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Hey, i want to sell my L2JAcis custom pvp server ready for open.

If u need any other information just contact me in skype: royaluuu, discord: MaDaFTW#8751, or pm here in mxc forum.

PM Me if u want to check server gameplay.

Price: 110e Server Pack/Patch/Source.





Custom Server Configs:




# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# AntiFeed
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# This option will enable antifeed for pvp/pk/clanrep points.
# Default: False
AntiFeedEnable = False

# If set to True, kills from dualbox will not increase pvp/pk points
# and clan reputation will not be transferred.
# Default: True
AntiFeedDualbox = False

# If set to True, server will count disconnected (unable to determine ip address) as dualbox.
# Default: True
AntiFeedDisconnectedAsDualbox = False

# If character died faster than timeout - pvp/pk points for killer will not increase
# and clan reputation will not be transferred.
# Setting to 0 will disable this feature.
# Default: 120 seconds.
AntiFeedInterval = 30

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Dualbox Check
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Maximum number of players per IP address allowed to enter game.
# Default: 0 (unlimited)
DualboxCheckMaxPlayersPerIP = 0

# Maximum number of players per IP address allowed to participate in olympiad.
# Default: 0 (unlimited)
DualboxCheckMaxOlympiadParticipantsPerIP = 0

# Maximum number of players per IP address allowed to participate in events.
# Default: 0 (unlimited)
DualboxCheckMaxEventParticipantsPerIP = 0

# Whitelist of the addresses for dualbox checks.
# Default:,0 (no limits from localhost)
# DualboxCheckWhitelist =,0;192,168.1.11,0;192.168.0,0;192.168.1,0;,0;,0
DualboxCheckWhitelist =,0

#                    Auto Vote Reward System

# Enable auto vote reward system.
AutoVoteRewardSystem = True

# Auto vote reward each X votes.
AutoVoteRewardEach = 5

# Auto vote reward check every X minutes.
AutoVoteRewardChecks = 5

# Auto vote reward items each time.
AutoVoteRewardItem = 6673-5;7179-250

# Auto vote reward boxes quantity allowed to be rewarded per IP.
AutoVoteBoxesAllowed = 1

#If You Want To Dissable Any Site Just Delete The Link After =
AutoVoteHopZoneLink = https://l2.hopzone.net/lineage2/details/104756/L2-Galion
AutoVoteNetWorkLink = 

#                    Augment Slot System

# Allow augment slot system.
EnableAugmentSlotSystem = True

# Maximum slot
AugmentSlotMaximum = 3

# Price per slot (Format: itemId-count)
AugmentSlotPrice = 55500-500

#Amount of adenas that a new character is given, default is 100
StartingAdena = 543000000

# ============================================================
#            Starting Title
# ============================================================
AllowStartTitle = True
StartTitle = L2Galion.com

# ============================================================
#            Starting Level
# ============================================================
#Default = False
AllowStartLevel = True
StartingLevel = 80

# ============================================================
#            New Character Location
# ============================================================
# Set this to True if you want to add a custom spawn location for ALL new characters.
CustomSpawn = True
NewCoordinates = 82585,148600,-3472

#        Delete Augment On Change Wep
# Augments Active and Passive skills delete on change weapon
DeleteAgmentPassiveEffectOnChangeWep = True
DeleteAgmentActiveEffectOnChangeWep = False

#        Remove items at subclass
# When you change/add subclass the weapon is unequipped
# Default: False
RemoveWeaponSubclass = True
# When you change/add subclass the chest is unequipped
# Default: False
RemoveChestSubclass = True
# When you change/add subclass the leg is unequipped
# Default: False
RemoveLegSubclass = True

