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With Check If Player Already Have Clan Skills.



Hello Maxcheaters I'm using this code on my Service Npc and it is working just fine but I have one problem, it have no check for skills, so if you keep clicking on it it will keep taking the coins from you and telling you no skills added. I need it to check if the clan already have the skills and if yes return a html saying that the clan have the skills alredy.


Can anyone help?


Btw I'm using a L2j H5 server>


Thank you.

else if (event.startsWith("clanSkills"))
			final L2Clan clan = player.getClan();
			if (clan == null)
				return "ClanSkills-NoClan.htm";
			if (!player.isClanLeader())
				final SystemMessage sm = SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.TARGET_MUST_BE_IN_CLAN);
				return "ClanSkills-NoLeader.htm";
			if (st.getQuestItemsCount(ClanSkillsItemId) >= ClanSkillsItemCount)
				final List<L2SkillLearn> skills = SkillTreesData.getInstance().getAvailablePledgeSkills(clan);
				SkillTable st1 = SkillTable.getInstance();
				for (L2SkillLearn s : skills)
					clan.addNewSkill(st1.getInfo(s.getSkillId(), s.getSkillLevel()));
				st.takeItems(ClanSkillsItemId, ClanSkillsItemCount);
				// Notify target and active char
				clan.broadcastToOnlineMembers(new PledgeSkillList(clan));
				for (L2PcInstance member : clan.getOnlineMembers(0))
				player.sendMessage("You gave " + skills.size() + " skills to " + player.getName() + "'s clan " + clan.getName() + ".");
				player.sendMessage("Your clan received " + skills.size() + " skills.");
				return "ClanSkills-Success.htm";
			return "ClanSkills-NoItems.htm";
		return htmlText;
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If skills returns 0 once you already awarded, then like Versus says :

final List<L2SkillLearn> skills = SkillTreesData.getInstance().getAvailablePledgeSkills(clan);
if (skills.isEmpty())
    return "ClanSkills-AlreadyDone.htm";

PS : this got no use to be setted.

SkillTable st1 = SkillTable.getInstance();
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if (skills.isEmpty())

return "FILE.htm";





If skills returns 0 once you already awarded, then like Versus says :

final List<L2SkillLearn> skills = SkillTreesData.getInstance().getAvailablePledgeSkills(clan);

if (skills.isEmpty())

    return "ClanSkills-AlreadyDone.htm";

PS : this got no use to be setted.

SkillTable st1 = SkillTable.getInstance();



Thank you guys I got it now.

Edited by disorder25
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