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classic [L2Off] L2Dex & La2.gr Nexus


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Thats copy paste and not unique 10k other servers got this and with much higher reward, 100 euro, i just pissed myself loughing. poor romain scrubs cant even offer a proper price pool.

you know that dex owner is not romanian right ?I'm not ro .  Catalin is french , was always french .

DID your mother had issues with romanians that you are so racist ? Else i cant explain  


We offer our players what we can. We dont promise 1000euro and never pay . It is important that we give them rewards each 2 weeks at sieges .


I have no idea if you own a java server and got mad due low income or you are just stupid . Proly both 

But .... 

There's no such thing as bad publicity except your own obituary.

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As i said .. You have mental issues :) or your mother has a romanian lover


nice reaction from a administrator :)

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Since none cares here about this racist guy behaviour , i tried to be plastic

nigga, just piss off with ur 200 online server from this forum, l2off wannabe scrubs.


Pm stalone/mouse/some russian whore from averia for some lessons how to run a mid rate server, since you got ZERO knowlage too. and pm Lagys, or Maxim, prepare 10k euro for some lessons how to write extenders on off files to offer customers proper buffs customs wich are stantard at the mid rate scene atm.


for now, fuck off romos, and l2p/l2h

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Good for them :) we on dex do this as hobby .

Always will.

Take it easy , we see alot of ewarriors like you.



But thanks for the bump anyway

hobby, thats why you sell MW dyn sets and weapons on first day + noble. piss off romo money hungry scrub.

and np for free bump, wont bring you a single player anyway.

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You and your masters open 5x tales and 10x mid till a dex midrate srv ends his life.

Normal players play normal l2 not sf java :)


Seems you never understand that , proly never will, but hey , you get paid for trash you post on other srv topics

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