# Recharge skills before match starts and after match ends
AltRechargeSkills = True

# This config is for winners of olympiad period (ON) or current winners (OFF) per class
AltShowMonthlyWinners = True

# This is a config that you change the seconds of Restore CP/HP/MP
# Default: 20
AltOlyRestoreInSecondCountdown = 20

# Enable/Disable Flag On RB Zones #
FlagRbZones = True

# Announce RB Spawn  #
AnnounceRbSpawn = True

#         Announce Grandboss status.
# Ex: If status for Antharas/Valakas/Frintezza change to 2 player get announce:
# Grandbossname is engaged in battle.
# If status changed to 3: Grandbossname has been killed. Type .epic for details!
# For Baium if status change to 1 - Baium is awake and fighting.
# All Grandboses respawned - Grandbossname is spawned in the world!
AnnounceGrandBossStatus = True

#             Announce when Rb died
AnnounceDeadRb = True

# Allow Grand Bosses Teleport #
AllowGrandBossesTeleport = True

#        Olympiad PvP Kills Limits
# If Enable, players with pvp kills less than "x" can't join olympiad.
PvPKillsOlympiadLimits = True
PvPKills = 10

#     Time in seconds for /unstuck
UnstuckTime = 10

# Soe location Include BSOE/SOE/unstuck
SoeToMainTown = True
SoeLocation = 83480,148614,-3407

#                          Chat
# Players with level less than "x" can't use Chat or Global or Trade Chat.
AllowPvPChat = True
PvPsToTalkOnShout = 10
PvPsToTalkOnTrade = 10

# Restriction words on chat. Words will be replalced with (****).
ChatRestrictionWords = True
ChatRestrictionWordsList = l2damage;fuck;l2;fail;server;www;l2gold;suck;lick;

#                Skill Time Config
# When the reads, buff, and their duration.
# Format: id_skill time; id_skill2, time2 ;....
# Example:
# SkillDurationList = 264,3600; 265,3600; 266,3600; 267,3600; 268,3600; \
# 269.3600, 270.3600, 304.3600, 305.1200, 306.3600, 308.3600, 349.3600; \
# 363.3600, 364.3600
# Default: False
EnableModifySkillDuration = True
SkillDurationList = 264,10800;265,10800;266,10800;267,10800;268,10800;\

# Allow player to add/change subclass at all village master
# Default: False
AltSubclassEverywhere = True

# ============================================================
#            No Attack Npcs
# ============================================================
# If True ActiveChar will not be able to Attack the Listed Npc Types.
DisableAttackToNpcs = True

# List of NPC's that allow casting skills on them
# Any other type will not allow casting
AllowedNPCTypes = GrandBoss,Chest,FestivalMonster,Minion,Monster,Pet,RaidBoss,SiegeGuard,SiegeNpc,ControlTower,Artefact,PenaltyMonster,FeedableBeast,SiegeFlag,RiftInvader,Guard,GuardNoHTML

#             Clan Full Command
# Enable and Disable Command //clanfull
EnableClanSystem = True

# List of Skills reward for clan usage //clanfull
# Format : skillid,skilllvl;skillid2,skilllvl2;....skillidn,skilllvln
ClanSkills = 370,3;371,3;372,3;373,3;374,3;375,3;376,3;377,3;378,3;379,3;380,3;381,3;382,3;383,3;384,3;385,3;386,3;387,3;388,3;389,3;390,3;391,3;

# LvL Clan Reward Usage //clanfull
ClanSetLevel = 8

# Quantity Reputation Points Reward for usage //clanfull
ReputationScore = 25000

#             Player P.Atk & M.Atk speed
# Set the value for P.Atk and M.atk speed. Default: 2000
PAtkSpeed = 1500
MAtkSpeed = 1999

# Boss engine settings

# Valakas respawn time (HH:MM)
ValakasRespawn = 21:00
# When is true you can use 24/hour system... When is false boss will respawn after respawn time
# Example ValakasRespawn = 60:00 ValakasRespawnTimeIsStatic = false. Valakas will respawn after 60 hours
ValakasRespawnTimeIsStatic = false
# Valakas random spawn (minutes)
# ValakasRandomSpawnIncreasedTimeOnly will increase only random time if random spawn time is up to 00 value
ValakasRandomSpawnPositiveTimeOnly = true
# For example if you put 60, respawn time will be 7 hours (+1/-1) hour
ValakasRandomSpawn = 20
# Valakas npc id
ValakasID = 65000
# Valakas spawn location
ValakasLoc = 213368,-114312,-1632

