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Lineage 2 Krobelus

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Lineage 2 Krobelus High Rate Gracia Final 9300x





Im here today to show you guys a hardly made server,after a long time we present you L2Krobelus!

Please,read below for more information.



Main Website
Main Forum

Clan Bonuses

Facebook Event

Skype and Raidcall Event

We are also accepting every suggestion here



Below,you can see 3 of our videos related to our server.


Promo Video

Siege Rune

Quest Video


Before we jump on server's features,let me inform you about general informations.



Experience (EXP): 9300x
Skill Points (SP): 3000x
Party Experience (PEXP): 16275x
Enchant rates depends on weapon,armor and scroll.
Max. Enchant: +25
Enchanted Community Board (ALT+ B)
Sub-Class  without Quest
Off-line Shop mode
Auto Pick-Up
Auto Learn Skills
Wedding System
Custom Buffer
Class Master
Exclusive shops
Max. Level : 95
Drop list by shift+click on mob.
Champions System
Fully Working Geodata
Unique Auto-events + custom by GM team
Sieges bonuses
Heroes every 2 weeks
Forbbidden skills
Sieges every week





L2Krobelus is a gracia final server, based on L2Pride. It has been reworked and updated to provide the best game play ever with continuous development. If you loved playing on L2Pride,you will love L2Krobelus even more!



--> The Krobelus Cubic <--




All in one L2Krobelus item that offers basic functions such as

  • A Global Gatekeeper
  • GM Shop
  • Skill Enchantment
  • Augmentation
  • Symbol Maker
  • Class Upgrades
  • Password Changer
  • Additional Player Stats




--> Community Board Features <--


Our Community Board has the usual Top 25 PvP/PK/Fame, but what's unusual about it, is you may click on the player's name and it will show you their character information, such as equipment, level, class, and enchants.Of course tt will not show Dyes, Elements, or Augments. You can also see  the list of online players and the top clans of the server. The Community Board also lists the custom commands for L2Krobelus, such as .lockdown,.accD and .adenaclanwh




Most famous people




Current alive bosses




--> Custom Farming Zones <--


L2Krobelus has 3 common  Farming areas from L2Pride, each as a special attribute. Cave of Trials(Newbie) is geared toward new players, so we have change COT and all of the Orc continent into an S80 only zone. Many of these mobs are soloable but there are a few powerful mobs and APCs inside that might require a party. Ruins of Despair(Medium) is a solo zone, while it is possible to party there, many of the mobs were designed to be soloed.Many unique Rb's and APCs spawn there like Cruel Rider,DeadWood. There is a feature implemented in ROD, so that once a player hits a mob that mob is considered "theirs" and no other play may attack it unless a clan member or a party member. Cemetery(Hard) is a party farming zone. There are few solo mobs around, but many difficult monsters,you can also find many APCs there. Some are resistance to all weapons but weak to only one. Also this is where our random spawn grind comes into play, so watch out for Bilencres, Living Nightmare,The Eyeless One, and of course the Cursed Girl.


                                                        ceme.png                                                                                                                                    rod.png




Last but not least,we've created a fully custom zone located in Dragon's Valley.Both low geared players and high geared players are able to farm there as the range of difficulty of the mobs differs.We have created new mobs with customized stats and skills but also very interesting drops ! In Dragon's valley you can also find custom APC/S and new raid bosses that you never found elsewhere.




--> Raid Bosses <--


There are many customized Raid Bosses almost same as L2Pride, that will give you a much more difficult time than your average raid.150++ Raidbosses have been edited (Skills and Drops). They also use an array of skills and debuffs that increase their difficulty to give you a unique raiding experience. Raid bosses have variable respawn times which makes them hard to camp, and very hard to kill, but worth it to try since they have some nice drops, so make your parties and hunt them all. Some raid bosses depending on their level and strength will flag the surrounding players at different intervals.These raid bosses have tricky skill combinations and special properties and passives that will force you and your party to work together like never before, for example Karte has 80% reduced damage from behind and  20% chance to reflect physical skills. When a Raid Boss is killed it will announce which one, who killed it and their clan name. 



--> Custom Skills <--


Most of L2 Krobelus's skills are edited. Some are edited on the effects, others on the animations and some others are named Forbidden Skills. All classes can use 2 Forbidden custom skills. All the classes have just 2 Forbidden skills.(for now).




