρις buffs και ολα +0 ετσι γεια να δω τη παιζει, και διαπιστωσα οτι πολλα απο τα skill δεν λειτουργουν σωστα.Γεια παραδειγμα, το Sand Bomb του daggera, 5-6 φορες το κανα και δεν επειασε, να μου πεις τι να το κανεις αυτο το skill σε pvp server, αλλα απλα το λεω πληροφοριακα. Το ιδιο και με το Bluff lolz, ποσες φορες και τιποτε.


Παντως το σιγουρο με  αυτο τον server ειναι πως δεν θα βρεις BUGS !

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[GR] re unfecct mhn les tetoia pragmata buggs vgainoun kathe mera olo kai kapoio tha pianei isws o svr na exei 85% apo ta bugs fix alla oxi oti den tha vreis kanena

[GR]: Ε καλυτερο απο τους αλλους servers που ειναι Full στα buggs.Και ξερεις τi συμβαινει ? Τα members εδω στο Forum κανουν τη δουλεια για τους Mods, πηγαινουν, βρησκουν new buggs, τα ποσταρουν εδω και εγινε Fix στους sticky servers(Δηλαδη στους servers των Mods).

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No guys....you forgot that deathwhisper is pvp server

it did its <<circle>>and now its going down...absolutely normal

for a pvp server....

i remember that DW was even on 7th on hopzone

now i dont now exactly but it seems it will die soon

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