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Let's stop the stupid topics around here, okay?


If you're going to ask something, be at least decent. This is a nice forum, I like the SMF system and the speed is very nice. Not to mention the tools and everything.


A few people here are cool, but what the fuck, this place is fullfilled with noobs. So what you REAL coders think about we just start settling a few more rigid rules around here when it comes to "PLIX PLOX SERWER FILES" topics?


...Your thoughts on the matter please.

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pyromaker you are right man!forum is great and admin here rox!


the only problem in what you say is that not everybody use the SEARCH ablity('cause he is boring doing that) and then forum is bombed with useless posts about a thread that already exists not only 1 time but many.


for instance some ppl insist that there are bugs when enchanting weapons...Thats my specialty but because it happened to someone a weapon to be further enchanted more than they expected they believe it is a bug!the conclusion is that the forum gets spammed by some posts USELESS!if there will happen to find a weapon enchanting bug be assured that you ll learn it soon enough


i dont name anybody as noob but at least you can avoid other ppl name you that by thinking before post....


ps i am not moderator or goldmember or admin but i say my opinion

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Let's stop the stupid topics around here, okay?


If you're going to ask something, be at least decent. This is a nice forum, I like the SMF system and the speed is very nice. Not to mention the tools and everything.


A few people here are cool, but what the -beep-, this place is fullfilled with noobs. So what you REAL coders think about we just start settling a few more rigid rules around here when it comes to "PLIX PLOX SERWER FILES" topics?


...Your thoughts on the matter please.


i agree with you...(i am one of the noobs) but more than 60% of the ppls like to ask and to answer in their topic they think that will be more faster...(like me) so my point is just when there is enough help just closing the topic and Remove! :) ..


ps i am not moderator or goldmember or admin but i say my opinion (nobleman sry for copy/paste) :P

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Heheh, it is nice to answer to noobs 5-10 times, but it gets on your nervers when they spam your inbox or your topics... I think that some1 should take care of cleaning such topics and telling them that PM is not the solution of their problems. I saw one post of some1 who was lazy and hell, when some1 linked him to a guide, he said he was bored of reading it. Just lol... I like running and helping around, spamming that post button, and modify too :P but i hate when somebody isn't listening. I learned everything by myself, i did it, and others are too lazy to read an 1 page guide? It is getting noobish.


[off topic]

Btw, pyromaker nice server :)

And as for the SMF, i prefer xoops with IPB for forums, or at least tinyportal/joomla + smf :P (simply because it doesn't need a script like ipb+ xoops - so no $$$)

[/off topic]

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Guest Thanos47

I think we can doing this i have see on a other site to write a requst and no noob request becausei hate the guys dont use the search ,to need have 20-30 post for a request if the guy dont listen the rule ban acc and the topic thats is hard but it will be grate ;)

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i think that SEARCH should size/move up a little!somewhere where everybody can see it and use it.this way useless posts will be reduced

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Guest Thanos47

i was have a topic on spam topic but is deleted i say doing something to see the search and more the site will crash if they dont stop we was speak for days aout enchant bug and we say we cant find and one hour after u see a topic plz give me bug for +16 for this sserver and all and with 1 post this guy!doing something eleoc dld re niko ....

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i was have a topic on spam topic but is deleted i say doing something to see the search and more the site will crash if they dont stop we was speak for days aout enchant bug and we say we cant find and one hour after u see a topic plz give me bug for +16 for this sserver and all and with 1 post this guy!doing something eleoc dld re niko ....

Teach my this language just as Koyfo said,,,,Owned...Copyright..

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Guest TheVortex

a few more rigid rules around here when it comes to "PLIX PLOX SERWER FILES" topics?


Rofl ? what do u mean here?



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