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interlude [L2Off] Lineage 2 Appeal


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so.. this server is l2off? cause i check somewhere connection with mysql..Untitled.jpg

A web db is using mysql strings.

A game db is using a mssql string.

You just accesed a web panel. Logic?!?


@topic : Give the server a chance, the guy is trying his best.

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A web db is using mysql strings.

A game db is using a mssql string.

You just accesed a web panel. Logic?!?


@topic : Give the server a chance, the guy is trying his best.

xaaxaxaxaxax wtf are you talking about this panel is the registration panel with connection on sql server to create a server account dont try to learn me about the dfrts btn l2j & l2off this server is total l2j 1000%

Check the image and if you did it lets talk about the connections..

Edited by ADDICTED87
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I doubt he set the connection strings live to connect on to the db machine.

Plus it is not java. Only a idiot would think that, but i so not mind that a "xaxa" kid replied like that.

Also there are web scripted panels with 2x types of connection to the host. Either by mysql or by mssql.


@Dumanist : Good luck.

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İt is not coded yet , web dev coding it for offical.

İ will post screen from server files. So dont be pathetic its offical.

You are the pathetic now with that answer if somone knows anything about php or scripts he knows who is the lier here bb and gl with your server also i can find many images from official platform files anything  else?

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You are the pathetic now with that answer if somone knows anything about php or scripts he knows who is the lier here bb and gl with your server also i can find many images from official platform files anything  else?

Oh rly you know about php connections? you just read an error, do you really know what the rest of code looks like? us the owner said i am making the official scripts. The website running some examples for l2j that they are disabled becouse there is no connection. either on website mysql or machine. localhost using password NO. do you think that he forgot to use the password?

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You are the pathetic now with that answer if somone knows anything about php or scripts he knows who is the lier here bb and gl with your server also i can find many images from official platform files anything  else?

 Made my day loled hard.

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Weapon Enchant Rate ;
    +3 to +7 : 60%
    +8 to +12 : 50%
    +13 to +20 : 40%
    Max Weapon enchant is +20
Armor Enchant Rate ;
    +3 to +6 : 50%
    +6 to +10 : 30%
    Max Armor enchant is +10


wtf is that features omg 

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Weapon Enchant Rate ;

    +3 to +7 : 60%

    +8 to +12 : 50%

    +13 to +20 : 40%

    Max Weapon enchant is +20

Armor Enchant Rate ;

    +3 to +6 : 50%

    +6 to +10 : 30%

    Max Armor enchant is +10


wtf is that features omg 

whats wrong with them

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well sure it is hard... it wont be one of those servers where everyone holds a ++ item, where it is just a matter of time until you get one. you may never get one in this server, i guess thats the goal.


maybe if you plan staying in this server for a long time, one can even say that eventually you'll get a +20 S.


tho for sure people like me who work from sunday to sunday and study, surely we wont ever lay hands on such thing.

Edited by Eroamago
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so.. this server is l2off? cause i check somewhere connection with mysql..Untitled.jpg



xaaxaxaxaxax wtf are you talking about this panel is the registration panel with connection on sql server to create a server account dont try to learn me about the dfrts btn l2j & l2off this server is total l2j 1000%

Check the image and if you did it lets talk about the connections..



You are the pathetic now with that answer if somone knows anything about php or scripts he knows who is the lier here bb and gl with your server also i can find many images from official platform files anything  else


Oh man... hahahaha.

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    • Upgrading to Salvation is exactly the same as upgrading to the newest client with the only difference being access to free-shared client editing tools and resources. I am speaking from experience. I have upgraded my HF source to one of the newest clients by myself (in terms of server side. got help with the client) and hit every single wall there was in the process. Now, I already have several multi-protocool server cores so I can easily compare different approaches to tackling the same issue, which also helped the learning process. Best way to learn would be to use this one (link below) to snoop around and figure out what has been changed in the server side (the packet structure will be different, for sure, but works for understanding/figuring the process out in general terms). https://github.com/iBezneR/L2J_SunriseProject_Purity The client side will always be the same, always the same files, only the DAT structure will be different. I personally wrote myself some parsers for the data of the DAT files from OLD -> NEW client.
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