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L2j Classic Files Secret of empire +


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1 hour ago, Mobius said:

Time to break my sillence.
I see at least three accounts here related to L2Scripts talking shit.

Let me tell you some facts about L2Scripts.

A current subscriber of mine used their test server to find that nothing worked.

The only thing they bothered to say to him was "Do not buy L2jMobius, our files are a lot better". (As if he ever mentioned L2jMobius.)

We talked for missing content that was clients behind. NPCs with empty dialogs, unusable admin menu etc.

Everything glued up with paperclips and gum in order to work.

When he told them about the missing things, they told him to additionally pay them in order to add them.

Sounds logical... You buy the most expensive L2J pack in order to pay some more.


I could not care less if someone became a subscriber. I actually prohibit people from becoming subscribers.

My subscription fees and the fact that I give periodicaly full sources for free, instead of cashing out, proves it.

If you read this, I have a good reason not to want you as a subscriber.

L2jMobius code is clean A.F.

L2jServer is badly written compared to my current private version.

If you say otherwise, you are complete idiots that know shit on how programming works.

Unless you think you know more than someone that worked as a proffessional full stack programmer since the 90s.


Any shit posts, that L2jMobius has bugs,

are made from haters like Kara, L2jUnity fanboys and people working with L2Scripts.

The only thing L2jMobius has, is the most complete list of features compared to any project.

Why don't you use the godamn free version to see that?
Are you totaly incompetent to compile the files on your own?
Then maybe you should not even think to open a server.


Offcource random items and skills will not work,

because I always update to latest clients and auto generate all new content.

Hellooo... you run latest clients. Those things are added over time.

Noone mentions of the TONS of random things that DO work.

Noone mentions the support that exists on core to create everything by adding a few XML lines.

Crybabies that cannot change an XML line should not even mention my project.


People that actually use L2jMobius files for live servers, never mention it.

Why would they want to help competition?

All I can say is that an L2jMobius based server with about 400 online did not restart the last three weeks.

Prety crappy right? Ye... I bet other projects can do better...


If I made a list with the work done on L2jMobius in the last five years, hatters would drown in their tears.
Continue using whatever you think is good. It does zero difference for me.
Just do not talk shit for me, or I will spam your ass.



tell me any server based at your files 

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@Stalone Nobody was offended, Its just a fact that SGuard isn't affiliated with anybody else except SGuard.


@Mobius Nobody said anything bad about your project, however, comparing to l2-scripts you're still behind, comparing to any private source you're totally behind. I do understand that you're the only provider who does free stuff for classics/GODs and that's awesome, without people like you - those new chronicles wouldn't survive and I think you deserve your gratitude for that. 

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Im classic lover and playing mostly all classic servers exist in the market.


You can buy classic files 2.0 for 5.000e PTS (like gamecoast.com)
You can buy 2.5 files 2.5 for 30.000e PTS (Like danieldefo.ru)


You can make a good L2J Server like L2Classic.club (2.5)


But for sure if you want quality for above 2.5 chronicles you need to put much money and work.


You have few options. You can buy for 90.000e Classic Kamael PTS.

You can buy L2Scripts and work for 1 year to have playable files.

You can buy L2Mobius and work for 1 year to have playable files.


Or you can try to buy from the only 1 advanced private shards wich are working hard

(i dont think they will sell you)
- L2Lionna/Pandorra, etc. (join l2lionna is online to see their files)

- or l2remorse (wich has i dont know from where thez got now very very good files you can ask acces to their test sever in discord or forum)


thats all options you have. good luck classic is a hard territory

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  • 1 year later...
On 1/15/2020 at 1:53 PM, Mobius said:




I have to agree with you, for a long time I was prejudiced against L2JMobius, until one day I decided to test the free version, the codes are very well programmed, very well organized and everything, besides we still have a free version for to work. I don't understand why everyone focuses so much on L2JScripts, since mobius is much cheaper and much better coded, whoever has seen the core knows this, to work on top it is much more flexible. Whenever someone asks me which pack to use for a goddes or classic server I always suggest Mobius.
H5 interlude etc. I even comment on others depending on the person's need, I never used these versions but they probably must be very good!
Although I am not yet a premium JMobius user due to the high conversion rate for my country, I follow the project assiduously.
To the topic leader I do not recommend using L2JScripts, use L2JMobius premium version, no doubt! They serve you, have support, fix problems and don't extort money from you.

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