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interlude [L2Off] Lineage 2 Appeal


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Website : www.l2appeal.com

Forum : http://forum.l2appeal.com

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/l2appeal/



  • Exp : x50
  • Adena : x100
  • Drop : x3
  • Spoil : x5
  • Weapon Enchant Rate ;

             +3 to +7 : 60%

             +8 to +12 : 50%

             +13 to +20 : 40%

             Max Weapon enchant is +20

  • Armor Enchant Rate ;

             +3 to +6 : 50%

             +6 to +10 : 30%

             Max Armor enchant is +10


  • Start-up characters ;
            Every newly created character starts on lvl 1 with the following items in his inventory;
            Full "best" No-Grade gear + basic consumables
            A mask that gives passive nobless for 90minutes. (either you wear it or not)
            When you created a new character; you will have " Return " skill as auto. it will helps u to go main town easily.skill1050_0.png
  • Auto Potions use : MP / CP / Greater CP on -50% missing ; HP -> on -90% missing
  • Buff slot is 20 untill 52 level , after the 52 you will earn a passive skill auto ( Divine Inspiration lvl 2 ) for 24 buff slot.
      Finally you can earn +2 buff slot with buy the Ancient Books etc_add_buffslot_i02.pngetc_add_buffslot_i03.png from ( Token Manager ).
  • Infinity shots to reduce SS lag.
  • Toogle skill that prevents grief buffing.

            Buffs that go through Anti-Buff toogle skill are : Body of Avatar, Blessing of Noblesse, Heroic Valor .

  • Offline Shop and Gold Bar system.
  • Skills that increases weight capacity, inventory, craft, trade and storage.
  • Advanced Armors armor_t1004_ul_i00.pngarmor_t1005_ul_i00.pngarmor_t1006_ul_i00.png
  • Advanced Weaponsweapon_dark_elven_long_bow_i01.pngweapon_dark_screamer_i01.pngweapon_meteor_shower_i01.png
  • NPCs ;
            Armor Shop
            Weapon Shop
            Misc Shop
            Global Gatekeeper
            Class Manager
            Merchant of Mammon
            Exchange Shop (Leolin)


  • Clan leader name is semi-grey
  • Maximum clans in one ally is set to 2 clans
  • All clan penalties are removed
  • Npc Buffer, General Gatekeeper and Warehouse are set in all clan halls.
  • Castle Registration NPC's are available in Main Town.


  • Olympiad will starts 1 weeks after server launch.
  • Olympiad period is 1 week.
  • Olympiad restrictions will be discussed.


  • Team vs Team -  every 6 hour


  • Available Siegeble Castles : Aden , Giran , Rune , Goddard.
  • Crown of Lord and Normal User Crown  gives special stats.
  • Every castle is being sieged every two weeks, every weekend there will be two sieges on Saturday and Sunday. 


  • Class change;

                 First, Second and Third class change information can be found at Class Manager in the Main Town.

                 When changing to 1st and 2nd class you will be receiving a reward pack with help-out gear to match your level.

                 Third class requires 20kk  adena.

                 When changing to 3rd class you will be receiving a Giants Book that will enchant your skills..

  • Subclass;

                 Subclass quest is auto. (Can be found in the Class Master)

  • Noblesse Quest

                 Noblesse Quest is retail.

                 Hellfire Oil can be found in the Misc Shop or retail quested.

                 Moonstone: Pouches unlock items on a x3 amount with 80% chance.




  • Monastery of Silence ( Solo Zone )
  • The Cemetery ( Solo and Party Zone)
Edited by AkaDumanisT
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Seems promising...Good luck with it!

thank you so much :)


Finally a Global server coming!!! We missed up old servers!! WELCOME BACK l2APPEAL!! 

thank you :) i hope you'll like it.


I loved that server 10/10


nice to see you again you're welcome :)

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as i see the best developer on the arround start the work again ! good luck my brother i hope you will be great ! server i have played so much time ! 


- 0 Lag
-  No Attacks - Exploits
- No ddosing
- No bugs , etc , programs


Lets brother show us who is the best on arround ;) welcome back !

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Welcome back


i just checked the features carefully and im sure this server gonna fill the gap what interlude ppl looking for.


We´ve tested so many server and had "much" fun with couple of clans and allies but always we were missing something on the servers.

Im sure this server gonna get enough ppl to have some nice memories and fill our l2 lifes with some love :)

Its beeing long time i saw a nice server like this.


Even SGC quit Lineage II im gonna give a try and join may i ll find some new friends.


Best wishes and a good start in the future see ya soon.





PS: Sorry for my bad english ;)

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That's a great server to play based at off files,but i believe the grand opening is far away,who lives who dies until 11 december? :P . Btw forum is still empty,maybe a good banner on one two vote sites make it more popular,hope you will succeed seems very good server,Good Luck mate.

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