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[L2J] PlayINERA - Resurgence


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On 8/21/2018 at 9:43 PM, PlayINERA said:


Ty Blue it's nice to have you back.


Now then let's cover one of our big updates this season: The Ability Tree.


The Ability Tree




This is quite a unique system and by now you should be well aware that the tree comes with Season 2 as a balancing agent since it absolves the administration from having to nerf or buff classes based on wide-spread opinion. Simply put, the community is often inconsistent with viewpoints on balance when it comes to mid-rates and that is absolutely normal because balance is a personal outlook and it can take the form of many different aspects.


We knew that it was necessary to balance the classes, but how? At INERA, we decided to go a specific route and give the community the ability to balance their characters based on their individual perspective thus circumventing the necessity to hard nerf classes. In this way we soft nerf the classes, your class may be nerfed to some players that hate it, and not to others that do not mind it. Personal nerfs, essentially.


In addition, we wish to expand on this concept in the future, providing more nodes with more unique play styles. There are limitless possibilities with our ability engine and we hope you see it the same way.


Our goal is to make the ultimate midrate which includes many different variables to juggle.


Balance is essential and our view is that it should be in your hands.


Balance your class. Balance your world. And balance your fun.



Amazing work guys really. Its hard to find such a nice a hard working team that still care about the game. 


Can't wait to play again on Inera.

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I have to say , I'm impressed. Not only by the servers uniqueness, but from the staffs hard work and dedication. It's rare, congratulations. When you see such a mature and willing staff, you know that a successful server is near. Wish you the best of luck. 

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On 8/26/2018 at 7:43 AM, Hann1bal said:

I have to say , I'm impressed. Not only by the servers uniqueness, but from the staffs hard work and dedication. It's rare, congratulations. When you see such a mature and willing staff, you know that a successful server is near. Wish you the best of luck. 


Thanks, it's a fun process for us.


Now then I guess it is a good time for a quick update. We are currently in a closed beta phase and fairly busy coding our final event the Blood Royale along with finalizing the ability tree's infrastructure. After that we will revamp our event engine and polish off the 22+ events that we have this season.


I think today we will cover the Blood Price, some of the community may already be familiar with the features that we provide, but for those new to the server, one of our most entertaining features that really makes for a fun time is the Blood Price. Now in our world there exists a Blood Stone. Strictly speaking, these stones will drop from nearly all non-instanced monsters in the game and at different rates correlated to the difficulty of the mob.


So basically, kill stuff, collect blood stones, and buy stuff with them. Here is an example of our Blood Craft shop, where you can spend Blood Stones to purchase goods and wares:







Now then, these are pretty important stones! You will find a hard time progressing in our world if you do not collect them and spend them wisely. Venustia and her goods can get pricy. So what is the blood price?


Well, in our world, people can steal your blood stones. Players can PK you and simply take them, and the percent of stones taken will depend on your combat status, either red, white, or purple. So it becomes kind of challenging to hold on to these stones, even more so because you cannot stash, drop, trade, or destroy them. So basically you need to carry them on you at all times and risk the blood price when farming in open places. But don't worry there are precautions, the same player cannot kill you over and over, there is a 4 hour cooldown on the blood price, so you cannot harass the same person over and over.


Clan wars are also affected by the Blood Price. Clans in a one-way war will suffer, the attacker will receive 2x the number of stones upon a successful kill, the defender does not get such bonus due to his or her cowardice. If a two-way war exists, both clans will claim only 50% of the normal kill, but there is no cooldown penalty on the blood price, which means infinite steals, which means you must be fairly careful how you proceed.


Our Blood system has been tested in Season 1 and was a very big hit. We've had an entire year to polish off our algorithms and really improve the infrastructure that is INERA.


If you find this sort of PvP tactics interesting.


Definitely check us out.




stone_box.png&key=ac4064f1828f6c220da2f71b1f5427f85e82c38b15551173c68d7235a693ab5bBlood Prices:                                                 skill3630.png Cursed weapons(2x blood price) :

Player dualicon.png  Player  (3%)                                        ------->6%
Player dualicon2.png Player  (6%)                                        ------->12%
Player dualicon.png Player  (9%)                                        ------->18%

One-Sided war: Player dualicon.png Player  (6%)            ------->12%
Two-Sided war: Player dualicon.png Player (1.5%)          ------->3%

Edited by PlayINERA
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello guys,dunno if you remember me,strafer.

im opt to join your serv,I know after alot of work you got top notch quality files(correct skill times/formulas/not missing animations/retail enviroment)


You are doing a wrong move with this skill tree,people join GE servers and H5 cause they wanna play that,not some kind of god mix,remove this please so we can play normal l2 if you want my opinion.



