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L2 Acp (Account - Admin Control Panel)

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Russian language added ? or greek ? i can help on both


Also (already said :P) can you do something like this https://euro-pvp.com/index.php?id=l2&do=donate

Edited by TEOGR_hItMaKeR
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I need Russian. I will add Greek myself.


I won't be bothering more with payment systems. Functionality concerns me more.


For those getting the illegal key size error it is because you don't have JCE installed for your Java.


Download it from here http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jce8-download-2133166.html

(ελ) όταν το μεταφράσεις στα ελληνικά στείλε μου να το μεταφράσω στα ρωσικά ή δεν ξέρω αν προσφέρετε κάποιος άλλος ... 

Αλλά αυτό με τα donation πρέπει να γίνει αλλιώς δεν έχει νόημα να το χρησιμοποιήσει κάποιος μεγάλο μέρος του κόσμου δεν χρησιμοποιεί paypal (λχ Η Ρωσία) και  η Βραζιλία νομίζω χρησιμοποιεί πολύ τα sms οι Έλληνες επίσης προτιμούν την Paysafe ... 

οπότε εμένα θα βάλω ως παράδειγμα ενός admin δεν με ενδιαφέρει τόσο ο άλλος να έχει panel πιό πολύ με ενδιαφέρει εγώ ως admin να έχω ένα πάνελ και να βλέπω τι και πως... (δηλαδή ποιοί πλήρωσαν ) και απλά να τους δίνω το αντίτιμο ingame ...

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Literally google for visual studio 2017. If can't set this up then you must wait for the released version in the future

can you give me released version right now ? i need it please make it from your computer and upload it .

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Mate seriously, if you cant follow simple instructions then don't use it.

If you cant download Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition, then don't use it.


I just googled for "Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition" and got this result first: https://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/

If you still can't download it then please wait for the released version in 1-2 months (or pay me to set it up for you).

how much ? 

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Mate seriously, if you cant follow simple instructions then don't use it.

If you cant download Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition, then don't use it.


I just googled for "Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition" and got this result first: https://www.visualstudio.com/downloads/

If you still can't download it then please wait for the released version in 1-2 months (or pay me to set it up for you).

can you tell me how i may contact you ? i will pay you to set up it for me .

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