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Fortress Requirements

L2J NexuS


Hello MxC Community.

I would like some help on changing requirements on register.

So i have these pics here :






So as far as i can understand, when you register it takes adena from you and obviously you can set the amount as the first picture shows.
But i got 2 questions.

How can i change adena to festival adena?
And what is the L thing after the amount of adena.


Edit : Forgot to say Thank you in advance all of you <3

Edited by L2J NexuS
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else if (getFort().getSiege().getAttackerClans().isEmpty() && player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(6673).getCount()<250)
        	player.sendMessage("You need 250 Festival Adena to register"); // replace me with html

there exist this check 



You don't put


when you should, check other negative cases on that method. That's the problem when you try to do different than regular 

return false;

 pattern :D. Btw 


 returns already false or true if destroyed or not.

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Oh my god, i said this several times but i'll say one more. I can't stand people who try open live server and don't even know how to describe a thing in their server.

Get the proper knowledge first, find a dev or do something but don't open any damn server at all without having the idea of what "MySQL" is.


In first image change the


player.reduceAdena("siege", adena_required_for_reg, null, true);      to     player.getInventory().destroyItemById("siege", 57, 1000, null, true);


In second image change the


player.getInventory().getAdena() < adena_required_for_reg              to            player.getInventory().getItemById(57).getCount() < 1000


Againn if you're going open a server don't even bother. And since your question is how you change from Adena -> Festival this mean you're creating a server already.

Which sucks. 

Edited by AccessDenied
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As always you are rude af.

Who told you i am going to open a fucking server.
Just help me if you want and stop speaking like you are the owner of fucking ncsoft.

I might just want to learn.


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As always you are rude af.

Who told you i am going to open a fucking server.

Just help me if you want and stop speaking like you are the owner of fucking ncsoft.

I might just want to learn.



First of all you don't want to learn. I also wanted to learn 6 years ago, i didn't post "how to change adena to festival". I just learned without even tuts.

So stop lying, i don't live in a cave homo erectus.


Second i gave you the answer in 2 lines, if you can't take advantage of it and copy paste, take a step back and litterally jump into an ice bucket.

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That's how i learn everything in my whole life.
They showed me how to walk and took me from my hands.
Now i can walk too.

That's how i learn.


Maybe its MIRACLE right?

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That's how i learn everything in my whole life.

They showed me how to walk and took me from my hands.

Now i can walk too.

That's how i learn.


Maybe its MIRACLE right?


Too much drama. You don't learn how to create a server and code by posting question how to change adena to festival coins.


PS. delete your history. you even admit you open a server




Anyway enough with the spam and drama, i gave you the answer you wanted. Stop calling rude people who feed you no matter the way they give u the food. Just say a thank you and move on

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First of all the link you posted is cancer.
It just says that i want to buy some armors.
I guess it means that i am going to open a server.

Thank you for the answer tho.

I called you rude because you always saying bad things and you are trying to make yourself look like a god of java development.
You help me with the code and at the same time you are saying bullshits about me.

Anyway thank you.

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First of all the link you posted is cancer.

It just says that i want to buy some armors.

I guess it means that i am going to open a server.


Thank you for the answer tho.


I called you rude because you always saying bad things and you are trying to make yourself look like a god of java development.

You help me with the code and at the same time you are saying bullshits about me.


Anyway thank you.


Do i sound like god of java development because i "force" you to search before you open Anothe shitty shared l2j with shared features pack just to use //gmspeed 3 and impress your friends and deny the fact that you dont want to be just gm but a player and contradicted my words saying that you want a quality server or even worst that you not opening a server? 


It's not my job to judge who open server and who not but do not lie in my face after asking for premade codes in ur previous topics and WTB armors. Just don't lie. Say yes im trying to open a server, i should search a bit more before post. That would be a fine answer.

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As you can see in the topic where i try to buy the armors i also say I LEARNED MY SELF OUT HOW TO ADAPT.


And again who told you that i am going to open a server? ( and in your case shitty ).

You just imagine things to fuck with me.
And in this case you try to impress the community by telling me something like : Shitty server inc noob devs and shits.

So i am not the one who tries to impress everyone.

I am also wondering why is everyone hating you lol.

You are just sitting behind your computer and saying shits to others lol.

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As you can see in the topic where i try to buy the armors i also say I LEARNED MY SELF OUT HOW TO ADAPT.


And again who told you that i am going to open a server? ( and in your case shitty ).


You just imagine things to fuck with me.

And in this case you try to impress the community by telling me something like : Shitty server inc noob devs and shits.


So i am not the one who tries to impress everyone.


I am also wondering why is everyone hating you lol.


You are just sitting behind your computer and saying shits to others lol.


You are just sitting behind your computer and saying shits to others lol.


If i sit behind a computer then you sit behind a rock i guess. Rofl


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reduceAncientAdena (I guess if you use L2J), and L means you enforce the value to be a "long" type.


Don't bother with AccessDenied, probably woman periods.

Edited by Tryskell
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reduceAncientAdena (I guess if you use L2J), and L means you enforce the value to be a "long" type.


Don't bother with AccessDenied, probably woman periods.

You're lucky i love you more than you love interlude and i won't talk, else you would be my Christmas target. :-[  :-[

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There is a problem.

If i have less than 250 Festival Adena it registers me without touching my Festival Adena.
If i have 250=+ Festival Adena it takes 250 of them.
If i don't have any Festival Adena it doesn't registers me.



This is all with my GM character.


When i try to register with a normal character even if i have 0 Festival Adena it does register me.
I know that there isn't any check for GM character but still this is kinda weird for me, idk about you.

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