# Antharas respawn time (HH:MM)
AntharasRespawn = 21:00
# When is true you can use 24/hour system... When is false boss will respawn after respawn time
# Example AntharasRespawn = 48:00 AntharasRespawnTimeIsStatic = false. Antharas will respawn after 48 hours
AntharasRespawnTimeIsStatic = false
# Antharas random spawn (minutes)
# AntharasRandomSpawnIncreasedTimeOnly will increase only random time if random spawn time is up to 00 value
AntharasRandomSpawnPositiveTimeOnly = true
# For example if you put 60, respawn time will be 7 hours (+1/-1) hour
AntharasRandomSpawn = 20
# Antharas npc id
AntharasID = 65001
# Antharas spawn location
AntharasLoc = 178056,114872,-7704

# Baium respawn time (HH:MM)
BaiumRespawn = 20:00
BaiumRespawnTimeIsStatic = false
# Baium random spawn (minutes)
# BaiumRandomSpawnIncreasedTimeOnly will increase only random time if random spawn time is up to 00 value
BaiumRandomSpawnPositiveTimeOnly = true
# For example if you put 60, respawn time will be 7 hours (+1/-1) hour
BaiumRandomSpawn = 20
# Baium npc id
BaiumID = 65002
# Baium spawn location
BaiumLoc = 115416,16872,10080

# Zaken respawn time (HH:MM)
ZakenRespawn = 20:00
ZakenRespawnTimeIsStatic = false
# Zaken random spawn (minutes)
# ZakenRandomSpawnIncreasedTimeOnly will increase only random time if random spawn time is up to 00 value
ZakenRandomSpawnPositiveTimeOnly = true
# For example if you put 60, respawn time will be 7 hours (+1/-1) hour
ZakenRandomSpawn = 20
# Zaken npc id
ZakenID = 65003
# Zaken spawn location
ZakenLoc = 81624,-15528,-1840

# QA respawn time (HH:MM)
QARespawn = 19:00
QARespawnTimeIsStatic = false
# QA random spawn (minutes)
# QARandomSpawnIncreasedTimeOnly will increase only random time if random spawn time is up to 00 value
QARandomSpawnPositiveTimeOnly = true
# For example if you put 60, respawn time will be 7 hours (+1/-1) hour
QARandomSpawn = 20
# QA npc id
QAID = 65004
# QA spawn location
QALoc = -21610,181594,-5729

# Frintezza respawn time (HH:MM)
FrintezzaRespawn = 23:00
FrintezzaRespawnTimeIsStatic = false
# Frintezza random spawn (minutes)
# FrintezzaRandomSpawnIncreasedTimeOnly will increase only random time if random spawn time is up to 00 value
FrintezzaRandomSpawnPositiveTimeOnly = true
# For example if you put 60, respawn time will be 7 hours (+1/-1) hour
FrintezzaRandomSpawn = 20
# Frintezza npc id
FrintezzaID = 65005
# Frintezza spawn location
FrintezzaLoc = 174237,-88016,-5192

# Barakiel respawn time (HH:MM)
BarakielRespawn = 05:00
BarakielRespawnTimeIsStatic = false
# Barakiel random spawn (minutes)
# BarakielRandomSpawnIncreasedTimeOnly will increase only random time if random spawn time is up to 00 value
BarakielRandomSpawnPositiveTimeOnly = false
# For example if you put 60, respawn time will be 7 hours (+1/-1) hour
BarakielRandomSpawn = 5
# Barakiel npc id
BarakielID = 65006
# Barakiel spawn location
BarakielLoc = 91640,-86168,-2712

