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Modify Java



Hello i want to add a restricted item only for clans and clanhalls, i have to modify my UseItem.class file in java, i opened it with eclipse and i cant modify that type of file.


I opened it with another editor changed it and added new but it was a bad idea,


Can someone can help me how do i modify those files with working java :D

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Hello again, i just edited my java and changed item can be allowed when you have castle, but then a clan dont have castle item stays in the same place and cant take it only with another items. can i make it when u dont have castle item takes out alone on log in ?

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You can add a check enterworld.java if player dont have castle destroy this item..

But always is a lot of ways to do same things..

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You can add a check enterworld.java if player dont have castle destroy this item..

But always is a lot of ways to do same things..


You will need checks for warehouse,clan wh too in that way because it could be bugged.  Better destroy the item when the clan loses the siege

Edited by Lioy
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You will need checks for warehouse,clan wh too in that way because it could be bugged.  Better destroy the item when the clan loses the siege

yeap can be like crowns

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makes no sense to me. 

either you want to make a unique clanhall/castle item, the opposite, everybody gets to use it unless they have clanhall/castle. Please decide what do you want to do first.

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Since you need for clan and clan halls why you are checking for castle? wtf?


just checks in useitem && enterworld....

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