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Multi Shop [Services/donate Npc] + Vip System

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My AIO system for example, offline shops.. You can use it for live server without fear :D

you mean offline shop craft ? why i think is not your offline shop and is just 1 adapt code ? I'm wrong ?


your Aio you think is the best code ?

i don't searched all code i find first mistake and i stop on they Aio

you run every 10 second 1 for 

+       // Run task each 10 second.
+       ThreadPool.scheduleAtFixedRate(this, 10000, 10000);
 for (Map.Entry<L2PcInstance, Long> entry : _players.entrySet())
if you edit your code you can make it some good ( create 1 manager to save all Aio from db and new aio)
on start server load the instance and start the thread ( with lower Long ) and you don't need check this map every 10 sec
( so is not for live server ) is like that who i said on my another post :)
Edited by pirama
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I was not offended relax :P


If i understand well you mean 99% of the codes that are shared here are from guys that they think the code is useless for them and they say "i will share it to get some reputation"?

If yes , i agree in some cases ... besides, why someone will share a 'rare' code without getting some money? Ofcourse there are exceptions ...

My acp is free

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Bleh code. Baggos better start a unreal project  :-


This code is worst than Elfocrash 2011 coding style :( 


PS: Melron i start to like you, you and me can make an empire 

PS2. Elfocrash sucks

Edited by Θα Σπασω Κουπες
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Bleh code. Baggos better start a unreal project  :-


This code is worst than Elfocrash 2011 coding style :( 


PS: Melron i start to like you, you and me can make an empire 

PS2. Elfocrash sucks

Said accessDenied with the half code shares..
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Said accessDenied with the half code shares..

Says who? Bitch i've never used a shared code mostly because i'm a fucking ego-selfish bitch. So i couldn't use the work of someone else.

Tell us why they made you gold member again? Because of your "pro" shares?  Oh i forgot you haven't make any unlike me who made tutorials, free faction systems, free services topic e.t.c. 

The only thing you do here is selling 25 euro for a zone that is already share many times and its 10 lines code. 


No offensive but being ironic  won't help you at all. Try be friendly next time. 

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Says who? Bitch i've never used a shared code mostly because i'm a fucking ego-selfish bitch. So i couldn't use the work of someone else.

Tell us why they made you gold member again? Because of your "pro" shares?  Oh i forgot you haven't make any unlike me who made tutorials, free faction systems, free services topic e.t.c. 

The only thing you do here is selling 25 euro for a zone that is already share many times and its 10 lines code. 


No offensive but being ironic  won't help you at all. Try be friendly next time.


Im friendly enought but with ppl like you no.you are like 2-3 faces why i have become gold member ask maxtor..

You did the free topic to become a staff here but no you got a ban instead of this...about zonemanager if its 10lines or 3 its my problem but i will tell you just one thing..its a system you can what you want there not only to change timers or locations add/remove things in minutes..

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Im friendly enought but with ppl like you no.you are like 2-3 faces why i have become gold member ask maxtor..

You did the free topic to become a staff here but no you got a ban instead of this...about zonemanager if its 10lines or 3 its my problem but i will tell you just one thing..its a system you can what you want there not only to change timers or locations add/remove things in minutes..

bla bla you love me and u know it 

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Bleh code. Baggos better start a unreal project :-


This code is worst than Elfocrash 2011 coding style :(


PS: Melron i start to like you, you and me can make an empire

PS2. Elfocrash sucks

If you AccessDanied speak about "style" then kill yourself.

It's clean enough if you check the 95% of this section.

Simply as that.. Not pro/useless styling that you don't need it. Ofc there are parameters that need to be changed but this share with my private shop is different enough.. Take a example from my note about bypass exploit.. The checks are different.

It's not a gallery.

But what I'm trying to explain to a wall... Continue learning how to add background for cb and then we will speak again.


About Reborn's random zone, first of all there (at least on mxc, I dont know/care for other forums ) is not any share.

And if you find share "10" lines code then use it as you always make work with shared things. That's why you got ban.


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Yea, it's just an adaptation. My point was it's fully functional.


About AIO, it's supposed to be like that, one task holding all AIO players, checking it's end time. It doesn't have to be so accurate that's why I set 10sec instead of 1 :D dunno why you find it as a mistake rofl.

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Yea, it's just an adaptation. My point was it's fully functional.


About AIO, it's supposed to be like that, one task holding all AIO players, checking it's end time. It doesn't have to be so accurate that's why I set 10sec instead of 1 :D dunno

is mistake to use scan every 10 sec ( or x time without needed )
example :
if server has 1000 Aio you scan every 10 sec map with 1000 object
as i tell you before you can start 1 Thread with next remove ( and on this step , can you take the next lower time , for next scan )
if next remove is in 24 hours :
you have call this scan ( 8.640 ) times ( without edit anything ) ( and as i tell you , only 1 with edit )
so your code can get big performance only from this " edit "
if you create many feature like this ( is killer for the server )

so as i said and before 99% from share is only for test servers .. and only for newbies to see it ... nothing more :)



 why you find it as a mistake rofl.

now you see the example, tell me , is mistake or no ? :)

bla bla you love me and u know it 

i like your photos ... every time and better 
Edited by pirama
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There are many running tasks launching every sec, for all players, GTC, pvp task for example and you say that the task for 'few' ppl each 10sec is a killer o.O


Yet, mby true, I'mma think about it :)


Oh it's also an old version, on acis forum there is updated one, from January. Not sure how it differs, but for sure the task is the same :lol:

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If you AccessDanied speak about "style" then kill yourself.

It's clean enough if you check the 95% of this section.

Simply as that.. Not pro/useless styling that you don't need it. Ofc there are parameters that need to be changed but this share with my private shop is different enough.. Take a example from my note about bypass exploit.. The checks are different.

It's not a gallery.

But what I'm trying to explain to a wall... Continue learning how to add background for cb and then we will speak again.


About Reborn's random zone, first of all there (at least on mxc, I dont know/care for other forums ) is not any share.

And if you find share "10" lines code then use it as you always make work with shared things. That's why you got ban.



Wow what a nice way to talk to me. You guys goin from bad to worst. Divas of forum. 

Did you even realise the "trolling" part? No? Maybe cause you're a shitty personality. 

Wannabe friends turn into fucking kids. I'm glad i never like you as i knew you're a damn fucking bitch.

Thats why i got banned? Rolf i laugh so hard on you. By the time i was helping people in this forum u were 5 years old. 

Don't forget even the image u have spinning around is because of me ;) gtfo now and ask maxtor why i got banned before u open ur shitty mouth piece of crap


It's funny how people after getting some gold member show their real self and spread posion. You troll them and they suddedly start say real things :) #2017PEOPLE

Edited by Θα Σπασω Κουπες
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There are many running tasks launching every sec, for all players, GTC, pvp task for example and you say that the task for 'few' ppl each 10sec is a killer o.O

if one thread need to run every ( lower than 1 sec ) ( give it 0.5 and don't give it 0.9 )  

" but if needed "
if not is just lossed power




mila mas kai as min mas agapas :P

kai iremiste ligo re sis den nomizw na exete na xorisete kati 

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Access don't worry.. I am still your friend. ;)

Check spam section I take your place many times when someone judge something personal for you.

I don't really care for your previous answer, but I'm tryining to make something useful for some people. A simple services npc with vip system.


Anyway I will update a style like merlon's answer or like elfo mentioned if the style means so much for you people.


Goodmorning guys.

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