# Core respawn time (HH:MM)
CoreRespawn = 18:00
CoreRespawnTimeIsStatic = false
# Core random spawn (minutes)
# CoreRandomSpawnIncreasedTimeOnly will increase only random time if random spawn time is up to 00 value
CoreRandomSpawnPositiveTimeOnly = true
# For example if you put 60, respawn time will be 7 hours (+1/-1) hour
CoreRandomSpawn = 20
# Core npc id
CoreID = 65009
# Core spawn location
CoreLoc = 17736,108888,-6472

# Orfen respawn time (HH:MM)
OrfenRespawn = 16:00
OrfenRespawnTimeIsStatic = false
# Orfen random spawn (minutes)
# OrfenRandomSpawnIncreasedTimeOnly will increase only random time if random spawn time is up to 00 value
OrfenRandomSpawnPositiveTimeOnly = true
# For example if you put 60, respawn time will be 7 hours (+1/-1) hour
OrfenRandomSpawn = 20
# Orfen npc id
OrfenID = 65010
# Orfen spawn location
OrfenLoc = 43800,17160,-4392

# Spirit Chaotic spawn times
# Use like: HH:MM;HH:MM;HH:MM
SpiritChaoticSpawnTimes = 16:00
# Spirit Chaotic npc id
SpiritChaoticID = 65028
# Spirit Chaotic spawn location
SpiritChaoticLoc = -11208,179608,-4072
# Spirit Chaotic box drop id,count
SpiritChaoticDrop = 6509,1

# Spirit Normal spawn times
# Use like: HH:MM;HH:MM;HH:MM
SpiritNormalSpawnTimes = 16:00
# Spirit Normal npc id
SpiritNormalID = 65028
# Spirit Normal spawn location
SpiritNormalLoc = -16392,-48808,-10912
# Spirit Normal box drop id,count
SpiritNormalDrop = 6509,1

# Hero Boss respawn time (HH:MM)
HeroBossRespawn = 16:00
# Hero Boss random spawn (minutes)
# For example if you put 60, respawn time will be 7 hours (+1/-1) hour
HeroBossRandomSpawn = 00
# Hero Boss npc id
HeroBossID = 65028
# Hero Boss spawn location
HeroBossLoc = -11704,211016,-3704

# Spirit Chaotic min members to enter the zone
# The minimum number of members in the party to teleport to the spirit chaotic zone.
BossZoneMinimumMembers = 0

# PvP system settings
# Killing spree announcements
# Use like: pvps,announce;pvps,announce
KillingSpree = 5,%name% has shown up!;10,%name% is murdering people!;20,%name% is riding animals!;30,%name% pisses the world!;50,%name% dominates the world!
# PvPs in a row for Mark of Dominator
PvpsForMark = 1000
# Mark of dominator id
MarkId = 7144
# Mark total time (minutes)
MarkTime = 300

# Donation coin id
DonationCoinId = 9143

# Donation max augments ON WEAPON player can buy
DonationMaxAugs = 500

# Allowed Subclass that player can create
# Default: 3
AllowedSubclass = 5

# Level on create subclass
# Default: 40
BaseSubclassLevel = 80

#                          Npcs Manager
# Clan Manager[ID = 50019] - Items/Count
ClanManagerItemId = 9700
ClanManagerLevelUpCount = 8
ClanManagerReputationCount = 10
ClanManagerClanSkillsCouunt = 25

# If Topsite checker is not work... And you want give player a reward without message "You didn't vote" Just make it TRUE
AllowGiveItemWithoutCheckOfTopsites = true

