SQL Developer Posted February 26, 2016 Posted February 26, 2016 Hello i would like to report Sweets (not because i am a crybaby or i cant close my own business by myself). Yesterday i ask a help in L2J help section,post: click me Well thanks to sweets he help me but in the last of his comment he mocked me and then he locked the topic without even let me put (problem solved) in my post. Well i ask from him in pm to edit this comment . -Here is the pm:_ Hello would you like to edit your comment about your grand's you let a comment and lock the topic not even let me chance to reply .. this isnt man way..Delete your comment before lock. Ofc and no reply in msg .. So if someone can clean my topic and take it into consideration. P.S: I got no problems with seets otherwise i like him because he help but in 9/10 of his comment in help section is mocked everyone . You can say is just a forum but you ruin other people image by giving them bad comment with no reason .. Thank you :)
Tryskell Posted February 26, 2016 Posted February 26, 2016 Well, he is somewhat right, you say you know to code but don't know teleToLocation method, which is really "the basic of basics". So sorry if that will sound harsh, but you're on "baby step" from L2J developement : which isn't wrong or bad on any mean (everyone learns new things, me included, every day), but saying "I know how to code"... It's a joke, like the one SweeTs suggested with his last reply (and he didn't speak about YOUR family, but HIS, so if someone must be offended, it's himself). I like to say than L2J is 80% project knowledge and 20% java. You miss the 80% part and say you can code, ok... But you can't (no offense, just statement). Or maybe I'm used to irony and sarcasms too much... About the fact to close topics, I agree it's annoying, I sometimes want to comment (notably code writting style) and can't because topic is already locked. You shouldn't lock any topics, except if the topic goes deeply offtopic or is necroposted.
Rootware Posted February 26, 2016 Posted February 26, 2016 Found keywords: crybaby, why, world is cruel. With your level of knowledge, you need not the help. You need ready-made solution.
MeVsYou Posted February 26, 2016 Posted February 26, 2016 Hello L2LostWard, By the time you are offended from this comment, I edited just to end here this issue. Although, the comment was not offensive. As concerns the lock, the moderators ought to lock the topic by the time it is solved. If they leave it unlocked, then there are 2 options. Either to stay unlocked without reason, either some members to start spamming. In any case, the topic's author can ask via pm to MxC staff, to unlock it for further discussion. Topic locked!
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