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classic [L2J] L2 Deep


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Dear, friends we would like to announce you that we finished the English Translation on Website also on patch everything is ready

for the English patch download it from here http://l2deep.ru/download after you login on server .menu and select the English Version



Edited by Celestine
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AS i said.. the color patch it's different from the RU system folder.. much fair :/ and also the .menu menu it's in russian aswel..


tell me what else fixes it needs post them here

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Dear, friends we would like to announce you that we finished the English Translation on Website also on patch everything is ready

for the English patch download it from here http://l2deep.ru/download after you login on server .menu and select the English Version



Site and patch ready, everything in english . Now you can play normally !

Edited by MrPro*
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what is your point

you are known boter on mid rate c6 servers

are you looking for a server where you are the only one who can use bots?

fucking scum

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what is your point

you are known boter on mid rate c6 servers

are you looking for a server where you are the only one who can use bots?

fucking scum


mate 2k16 people they think that they are smart but they are not :D

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