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Lionna Server Patch And Cb


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Hey Guy


I'm wondering if is possible to use Lionna Patch system in other server?


and someone can RIP the CB on this server?



Edited by Akar0
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about interface try interface.u interface.xdat to copy and systextures about cb idk if it's possible.

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Do you mean this? :




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                                                <td width=200 height=35 align=center><button action="bypass -h 0b" width=200 height=35 back="CB.my_char_down" fore="CB.my_char"></td>
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                                                <td width=200 height=35 align=center><button action="bypass 0f" width=200 height=35 back="CB.rules_down" fore="CB.rules"></td>
                                                <td width=200 height=35 align=center><button action="bypass 010" width=200 height=35 back="CB.donation_info_down" fore="CB.donation_info"></td>
                                                <td width=200 height=35 align=center><button action="bypass 011" width=200 height=35 back="CB.tournament_down" fore="CB.tournament"></td>
                                                <td height=10></td>
                                                <td><font color="B59A75">Server Restarted at:</font> 01:48 25.08.2017</td>
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                                                   <font color=B59A75>Drop:</font> Chance x15; Quantity x1 
                                                <td fixwidth=230 align=left valign=center>
                                                   <font color=B59A75>Quest Reward:</font> x2 
                                                   <font color=B59A75>Quest Items:</font> x2 
                                                   <font color=B59A75>Epaulettes:</font> x2 
                                                   <font color=B59A75>Raidboss:</font> x2 
                                                   <font color=B59A75>Spoil:</font> Chance x15; Quantity x2 
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                                                   Npc Buffer
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                                                   GM Shop





And yes, it is possible XD

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You need to create java code for make it close.


No necessary, you perfectly can make script on Interface.u using this:




Tadaaaaa.!!   and the CB will be "close".

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