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Price For Source Code

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1 hour ago, L2who said:

What is a reasonable price for a source code to L2jFrozen files? My Developer wants 300 euros.


if he is Kara prepare for scam


share his name here 


1st ask work and then pay

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Don't expect anything near retail in any case, no matter what price you pay. It's really only about "how much work has been done in order I don't have to do it".


On Fiverr, minimum is about 5€/basic task for such thing. And we speak about Pakistan, Indonesia, etc. So you basically pay 60 tasks, which is basically nothing when speaking about development of a complete pack.


If the dude worked at least the amount of tasks you expect, I would say it's honest. No matter how buggy the sources still are.


I know L2J world doesn't understand the price of work, but well... It has to be said.

Edited by Tryskell
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10 hours ago, Tryskell said:

On Fiverr, minimum is about 5€/basic task for such thing

I mean, they say 5 but it's not really 5. It starts at 5 but they all inflate it significantly. It's impossible for someone with 0 experience on a bespoke server emulator to be able to pick it up and deliver something quickly for 5 bucks.

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Even monkey can judge about completed work if she will seen the result of work as diff patch. Before result of work they are even didn't imagine how it could to looks as code. This the main problem why people don't understanding pricing of real work.

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2 hours ago, Elfocrash said:

I mean, they say 5 but it's not really 5. It starts at 5 but they all inflate it significantly. It's impossible for someone with 0 experience on a bespoke server emulator to be able to pick it up and deliver something quickly for 5 bucks.


Yup, I fully agree with you. I only spoke about minimum fee ever, basic task, based on low wage countries. That's already 3 criterias, which can grow fast. That was to give a first approach of what should be "the real cost".


And I agree with you, L2J is somewhat "specialized". Need some time to fully understand how things work, no matter how verbose the code is. Even a regular, Java certified engineer, would take time to understand the big lines. That normally should be another criteria to take in consideration - based on how much actual L2J developers are around.


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