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l2jserver Interlude

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You can use acis if you want something "free". Check on acis forum for the free SVN. But I recommend you to use lucera for something more serious, but Isn't free. 

L2jServer interlude it's old and it's just waste of time nowadays.

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what a bad stereotyped answer lol. "lucera" dude you have illusions if you think acis is bad or that lucera is something good, lucera is russian and all russian packs are just words and full of shit

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On 7/7/2018 at 3:23 PM, xxdem said:

what a bad stereotyped answer lol. "lucera" dude you have illusions if you think acis is bad or that lucera is something good, lucera is russian and all russian packs are just words and full of shit

and your statement is, without a doubt, with no research background whatsoever, you clearly did not work on that files or even reviewed them well enough


honestly after working with l2j packs available on the internet, i can say few things for sure, to people that are interested in using both acis and/or lucera

acis has few things done well, mostly code organization, but honestly has a lot of flaws

no hate tryskell, but you are either lazy or unskilled, as even your most recent packs come with so many flaws, so many basic bugs that i am amazed how this is being 'fixed' for the last few years

lucera has its flaws, but many things work, and boy they work well


BUT, for amateurs playing with server hosting and people that are into learning/doing small changes to the code, imo acis is the way to go from these two

if you want to have more functional code without anything touched, lucera is the way to go, that's assuming you got the files from somewhere, as IMO it's not worth to pay for them, and i'm sure if you look hard enough you can find them somewhere :)

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7 hours ago, Syrus said:

no hate tryskell, but you are either lazy or unskilled, as even your most recent packs come with so many flaws, so many basic bugs that i am amazed how this is being 'fixed' for the last few years

lucera has its flaws, but many things work, and boy they work well

That's true, won't defend him or so. But you have to understand one thing, not a excuse tho. Lucera is a business, so they made 'basic things' playable and working to get customer base. While acis is a hobby for Tk, not a business. So, he don't rly care about not working basic things that much and he don't feel like to code, fix some features. As he don't treat it as a serious business and he's not interested in getting rich by developing the pack, it's semi broken/working, but still usable.


If he would make it private and ask 100-200€ as other projects, or whatsoever, for the access, guess what. The pack would be completed already.

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On 7/9/2018 at 10:22 AM, Syrus said:

no hate tryskell, but you are either lazy or unskilled, as even your most recent packs come with so many flaws, so many basic bugs that i am amazed how this is being 'fixed' for the last few years


Not sure what you speak about, my revert amount is extremely low compared to L2JFrozen and alike.


I invite you to report those famous issues/flaws you speak about and to share adequate fixes, since you seem enough skilled to say that I'm either lazy or unskilled. Until that time comes, maybe better shut your mouth instead of freely insulting people who are working to keep alive this community.


Don't forget, if you can do better than me, with the same tools I got (= L2J IL sources and time), simply do it. If you don't, why are you speaking ? You got no rights.


I work for a community and my community (is supposed to) works for me, but people like you don't seem to understand, and probably never will.




It's not my fault if you are all lazy bas**ards waiting for (almost) free fixes. The behavior of this community would be different, all chronicles would be already completed.


I wait your fixes, I would be glad to include them if they fix things.

Edited by Tryskell
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There is no bugs related to siege. You can only say that guard spawn is 'missing', which you can add back, few code lines.


Ye, it is. 

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1 hour ago, KHIFE said:

i have hear acis have some bugs with sieges and epic boss is right? but i wanna know from you tryskell if your free revision is good for stable online server not something crazy ofc 


There are flaws, like on any server out there, being it totally free or 1200$ you WILL encounter bugs. Someone who says the versus is a simple scammer.


Sahar uses aCis for all his IL sessions, and so far that's like the 3rd or 4th season.


Download the pack, read the changesets and make your own opinion instead of reading rumors. And compare with other packs.


My pack offers numerous unique fixes, everything is listed and can be traced back. People who say I only reorganize things simply don't read correctly changesets.


L2J is huge, it can't be fixed by a single guy. I code what I can and what I want, for the leftover I count to others to fix it and share it. If not, I will simply move to my "single-man" speed.

