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ia_root Scammer


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Reported this trash ia_root 


He bough services from me 10 months ago (300 euro)

When all were done i asked for my money he said he can't pay now.

Every month he was finding new exquse like his paypal got blocked, his bank got blocked, he need new identity, western union is not working (even tho i called western union in his country and they confirm its working). 


I left him until i saw him opening topic WTB lately to buy stuff. 









etc. i have a history of almost a year.

I wouldn't report him (as i have 3-4 people who own me more than 1,000 in total in skype & they don't respond and i have no problem) but i told him if you not gonna pay me at least be honest and tell me "i won't pay you" and we are ok. He insist he will and he made me do stupid stuff like call family member in another country leave his work to go to bank and deposit some papers and shit to answer 30 days later that this wont work cause his bank locked his account and shit like that. So he is psycho retard. 


His last exquse is that his paypal got -100,000,000 balance


Edited by Kara`
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so you waited a guy to pay you 10 months :thinking: while some people report after 1-2 days :laughing:

stop that because you start look like legit guy, its not very of you lately :D


ban hammer incoming i think he tried to scam again at September 24


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28 minutes ago, Nightw0lf said:

so you waited a guy to pay you 10 months :thinking: while some people report after 1-2 days :laughing:

stop that because you start look like legit guy, its not very of you lately :D


ban hammer incoming i think he tried to scam again at September 24



The bad guy "Kara`" has lots of people in skype who own money in a range of amounts such as 100-300 e.t.c


I can list right now at least 3 to confirm it and i'm sure they will just write "sorry i have difficulties". But this guy made fake excuses for 10 months so...


Another guy who own me 100 euro 5+ months now is @KIDutz 

but i didn't report him or demand it cause i respected that he don't have money to pay


So as i said i can list down MANY MANY people but im not that evil.




Edited by Kara`
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On 10/3/2019 at 6:22 PM, Kara` said:

respected that he don't have money to pay

If you don't have money, you don't go shopping.

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