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How I Can Click A Button And Page Not Reload? See Example Inside



For example i go to npc buffer and i see the buffs list and is a long list with scrolldown bar

and i go down and click on one buff "for example might" and the html page reload ike it is going again to the start page 

How i can make it to not reload html page?

I hope you understand what i need

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Its server side problem, isnt it? The client sends packet with buff and server is responding with the main page

no man...

simply is a npc buffer yes?

you click on "buff list"

you get 30 buffs on a page with scroll bar you can scroll down and see another 10 buffs yes?

I want when you click on the buffs from down, do not go again to the buffs that ware up


Perseus server have this kind of buffer, when you click on the buff the html doesnt move to start again

Edited by Dan7E2
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Edit the init .py 


Example for you


#Wind Walk
if event == "7":
return "2.htm"
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Edit the init .py 


Example for you


#Wind Walk
if event == "7":
return "2.htm"


you dont get it, the html doesnt return to initial main.html simply i have to scroll down everytime i click on the buffs from down side...

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<button value="Wind Walk" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_getBuff 1204 2" width=75 height=21 back="L2UI_ch3.Btn1_normalOn" fore="L2UI_ch3.Btn1_normal">


how should i write this code button for not do any action instead give me wind walk buff, not change the html scroll down position ?

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