# PvP zone settings.
# Use like: zoneName,teleportLocation_respawnLocation#respawnLocation#respawnLocation;zoneName,teleportLocation_respawnLocation#respawnLocation#respawnLocation
PvPZones = Garden of Eva,82064,251822,-10592_82064,251822,-10592#80857,251292,-10880#82591,250882,-10749#84699,251295,-10880#82528,253606,-10823#83010,252497,-10595;Hot Springs,153187,-122756,-2406_153187,-122756,-2406#157353,-121778,-2385#154591,-124564,-2365#149761,-120804,-2309#151347,-124659,-2386#153327,-124001,-2365#155737,-124387,-2243;Fields of Massacre,178889,-13481,-2268_178889,-13481,-2268#177038,-13454,-2264#180060,-16231,-2263#180866,-14119,-2266#177109,-12925,-2317#180535,-12467,-2238
# PvP zone reward box id
PvPZoneRewardBoxId = 9382
# Reward box rewards
PvPZoneRewardBoxRewards = 9382,1;
# PvP zone disabled classes (classes that can't enter)
PvPZoneDisabledClasses = 15,14,16,17,96,97,98,28,29,30,104,105,41,42,43,111,112,49,50,51,52,115,116

# Party zone properties
# Enable party zone
# If this is False, the players will not be able to teleport to the party zone, nor enter it
EnablePartyZone = True
# Party zone opening time
# Use time of day, example: 16:30
PartyZoneOpeningTime = 17:00
# Party zone total time open (in minutes)
# For example, if opening time is 18:00 and this is 120 minutes, the party zone will close at 20:00
PartyZoneTotalTime = 420
# Party zone members to enter.
# The minimum number of members in the party to teleport to the party zone.
PartyZoneMinimumMembers = 3
# Party zone teleport out location.
# The players that are teleported out of the party zone will be teleported here.
# You should set this to your main town location.
PartyZoneOutLocation = 82729,148611,-3470
# Use like: zoneName_spawn1#spawn2;zoneName_spawn1#spawn2
PartyZones = Pagans Temple_-16336,-44543,-10725#-16391,-49966,-10917;Ol Mahum Checkpoint_-13532,210937,-3554#-7762,206424,-3724;Abandoned Camp_-51315,136559,-2903#-47355,140331,-2938
# Party mobs ids
PartyMobsIds = 21405

#        Protector Pvp/Pk System
# Code is Change if you take pvp or pk
# teleport automatically to main town
# Protector activate when a player this PK
ProtectorPlayerPK = True
# Protector activate when a player is flaged
ProtectorPlayerPVP = True

#                            CASINO
CasinoNpcRate = 41

# Limits
AltOlyEnchantLimit = True
# If this config is false. The Items that is up from limit it will go to limit enchant
# If this config is true. The items will go to limit enchant
AltOlyEnchantLimitMakeAllItemsToFull = False

#Enchant values
AltOlyEnchantLimitWeapon = 6
AltOlyEnchantLimitArmor = 6

# If skill is upper than skill limit it will go to limit
AltOlyEnchantSkillLimitEnable = False
AltOlyEnchantSkillLimit = 8

# Custom boss chest item properties
# Use like: itemid,count;itemid,count
# 1 random item of the entries will be given
BossChestItems = 961,2;962,3;9372,555;55500,555;7179,555;9382,25;7140,5;

# Custom daily chest item properties
# Use like: itemid,count;itemid,count
# 1 random item of the entries will be given
DailyChestItems = 57,10000000-30000000;6673,5-8;1289,5-8;7179,200-350

# Nobless and subclass npc properties
# Farm item id
FarmItemId = 7179
# Nobless amount
NoblessFarmCount = 1000
# Subclass amount
SubclassFarmCount = 0

#                        Custom Spawn On Death
CustomSpawnOnDeath = True
CustomSpawnOnDeathRandom = 3
CustomSpawnOnDeath1 = 82857, 148130, -3464
CustomSpawnOnDeath2 = 82484, 149009, -3464
CustomSpawnOnDeath3 = 81292, 148604, -3464

# Magic critical damage modifier.
# For example, if you put 2, magic critical damage will me 2xdamage.
MagicCriticalMod = 3

