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[Attention]Maxcheaters New Advertise (L2Tales)


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Yo guys, as expected the new advertise window that pop ups in mxc about l2 tales is one of these windows that l2 tales owner likes.


Whenever you click the "X" button to close the window, you automatically like its page, so you may wanna remove it by seeing your activity log in facebook.


I just mention this in case someone don't wanna like L2 Tales page.


P.S: I hate this fucking thing, it\s obviously an abuse...And i am almost sure that it is against facebook rules but i wont spend time searching for it :P


P.S #2: I don't hate l2 tales or something, i dont even care what this guy does. I just dont like it when my "preferences" are being abused so i am making this topic in order to update everyone...

Edited by Solomun
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This advertisement it's abuse, it's owner abuse against it's community, he force us to do something we don't want to do it. If we want to watch L2 Java tails, we can do it by our own. However I won't discuss more about this but it's not fair at all also the auto like shit button it's annoying. Maxtor in my opinion for 100E you monthly remove users from your forum, better find other ways to bring offer ads but not pop-ups with auto-like and craps.

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This kind of behavior (hidden auto like their FB page) should be punished by both Facebook and Maxcheaters.


Such thing is not tolerated.

I wouldn't expect maxcheaters to disable it, because mxc would do anything to make money..and by such advertise, it does. However tho, facebook should ban this kind of pages for sure, but how to tell facebook that this guy is abusing things...

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Every stupid server has the same script on the website ... no matter what u do,since u visit the site,u will like the page.

thats fcking stupid and i never visit it again.


e.g Skylord

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