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private L2DoorInstance _requestedGate;
+/** The _active_boxes. */
+public int _active_boxes = -1;
+/** The active_boxes_characters. */
+public List<String> active_boxes_characters = new ArrayList<>();
+* check if local player can make multibox and also refresh local boxes instances number.
+* @return true, if successful
+public boolean checkMultiBox()
+boolean output = false;
+int boxes_number = 0; // this one
+final List<String> active_boxes = new ArrayList<>();
+if (getClient() != null && getClient().getConnection() != null && !getClient().getConnection().isClosed() && getClient().getConnection().getInetAddress() != null)
+final String thisip = getClient().getConnection().getInetAddress().getHostAddress();
+final Collection<L2PcInstance> allPlayers = World.getInstance().getPlayers();
+for (final L2PcInstance player : allPlayers)
+if (player != null)
+if (player.isOnline() && player.getClient() != null && player.getClient().getConnection() != null && !player.getClient().getConnection().isClosed() && player.getClient().getConnection().getInetAddress() != null && !player.getName().equals(this.getName()))
+final String ip = player.getClient().getConnection().getInetAddress().getHostAddress();
+if (thisip.equals(ip) && this != player)
+if (!Config.ALLOW_DUALBOX)
+output = false;
+if (boxes_number + 1 > Config.ALLOWED_BOXES)
+// actual count+actual player one
+output = true;
+if (output)
+_active_boxes = boxes_number + 1; // current number of boxes+this one
+if (!active_boxes.contains(this.getName()))
+this.active_boxes_characters = active_boxes;
+_log.info("Player "+getName()+" has this boxes"); for(String name:active_boxes_characters){ _log.info("*** "+name+" ***"); }
+return output;
+* increase active boxes number for local player and other boxer for same ip.
+public void refreshOtherBoxes()
+if (getClient() != null && getClient().getConnection() != null && !getClient().getConnection().isClosed() && getClient().getConnection().getInetAddress() != null)
+final String thisip = getClient().getConnection().getInetAddress().getHostAddress();
+final Collection<L2PcInstance> allPlayers = World.getInstance().getPlayers();
++final L2PcInstance[] players = allPlayers.toArray(new L2PcInstance[allPlayers.size()]);
+for (final L2PcInstance player : players)
+if (player != null && player.isOnline())
+if (player.getClient() != null && player.getClient().getConnection() != null && !player.getClient().getConnection().isClosed() && +!player.getName().equals(this.getName()))
+final String ip = player.getClient().getConnection().getInetAddress().getHostAddress();
+if (thisip.equals(ip) && this != player)
+player._active_boxes = _active_boxes;
+player.active_boxes_characters = active_boxes_characters;
+_log.info("Player "+player.getName()+" has this boxes"); for(String name:player.active_boxes_characters){ _log.info("*** "+name+" ***"); }
+* descrease active boxes number for local player and other boxer for same ip.
+public void decreaseBoxes()
+_active_boxes = _active_boxes - 1;

* Constructor of L2PcInstance (use L2Character constructor).

return false;
+// Olympiad dualbox protection
+if (noble._active_boxes > 1 && !Config.ALLOW_DUALBOX_OLY)
+final List<String> players_in_boxes = noble.active_boxes_characters;
i+f (players_in_boxes != null && players_in_boxes.size() > 1)
+for (final String character_name : players_in_boxes)
+final L2PcInstance player = World.getInstance().getPlayer(character_name);
+if (player != null && (player.getOlympiadGameId() > 0 || player.isInOlympiadMode() || +OlympiadManager.getInstance().isRegistered(player)))
+noble.sendMessage("You are already participating in Olympiad with another char!");
+return false;

fast = !getActiveChar().isInCombat() && !getActiveChar().isLocked();
+// Decrease boxes number
+if (getActiveChar()._active_boxes != -1)

+// Decrease boxes number
+if (getActiveChar()._active_boxes != -1)
// prevent closing again


AltOlyDividerNonClassed = 5

+# Allow players to run multiple windows with a single IP address.
+# In the game you can use the command // find_dualbox
+AllowDualBox = True
+AllowedBoxes = 99
+AllowDualBoxInOly = False


public static boolean ALT_OLY_ANNOUNCE_GAMES;

+/**Dual Box*/
+public static boolean ALLOW_DUALBOX;
+public static int ALLOWED_BOXES;
+public static boolean ALLOW_DUALBOX_OLY;

+ALLOW_DUALBOX_OLY = events.getProperty("AllowDualBoxInOly", true);
+ALLOWED_BOXES = Integer.parseInt(events.getProperty("AllowedBoxes", "99"));
+ALLOW_DUALBOX = events.getProperty("AllowDualBox", true);
ALT_GAME_CASTLE_DAWN = events.getProperty("AltCastleForDawn", true);
Credits : Williams per Adapt from frozen

Edited by l2jkain

I feel like 2008 style.. Ahh.. HWID dude.. 

You can't get the hwid exclusively from the server, you need the client to send it to the server which means you need an add-on in the client.


Just nonsesne to check dualbox with ip address.

Well it acctualy make sense to have server second check, simply as looking if on 1 ip are used more then max_count of characters, on client must be dropper if connection is closed(that happend when VPN,proxy is used ) - most people use free VPN's and its redirecting complete traffic, so unless you can specifie to rediret(VPN traffic) only for your.exe then this check is pretty usefull. People can change HWID and other stuff on their machine, but if server founds out that 1 ip is controlling alot of characters in same time - its clear botting. And again if the person is smart enough and has plenty time, he can bypass any check(HWID +IP) by redirecting traffic on specified .exe and changing hwid that client module uses, so think what worth it ?


You can't get the hwid exclusively from the server, you need the client to send it to the server which means you need an add-on in the client.

My points is that it's better to have HWID to check what you want, and not a java code for olympiad dual box/events and etc. 

I don't said l2jkain should add HWID in this code.. 

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