# Go check IDS from castle database
# No time for description...
# List of castle you can find in "castle" database
# DisabledCastleFromScheduler = 3,4,5
DisabledCastleFromScheduler = -1

# Configuration for Each castle siege.
# FOR SiegeDayCastle
# SUNDAY = 1
# MONDAY = 2
# FRIDAY = 6

# FOR Siege Week Castle
# SiegeWeekCastle
# How many week up from siege end

# FOR Siege Hour Castle
# SiegeHourCastle = 20 for 20:00
# IncreasedWeek,Day(look Up on Discription),Hour
AltPeriodCastleGludio = 1,7,19
AltPeriodCastleDion = 1,7,21
AltPeriodCastleGiran = 1,6,22
AltPeriodCastleOren = 1,6,19
AltPeriodCastleAden = 1,7,22
AltPeriodCastleInnadril = 1,6,21
AltPeriodCastleGoddard = 1,6,20
AltPeriodCastleRune = 1,7,20
AltPeriodCastleSchuttgart = 1,6,22

# On pvp rewards
OnPvpRewards = 9382,1



Event Engine Configs:



# This file holds the properties of the event engine and of each event.

# Enable the event engine
# If this is False, no event will run
EnableEventEngine = True
# Time between events (in minutes)
# For example, if you put 45, an event will begin every 45 minutes
# After an event is run, it will not run again until all the others have run too.
# For example, if you have TvT, CTF and DM events, if TvT runs first, it will not run again until CTF and DM have run.
TimeBetweenEvents = 5
# Registration time for the events (in minutes)
# There will be announcements when registrations open, when half time is passed, at 30 and 5 seconds.
# For example if you put 10:
# Deathmatch: The registrations will close in 10 minutes.
# Deathmatch: The registrations will close in 5 minutes.
# Deathmatch: The registrations will close in 30 seconds.
# Deathmatch: The registrations will clsoe in 5 seconds.
EventRegistrationTime = 5

# TvT event properties
AllowTvTEvent = True
# Minimum players for the event to start
TvTMinPlayers = 2
# Winner team rewards
# Use like: id,count;id,count
TvTWinnerRewards = 1289,5
# Draw rewards
# If both teams have the same kills at the end
# Use like: id,count;id,count
TvTDrawRewards = 1289,5
# TvT running time (in minutes)
# There will be announcements at start, half time, 30 seconds, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 seconds.
# These announcements are only shown to the participants to avoid spamming.
TvTRunningTime = 5
# Team 1 name
TvTTeam1Name = Orange
# Team 1 color
TvTTeam1Color = 4499FF
# Team 1 location
TvTTeam1Location = 168301,-91289,-2912
# Team 2 name
TvTTeam2Name = Green
# Team 2 color
TvTTeam2Color = 00FF00
# Team 2 location
TvTTeam2Location = 171056,-91298,-2912

# Deathmatch event properties
AllowDMEvent = True
# Minimum players for the event to start
DMMinPlayers = 2
# On kill rewards
# Use like: id,count;id,count
# If left empty, no rewards will be given on kill
DMOnKillRewards = 9382,1
# Winner rewards
# Use like: id,count;id,count
DMWinnerRewards = 1289,5
# Deathmatch running time (in minutes)
# There will be announcements at start, half time, 30 seconds, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 seconds.
# These announcements are only shown to the participants to avoid spamming.
DMRunningTime = 5
# Deathmatch respawn spots
# Use like: x,y,z;x,y,z;x,y,z
DMRespawnSpots = 58920,-93384,-1352;57384,-91272,-1352;57592,-93960,-1368;57960,-92568,-1352