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8 hours ago, godhanded said:

Hello guys,dunno if you remember me,strafer.

im opt to join your serv,I know after alot of work you got top notch quality files(correct skill times/formulas/not missing animations/retail enviroment)


You are doing a wrong move with this skill tree,people join GE servers and H5 cause they wanna play that,not some kind of god mix,remove this please so we can play normal l2 if you want my opinion.




Welcome back my friend. Yes this topic is certainly an interesting one. Unfortunately we do not agree with the full statement. Firstly you are correct, that people want to play a specific chronicle like Gracia Epilogue. Except that INERA is not the full GE experience in its entirety, it is a mid-rate rendition of it. And the imbalance that exists in a mid-rate far exceeds that of a low rate. Our system is a non-invasive approach to balance.


Now certain elements needs to maintain 100% GE, that we agree. For example Olympiad remains 100% retail. But at the end of the day we are not a classic GE server, whether its an ability tree or a blood pool or blood royale, all these systems are unique in their own way and gravitate away from the retail world.


The underlying concept is that the game needs to be fun and fair.


Those that excel will always dominate, that is the rule of L2.


And we adhere to those principles quite closely, especially with this new season and its improvements.


I've sent you the Closed Beta details on our forum.


Welcome again.





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On 9/12/2018 at 5:03 PM, godhanded said:

You are doing a wrong move with this skill tree,people join GE servers and H5 cause they wanna play that,not some kind of god mix

That's true. Keep the Lineage 2 as it is. They want to play Lineage 2 and not some other shitty custom crap which it looks like Lineage 2 ..


They want to farm, raiding (PvE), PvP, Olympiad games, TvT, .. and a lot of instances and open world bosses.. as an example just look at the dmn Lineage 2: Revolution.. Good Luck anyway !.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/19/2018 at 2:20 PM, Irelia#1 said:

That's true. Keep the Lineage 2 as it is. They want to play Lineage 2 and not some other shitty custom crap which it looks like Lineage 2 ..


They want to farm, raiding (PvE), PvP, Olympiad games, TvT, .. and a lot of instances and open world bosses.. as an example just look at the dmn Lineage 2: Revolution.. Good Luck anyway !.


Harsh words. Although I wouldn't classify us as custom crap, but everyone is entitled to their viewpoint. It's why forums exist.


As of this point in time we are wrapping up the closed beta phase. We had a good amount of interest for a CB. Minor issues were found and fixed. A lot of our systems were pointed in a different direction; it was a useful beta for us to gather additional information and fine-tune our world.


We'll release more info on the upcoming launch some time soon.


For now we will leave you with a small tribute to L2.



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Well it is that time again my friends. Let the season 2 festivities kick off in style. We are going to let you choose the launch date of the server. To participate in the vote you will need to have an active forum account, so we suggest you create one and head on over to the polling station to cast a vote. We have given you a few options to select from, and also given you ample time to prepare your forces, inform your friends, and truly build a legacy on our server.


As the count goes: our files are in excellent shape, our community is strong, and our coders are ready for anything you can throw at them. We will be using this time to further polish the server whilst you vote on the launch. Make sure to tell your friends to vote, as once the date it set; it will not be changed. This is going to be quite a good season for us and we will make sure to deliver the best possible experience Lineage 2 has to offer.


We are back, stronger than ever, ready for the new season.


Don’t make the mistake and miss this new season.


You will regret it surely.


Now let’s get started.



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Cannot w8 for season 2 of PlayInera. Last year has been a revelation for me. It has been the best experience with the most dedicated staff I have ever seen in L2. Some people may look at some of these concepts as "custom crap" and I used to be the same way but from last year experience I can tell you that they are amazingly done and enhance the gameplay greatly.

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Now then, the month of November is going to be quite a hectic one for servers. A lot of them are opening up and so the ultimate question is which server to choose and why. We cannot answer this for you; after all, it is perspective.

One thing I will say is that there will exist a handful of players that are stubborn to try new things and no matter how elegant or improved something is, they will refrain. We can only show you the way to a better world, but cannot force you to enter.

If there is one thing we know as a community it is this:

Players that are resistant to our way of play at INERA, often find themselves playing once they give it a try. Because our world is not just unique but it provides a variety of features that are focused on strategy and competition - not on the grind, or trivial tricks like fake online, or fake presentations like online counts. We focus our attention on quality and service, not on falsehoods.

We give you the uncut version of how this game should be played. Combining all the feedback from our community to forge a solid rendition of a mid-rate.

Give it a try and if it's not for you, that's okay.

Perhaps you'll be surprised, however.

Here's a quick tribute. Enjoy.


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Message from Vice.


We're 40 days away from launch. It's quite early but based on this timeline we can say that INERA is set to have a pretty fantastic launch - strictly speaking, our numbers are good. This is our second season, we've had two full years to polish our files, improve our world, and really hit an all time high for development. We've listened to the community, moved forward as a team, and delivered one of the best Lineage 2 experience of the new year. It will be a pleasure to host everyone this season. See you on November 23, 2018. 






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