--> Events <--


Team vs Team vs Team

Team with the most kills wins. People are in 3 different teams fighting each other. Blue team,Red team,Green team. The first player who will kill someone gets his name announced as '"Char Name" has drawn the first blood!' and you are getting reward with 1 event medal.


1 zone,2 teams. People should stay under a tower,the more and the longer you stay under the tower the better.


Players are spawned in the Coliseum or other maps and must kill as many other players as they can, the top 8 players with the highest kills wins the event, but try not to die, you will have to wait 10 seconds to be respawned!

Capture The Flag

Classic Red Team vs Blue Team, each team must abscond with their opponents flag and return it to their own flag, but if its not there they won't be able to score!

Castle Sieges

Attackers must breach the walls and doors of either Rune or Aden and seize the castle while the Defenders must hold it for as long as they can. But that's not an automated/scheduled event it's launched manually by us.

--> Instances <--


L2 Krobelus is going to bring back the 3 well known instances and 1 new one(TBA).

(Instance's allow newer players to gear up quickly.)


  • Kamaloka(easy) : 3 people to join,once a day.
  • Giran Instance(medium) : 4-7 to join,once every 2 days.
  • Aden Instance : 4-8 to join,once every week.
  • one more instance, to be announced later.

--> PvP Name Colors/Skills <--


In L2Krobelus we believe it's necessary to be able to show off as much as possible.By using this system,other players can see how experienced you're.





In addition to name colors you'll also receive special PvP Skills, and transformations, these transformations are mainly for show but some have many useful skills, such as the Heretic's Resurrection.. Also the more PvPs you have the lower the reuse is on your Trade chat.


PvP Skills,Transformations

There are many pvp skills on our server.Other are used for support,other are aggresive.
Players obtain those skills after they reach an specific ammount of pvp's.
Players can also take transformation skills by reaching a specific amount of pvp's.
Every transformation has different custom skills.

--> Detailed Mob Stat Viewer <--


This is pretty self explanatory as seen below. Any Mob, APC or Raid Boss can be Shift+Clicked to bring up the Stat Viewer.We Will Probably Add Shift+Click On Players,Showing Their General Information.




--> Marriage System <--


We have an extensive Marriage system, complete skill "Love Skills" and other features like .gottolove which will transport you to your partner (cannot be used during Olympiad or if your partner is near a raid boss.) Also, on L2Krobelus we have a lot of untradable items, this is mostly due to support the economy. But no need to worry! Once your married for 128 days, you will be able to trade any item (other than quest items) to your partner without any restrictions!


The Marriage Skills are as Follows:


Intimate Defense - Drastically increase your partner's P.Def and M.Def.
Love & Range - Get angry because your partner is (almost) dead. Useable when your partner is within 600 range and < 25% HP.
Honeymoon - Heal both you and your partner at the same time and apply a heal-over-time effect temporarily. Useable when your partner is within 50 range.
Rekindle - Raise your partner from death.
Zombify - Turn your partner into a zombie for the lols.
Nuptial Rush - Instantly rush to your partner's location. Usable range 900.

--> PvP Towns <--


The old pack used to have just Gludin Town as an open Grade PvP town. We've fixed Gludin's Geodata for greater pvp experience.

Also, Orc Village is still there with the item Restriction.Only particular items can be worn (s80 and below).

Anti-PvP system applies on both pvp zones.



--> Custom Armors And Weapons <--

Dynasty Armors
Wessex Armors
Dread Armors
Krobelus Armors
Legacy Krobelus Armors
Dynasty Weapons
Wessex Weapons
Krobelus Weapons
Dread Weapons

There are also Unique weapons which can be dropped from raid bosses




Example of halisha Unique bow





--> Custom Accesories, Jewels And Cloacks <--


Every accesory and jewel has something unique to offer,you can see them below.




We also have many unique jewels which every one of them offer different stats.




Custom Cloacks


Every custom cloack on L2Krobelus is offering you unique stats like speed,DEX,CON and much more!




This topic is updated constanly.


Edited by Lineage 2 Krobelus
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1 Website reminds nothing of Lineage (I mean the game)

2 Named by Dota1 hero

3 Computer:

Intel Core i7-3770 8 Cores x 3.4 GHz
6000 GB (2x3000 GB SATA)

Unlimited Bandwidth


:forever alone like a boss:

Edited by Nightw0lf
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1 Website reminds nothing of Lineage (I mean the game)

2 Named by Dota1 hero

3 Computer:


Intel Core i7-3770 8 Cores x 3.4 GHz


6000 GB (2x3000 GB SATA)


Unlimited Bandwidth


:forever alone like a boss:

What's wrong with having a name from different game ?