# CTF event properties
AllowCTFEvent = False
# Minimum players for the event to start
CTFMinPlayers = 2
# On score rewards
# This rewards will be given to the player that scores a flag
# Use like: id,count;id,count
# If left empty, no rewards will be given on score
CTFOnScoreRewards = 1289,3
# Winner rewards
# Use like: id,count;id,count
CTFWinnerRewards = 1289,10
# Draw rewards
# If both teams have the same score at the end
# Use like: id,count;id,count
CTFDrawRewards = 1289,10
# CTF running time (in minutes)
# There will be announcements at start, half time, 30 seconds, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 seconds.
# These announcements are only shown to the participants to avoid spamming.
CTFRunningTime = 7
# Team 1 name
CTFTeam1Name = Orange
# Team 1 color
CTFTeam1Color = 4499FF
# Team 1 location
CTFTeam1Location = 87365,-139779,-1536
# Team 1 flag location
CTFTeam1FlagLocation = 87017,-140204,-1536
# Team 2 name
CTFTeam2Name = Green
# Team 2 color
CTFTeam2Color = 00FF00
# Team 2 location
CTFTeam2Location = 87359,-145915,-1288
# Team 2 flag location
CTFTeam2FlagLocation = 87628,-145575,-1288

# Simon event properties
AllowSimonSaysEvent = False
# Minimum players for the event to start
SimonMinPlayers = 2
# Winner rewards
# Use like: id,count;id,count
SimonWinnerRewards = 1289,15
# Simon running time (in seconds)
# These announcements are only shown to the participants to avoid spamming.
SimonRoundTime = 30
# Simon player spots
# Use like: x,y,z;x,y,z;x,y,z
SimonPlayerRespawnSpots = 106037,114816,-1560
# Simon npc spots
# Use like: x,y,z
SimonNpcRespawnSpots = 106037,114816,-1560
# Words To Say
SimonWordsToSay = l2eola;jump 1n the air;awkdoqkdskal;every day ev3ry night;l2eola is best serverr;lets g0 for pvp aft3r that event;good night g0od m0rning;Bring it on! I cann beat you!;I'll make you beg;akwodk12301owksla;awodksa12039



Basic Rates
-Experience: 1200x.
-Skill Points: 1200x.
-Party Rates: (EXP/SP) 1200x.
-Adena Drop Rate: 1200x.
-Mode: Custom PvP.
-Starting level: 80.


-About augments, We will have an augment shop.You will have to buy your augment..
-Peple are available to use 1+1 augments..
-Low Grade Lifestone: 5%.
-Mid Grade Lifestone: 8%.
-High Grade Lifestone: 15%.
-Top Grade Lifestone: 25%.
-Augment skills got lower stats so it won't make the gameplay unbalanced.


Enchant Rates
-Enchant Safe: +3.
-Enchant Weapon Max: +20.
-Enchant Armor Max: +20.
-Normal Enchant Scroll Rate 66% from 1 to 16.
-Blessed Enchant Scroll Rate: 90% from 1 to 16.
-Crystal Scroll Enchant from: 20% from 16 to 20 [ if fails enchants return to 16. ].


Additional Features
-Auto Loot: Enabled.
-Auto Loot Raid Disabled.
-Auto Learn Skills: Enabled.
-Weight Limit: Disabled.
-Grade penalty: Enabled.
-Max Subclasses: Three (3).
-Subclass Without Quest.
-Bow is dissabled for Tanks, Titans, Tyrants, Warlords..
-No Heal and Buffs at Monsters and Raids..
-Anti-Farm Protection for PvP(You don't get PvP points from Same IP)..
-Unique killing spree system..
-Raid Boss announce..
-Player spawn protection - 30 seconds.


Customized Equipment System
-Weapons:Ancient Dusk Weapons.
-Armor:Dynasty Armor.

--Zeus Mask Face..
--Demonic & Angelic Wings Hair..

