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L2Net And All It's Builds Source Code Released


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As the title says. Yes I know it's dead. You can still learn A LOT from it, if you try.







Haters in........





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All I can say to this, is ROFL. Yeah, a virus in a source...... That'd be pretty smart, just like NeverMore here. WTS BANANAS...

LoL at AVG..

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Hey guys, since my other post was rudely locked: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/192338-l2net-source-code/


I just came here to let you know there is no virus in this, but if you really think there is, simply don't download it. The source can be modified to run on L2.NET again, I'm sure it's not that hard for any semi-competent coder. This is a very powerful tool.  Hope someone can either learn from it or revive it. 

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I tossed the project onto https://github.com/Xackery/l2net and will be breaking and fixing things, since I play on my own private server with friends and enjoy the bot.

Feel free to create issues, fork, do pull requests, and all that jazz.

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I wonder why the L2Net's dev mpj123's topic is locked and this random share still alive?

I suggest lock this topic and open mpj123's topic since he is one of l2net devs.

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So there is trojan or not?

I never downloaded the link on top, but as noted earlier, mpj is one of the original devs, who released the source here on his forums: http://www.insane-gamers.com/forum/showthread.php/6902-L2-NET-Source-code

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