1 - Kinda agree we might get it reworked.

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Even for the features list you didn't spend time.

We were in a rush to make the website on so we can start to advertise the server.

In couple of days we will change some website subjects and add screenshots so people can know almost everything about the server.

We still want to keep the classic pride style which is what people like most but we reworked things such armors, npcs, drops.

Especially drops since we want to make it harder.

(Much harder)


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We were in a rush to make the website on so we can start to advertise the server.

In couple of days we will change some website subjects and add screenshots so people can know almost everything about the server.

We still want to keep the classic pride style which is what people like most but we reworked things such armors, npcs, drops.

Especially drops since we want to make it harder.

(Much harder)

ok got my answer.


We were in a rush

grab the money -> cya.

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ok got my answer.


We were in a rush

grab the money -> cya.

If we wanted to grab the money the donations would be ON.

Instead of it we will not open the donations till 2-3 first months. (Or till players take tier 2 gear which will be hard)

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If we wanted to grab the money the donations would be ON.

Instead of it we will not open the donations till 2-3 first months. (Or till players take tier 2 gear which will be hard)


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Nice Project (Pride PACK) And nice Fixes.Its cool and something better than others copy pride servers!!! (MrFlogaS sas gamaw olous kai paizetai me ti fwtia :P )

pese se kamia gwnia kai perimene na stamatisoun oi pneumones. pou gamas kiolas vlakama

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When pro server admins learn that using colorful fonts just makes their server look bad? Especially when they don't know anything about color theory. Amateurs. 

are there people who wont join to the server because i have colorful fonts?

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    • to my store : https://topestore.mysellix.io/fr/ 2015-2022 Aged Discord Account 2015 Discord Account : 50.99 $ 2016 Discord Account : 10$ 2017 Discord Account :3.99 $ 2018 Discord Account : 3.50$ 2019 Discord Account : 2.70 $ 2020 Discord Account :1.50$ 2021 Discord Account :0.99$ 2022 Discord Account :0.70$ Warranty :Lifetime Payment Methods : Crypto/ PayPal Contact Me On Discord Or Telegram Discord : @ultrasstore11 Telegram : https://t.me/ultrastore11 Whatsapp ; +212614849119
    • This is my first and last topic created on a Lineage Forum, because if there's one thing that causes headaches for a lot of people, it's the critical error, that's why I decided to share it...   I'm creating a server again and before starting configurations I started collecting dozens of customs, without realizing my system folder had 950MB of files, so I started to enter the game, every 1 to 2 hours my client was reaching the maximum limit of virtual memory of the game due to the absurd amount of customs inside the system folder, reaching the maximum limit of 2047MB virtual ram, automatically we get critical, regardless of the error that appears on your screen, "THE WORDS ARE IRRELEVANT, unless it is a critical error before the ram memory limit reaches its limit", if you are seeing "2047 MB", it means that the game's virtual memory has reached its limit, and this memory is not configurable due to the game being created on 32-bit architecture, so I significantly reduced the amount of customs within the system from 950MB to 625MB, so my client started to reach the maximum memory limit every 10 to 12h, a huge progress, but my goal was at least 24h before reaching the virtual memory limit (playing frantically), so I reduced the system's custom files from 625MB to 267MB, the result was a first virtual memory limit critical error appearing after 41h.   My client is H5, the only types of customs I added to the game were focused only on equipment, one of the main causes were these skins and cloaks, they consume a huge amount of MB's within the "system", the problem is not adding customs to the client, the problem is adapting a custom and adding it inside the system folder, the system folder was not created with the intention of storing a huge amount of files.   Adding customs to the system folder means significantly reducing the time your client can remain open before reaching the virtual ram limit and make no mistake, there are hundreds of different critical errors with a small summary of the cause of the error, but if the critical table shows 2047MB of RAM, the problem is only 1. Example: I can see 3, 5, 9 critical error with different messages, but if this table is showing 2047MB ram, the reason was the virtual memory limit, an important detail is that this 2047MB ram is not a "fixed message or information from your computer", this 2047MB only appear when the cause is the virtual ram limit, it means that when you get a critical error with random numbers of ram memory appearing, such as 358MB ram, 715MB ram, it means that the cause of this error has no connection with ram virtual memory.
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