-Tattoo of Power: P.Atk +12%.
-Tattoo of Soul: Attack Speed +33%.
-Tattoo of Fire: Shield Def. +15% (Reflect damage).
-Tattoo of Resolve: Speed +33.
-Tattoo of Bravery(Braze): Critical Rate +25%.
-Tattoo of Flame: M.Atk +65%.
-Tattoo of Avadon: Casting Speed +23%.
-Tatoo of Divine: Mental Aegis +3 (Resistance against sleep, etc.).
-Tattoo of Pledge: P.Def +40%, Evasion +7 (Only on light armor).
-Tattoo of Doom: P.Def +40% (Only on heavy armor).
-Tattoo of Blood: Bleeding -40 (Resist Bleeding).
-Tattoo of Absolute: HP +15% (Bless The Body).
-Nightmarish Tattoo: Increases & Fusion of all tattoos.

--Valakas's Necklace Dropped by Valakas Raid Boss..
--Antharas's Earring Dropped by Antharas Raid Boss..
--Zaken's Earring Dropped by Zaken Raid Boss..
--Baium's Ring Dropped by Baium Raid Boss..
--AQ's Ring Dropped by AQ Raid Boss..

-L2Galion Jewerls are droped by all raids. ( 50% random chance for any of them )</b>.
-Earring of Garacsia: Produces the following effects: MP +31, +10% bow resistance and +7 speed..
-Earring of Ipos: Produces the following effects: MP +31, +10% dagger resistance and +7 speed..
-Earring of Kandra: Produces the following effects: MP +31, +20% wind resistance and +7 speed..
-Earring of Von Helman: Produces the following effects: MP +31, +20% dark resistance and +7 speed..
-Earring of Vermilion: Produces the following effects: MP +31, +20% fire resistance and +7 speed..
-Earring of Falston: Produces the following effects: MP +31, +20% water resistance and +7 speed..
-Ring of Horuth: Produces the following effects: MP +21 and +10% P.Def..
-Ring of Mos: Produces the following effects: MP +21 and +10% M.Def..
-Ring of Shadith: Produces the following effects: MP +21 and 500% faster hp regen..
-Ring of Tayr: Produces the following effects: MP +21 and +100 bow range..
-Necklace of Hekaton: Produces the following effects: MP +42 and +15% CP..
-Necklace of Brakki: Produces the following effects: MP +42 and +60% resistance to most of the debuffs..
-Necklace of Naga: Produces the following effects: MP +42 and +15% HP..


Additional Information
-Stackable enchant scrools, life stones, secret book of giants (Enchant scrolls, life stones, book of giants take 1 slot in inventory like in higher chronicles)..
-Bow is dissabled for Tanks, Titans, Tyrants..
-No Heal and Buffs at Monsters and Raids..
-Anti-Farm Protection for PvP(You don't get PvP points from Same IP)..
-Unique killing spree system..
-Raid Boss announce..
-Player spawn protection - 30 seconds.
-/unstuck - 15 seconds.
-Offline shop [add your shop and exit].
-Offline Trade: Max 5 days.
-PVP Name Color Changes/PK Title Color Changes..
-Player which have done the most damage to the monster will get the drop..

Customized Noblesse System
-Ready up your party!.
-In order to become Noblesse you'll need to kill barakiel raid bossand get instantly noblesse or farm for it and go /target Maximilian and take noblesse status...


-We're using retail Events in our server, this way noone can be confused about the event's purpose..
-The events available events are:.

-- Deathmatch..
-- Team vs Team..
-- Capture the Flag..
-- Casino event working [24/7]..
-- Unique event shop..


Custom Zones
-Main Town (Giran Castle Town).
-Farm Zone (Ruins of Agony & Monastery of Silence) [Normal Zone].
-Hard Farm Zone (Party Zones changes every day) [Flag Zone].
-PVP/Multifunctional Zone (PvP Zone change every hour) [Flag Zone].

About Olympiad Games
-Olympiad will be A Grade.
-Max Enchant in Olympiad games will be +6.
-Augments are allowed in olympiad.
-Heroes Every Week.

Edited by @MaDaFTW
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Tryskell said:

I invite you to read aCis Terms of Agreement - I reported the topic. Ty for your interest.


My server is based on the free public source 382. There are plenty aCis packs based on this revision on the marketplace.

Edited by @MaDaFTW
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