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- Geoengine is very much bugged

- Skills are totally bugged

- Spawns bugged

- Monster AI bugged

- Missing epics

- Since not so many servers are being open on acis, you will encounter thousands of issues after opening



- No source code, lazy developer

- After opening my first server on it, I was fixing issues for 3 months 8 hours a day

- No game breaking issues, just a lot of small ones that together will make it unplayable in low rate and possibly mid rate too


I would not recommend any of those packs unless you are willing to spend a lot of time on them or pay a lot of money to developers

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9 minutes ago, L2J NexuS said:

So the answer to this guy is?
Which sources should he use?

there aren't many options when it comes to packs designed for interlude, thats the problem

only a hand full of projects kept developing server files for that chronicle, all of them have flaws, all of them got bugs in some departments (some don't have basic features, some messed up datapack etc.)


none of the packs available for free, or even paid ones are suited for opening a serious server

and by serious i mean one that you won't have to fix stuff for several months, as you won't be able to compete with the 'big guys' on the market, unless you aim at a server which won't make money and it's goal is to be set for fun


summarizing on source to use: without skills to edit code, it doesn't really matter


ill summarize some of the things pointed out about acis, note that my goal here is not to spread hate towards the project or point fingers on people, but to let some of you realize your wrong approach to comments like mine


now, not gonna quote vampir on his list of acis bugs, but that's' just the tip of the iceberg, there are dozens of minor/major bugs, missing features, or things, like usage of geoengine is poorly utilized (geoengine itself is fine, it's just how it's used in some aspects of the game)

7 hours ago, Tryskell said:


Not sure what you speak about, my revert amount is extremely low compared to L2JFrozen and alike.

reverts are not the issue here


3 hours ago, Tryskell said:

Download the pack, read the changesets and make your own opinion instead of reading rumors. And compare with other packs.

i don't read changesets, i analyze the code between releases to know exactly what was changed and how


3 hours ago, Tryskell said:

L2J is huge, it can't be fixed by a single guy. I code what I can and what I want, for the leftover I count to others to fix it and share it. If not, I will simply move to my "single-man" speed.

as sweets mentioned, i understand if you do it as a hobby and spend an hour or two a week, but it can be fixed by a single man, even in his free time, in much shorter period than few years


7 hours ago, Tryskell said:

Don't forget, if you can do better than me, with the same tools I got (= L2J IL sources and time), simply do it. If you don't, why are you speaking ? You got no rights.

i am doing just that, working on my private project which partially bases on acis aswell, which has few dozen of minor and major fixes, that is why i know some of them are just silly, some more complicated but still doable


7 hours ago, Tryskell said:

I invite you to report those famous issues/flaws you speak about and to share adequate fixes, since you seem enough skilled to say that I'm either lazy or unskilled. Until that time comes, maybe better shut your mouth instead of freely insulting people who are working to keep alive this community.

I work for a community and my community (is supposed to) works for me, but people like you don't seem to understand, and probably never will.


It's not my fault if you are all lazy bas**ards waiting for (almost) free fixes. The behavior of this community would be different, all chronicles would be already completed.


I wait your fixes, I would be glad to include them if they fix things.

are you gonna make all (including the newest) revisions public? if you start from now, i'll be glad to report what is bugged and give you solutions to them, so we (like you wrote yourself) can work for the community sake, otherwise its like you expect us to work for you and your own sake, that's not how its gonna be


noone is a lazy b... waiting for free fixes, as you don't offer free fixes yourself


to prove my rights i could list you my changelog from my project, but sadly thats private work for now

but be my guest, look into elemental vulnerabilities passive skills, skill id 4279-4282, empty

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Your whole points are pointless if you know than contributing to the pack provide you direct access to SVN, for a quite big amount of time, and can even get you some money. That's the point of Inner Circle members. Some of them got access since few years, some of them got money from me (RooT, Hasha notably). Sahar is also a permanent resident of Inner Circle since all the shares/reports he did (until a leak or something).


Under your big sentences, basically, there is nothing.


My time isn't free, my shares aren't (totally) free. Your own pack is private for a reason. My pack is more free than your. Explain it now. You don't work for any L2J community. I expect some work or financial help from ppl using my pack.


Since 2012, aCis is under a freemium concept. If you are blind or don't know to read, that's your problem. People who shares enough fixes are set into Inner Circle, I did it in the past, I can do it now too.


1€ for a revision compared to the amount of money you can do using the pack is free, sorry to say.


Finally, the free version of aCis is always moving up. So basically, more there are revisions, more the free revision is updated. That's something you don't seem to understand, neither.


Not sure if you really understand the concept of my pack. Maybe you are the lazy people, after all ?


Keep your fixes on your shadow copy of aCis, it will be lost as many others since L2J exists, when your mood will change. I basically don't care, but that's exactly what I said earlier : that's the reason packs don't move and you stuck with public revisions full of bugs.


PS : if one man could handle everything, then why is there no completed public pack yet ? You're probably 23yo and think you're a God or something, but many ppl, included me, are more humble. Oh, I forgot : you weren't into the Game yet. You will change everything, hopefully :).


If L2J could be ended by a man, it would be already ended. It's a world project, yet none delivered such a copy.


PPS : you are litterally wasting your time fixing skills, since they can be reparsed and the model should evolve. For a master like you, I'm dissapointed about your approach.

Edited by Tryskell
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