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Posted (edited)

Well , that actually sucks. We see all lineage 2 interlude pvp servers to close in weeks. There are some pvp servers that actually have a lot of ppl with many pvp and fun (L2Damage,even if it wipes every some months) but other servers don't. Yes people make their equipments and then they just have some fun of PVP , olympiad and waiting for the next sieges. I find it logic they they get bored soon. So.. you will ask me why I created this post , right? Answer is simple..


Post something (feature or whatever you like to see in a server) that it propably could made you not to get bored playing an Interlude pvp server on 2015. Something special ? Just give your answers..I think many people would like to play in a STABLE interlude pvp server. ( But we are on 2015 , stable means NOT GET BORING , that's my opinion since if people are interested for your server everyday, they don't leave)


please reply thinking seriously as a player and not as a developer

Edited by PonyRider❤

Immposible to make server not boring i think :) what u can make more ?? L2Damage one of the best pvp no custom server with big online i think u cant make better server with bigger online :/

Posted (edited)

Its simple, we are not addicted to L2 anymore, thats the reason of "boring" server, no matter you do :p


Even pvp is boring for me when I do it for 30min - 1h..


You cant do much, think about your dreamed server and make it happen. If ppl like it, its ok, if not.. Also ok, at least you tried :p

Edited by SweeTs

Opportunities to make a difference in a fight.


I think old-school mechanics need to be revisited.


Things like - item/gear drop, regardless if you are PK. 


Honestly I feel like servers die because there is no depth to asset management. You said it yourself - people craft some gear and go PvP a bit. You never lose anything. Dying in PvP is not a loss. It's just free To Village teleport xD. 


I'm not sure if it would change anything - people will likely become risk averse if there was a chance that they'd lose gear. I think there needs to be a soft limit to how much you can lose. Like there would be free gear that would never drop. 


Overall, grind that fools you into thinking that you did "hard work" and deserve your rewards, shit economy that focuses on local player asset management only (poor trade options and opportunities), and lack of opportunities to distinguish yourself are factor contributing to me simply quitting the server. 


All of which is a symptom of "devs" who download a pack, change config and launch server. There is no real development or innovation, so private L2 servers stagnated and all the old features are being copy pasted and rolled over and over and over.


I would play L2 again. But because the people who open server generally have no vision beyond 24h after launch I have no interest in trying it out.


Yes it is. The point is the lack of new content. After 10 years people have played most variant and got bored.


Yes it is. The point is the lack of new content. After 10 years people have played most variant and got bored.

The point is not the new content as the good IL servers don't have regular content, they actually have custom "new" one.

L2 is the same engine since 2003 and it will continue like this till the end of time.

The point is that when a random admin owner tries to open a server he essentially nullify the L2 economy structure which is in it's core pretty hard (adena, aa, craft) and they replace it with something new and easy.

However this is not a healthy economy structure and inflation hits in a couple of weeks.

L2's expansions where designed to last like 6-12 months and after the content was affected by inflation they just added more content so 

they widened the economy cycle more and more.

The easy way to prevent inflation is wiping the content, the hard way is making your own expansions.

If a server doesn't have one of these two elements then it is doomed to fail.

Sure you can make it super hard but then people won't play.


TD;DL: It's not the features of a server that make it last. It is the economy structure and the advertisement investment.


Well I'm sure that come into the equation indeed. As I never played with that but rather followed with game updates fairly quickly back in the days I never had any issues as I followed retail logic for economy.


Still playing the same over and over gets boring. I lost my player base (the one that followed me since C1) when I sticked with H5 too long. It was just boring to always do the same shit, and custom content (not armor and shit I don't like it, personal taste) never lasted long.


I do get that people doesn't like what happens after H5, and maybe for most people here, way sooner, yet I don't get why people keep opening with the same old nostalgia stuff that never last (sometimes I wanna play some old console game but it never last).


Is it because most admin are now are not dev just buying pack around that provide mostly IL/ H5 ? (how can someone join such a server it can't succeed) Is it because the player base is really bigger for older chronicle ? Would a new leak happen, would people finally move forward ? I'm kinda lost with player expectation :D

Posted (edited)

Is it because most admin are now are not dev just buying pack around that provide mostly IL/ H5 ? 

I think that's the most common myth - that you just buy a "good" pack and open a "good" server. As if a few quality of life changes will magically cause people to stick around longer.

QoL improvements are definitely necessary, especially if you have loads of custom content (so that you don't access all the new stuff through a voice command like it's a cheat console), but it's hardly the reason why people would stay.


Also believing that the economy is inelastic and the only way to upkeep it is to continue flushing it and adding content is part of the reason why nobody attempts to try and do anything about. That's awfully absolute. 


A healthy economy needs stuff going in and going out. L2 rarely had stuff going out of it. The flush, or the moment when all the previous gear and items became irrelevant because there was a new "grade" to unlock, farm and craft, and enchantment were the only 2 occasions when stuff disappeared out of the game economy. 


It's a two-sided problem - not only is asset management negligible and irrelevant in L2, if you actually try to add it, you risk alienating your playerbase still, because nobody wants to manage that BS anyway. 

Edited by sandpants

Useless topic. EU l2 is dead coz of 2 reasons:

1. Corrupted admins.

2. Retarded community.


You can make any features, but believe me, your server will stay alive max for 2 weeks.


If you want to play normal interlude server(mid rate) w/o server jumpers send me pm. Stable server (1 month +) with stable community (mostly not EU).

W/O op donations.


Useless topic. EU l2 is dead coz of 2 reasons:

1. Corrupted admins.

2. Retarded community.


You can make any features, but believe me, your server will stay alive max for 2 weeks.


If you want to play normal interlude server(mid rate) w/o server jumpers send me pm. Stable server (1 month +) with stable community (mostly not EU).

W/O op donations.

L2khaos is the only server like this.
Posted (edited)

Bugged servers opened only to gain some money, players with no clue about the game, etc and etc... it's like an infinite loop.

Interlude isn't the game anymore, that is the truth. Boring gameplay, boring "NEW UNIQUE ZONES", boring "100% WORKING SKILLS", boring "100% CLASS BALANCE", and so on.

The old players left the game, the new players are boring.


EDIT: H5 is even worse...

Edited by Tessa

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