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Help Code Interlude

BaSiLiS L2deV


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allozZ mxc forum !! im searching code for effect spawn protect . have plz share me effect player spawn protect plz ty .! :)

[GR] RE vasilaki agori mou pane sta config players.properties vres to spawn protection kai vale osa second thes...kalhnuxta

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[GR] Θα σε βοηθαγα αλλα ειδα το ονομα σου "l2Dev" οποτε. φευγω. [/GR]

Edited by AccessDenied
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Θα σε βοηθαγα αλλα ειδα το ονομα σου "l2Dev" οποτε. φευγω.

[GR]to prefix [GR] ksexases :p

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to effect leei oxi to time.

[GR] etsi opws hmoun exthes p ekana reply pali kala p apantisa panw se auto kai den tou eipa tpt na psaxnei sto system... :p

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[GR] auto pisteuw na se volepsei epsaksa ligo sto google kai to vrika http://pastebin.com/2c5zE2es

Edited by Reborn12
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Reborn Saruman and Access warned.


You can't use the gr tag in an english section to completely change the topic to gr.

@Off topic


Nobody changed the english section completely, don't exaggerate just to show-off, the Owner of the topic is Greek, therefore is not that big problem to write in Greek if you're using the [GR] tag.

Also those "Warned" no to me Elfo cause you write english in GR topics without prefix and sometimes GR in eng sections.


All these (include you): http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/206091-report-jaharakal/page-2?do=findComment&comment=2583060

Speaking GREEK in Report section when rules says 



3. Use only the English language (if you don't know then you can use google translator)


And that was only the the 1st result from search, i won't bother search more.. So yes everyone write sometimes GR in EN and EN in GR (even without using TAGS) like you did Elfo, but at least i'm using GR to point out the language. 


Anyways.. don't provoke for such small things

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/!\ AccessDenied is on periods time. /!\


Does it mean I can begin to speak in French when I want ?  :-beep- yeah:

About spawn protect effect, it depends about the effect you want. For a abnormal type, use startAbnormalEffect / stopAbnormalEffect. For team effect use setTeam and a broadcastUserInfo().

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Reborn Saruman and Access warned.


You can't use the gr tag in an english section to completely change the topic to gr.

Then if the owner have took his answer from me i think this topic can be closed..if he will be online today..
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/!\ AccessDenied is on periods time. /!\


Does it mean I can begin to speak in French when I want ?  :-beep- yeah:

About spawn protect effect, it depends about the effect you want. For a abnormal type, use startAbnormalEffect / stopAbnormalEffect. For team effect use setTeam and a broadcastUserInfo().


Fag on period? What a gross forum.


"no to me" elfo, do it in the others



Genius English

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is not working .. have code spawn protect xml ? i dont know eclipse edit ..

No way.. Only core side.


You can c/p acis code. Use effect like "event team" or you can use abnormalEffect.

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