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L2 Adrenaline Script Problem

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nop, delphi is my first language,for me helped examples, read this thread probably you find examples, i remember i posted some procedures of my frinteza scroll quest, that can help, also i give link from other guy quest which helped for me when i make lizardmen quest


ops read this thread http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/189997-l2-adrenaline-scripts/page-20


and probably all bigest problem that dont read good what write, like example i write that delphi be my first language but you didnt see  :dat:

Edited by adr.bot
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nop, delphi is my first language,for me helped examples, read this thread probably you find examples, i remember i posted some procedures of my frinteza scroll quest, that can help, also i give link from other guy quest which helped for me when i make lizardmen quest


ops read this thread http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/189997-l2-adrenaline-scripts/page-20


and probably all bigest problem that dont read good what write, like example i write that delphi be my first language but you didnt see  :dat:


Edit: Ok, i found id's in google im retard xDD

I have now 2 dudes if u can help, i make script for take lizardman quests, now for go kill mobs i just need add engine.move (localition) with adrenaline autotarget and autoattack on, or need any code? im trying found in pdf any code for that, but dont see


And when i take lizardman item for kill raidboss, how can i detect if i have item or not? looking l2bot.eu pdf found this:

This code: QuestStatus(QuestID:Cardinal;Step:Integer):Boolean; i think detect if quest is done or something, we need use this for detect if i have object?

Edited by CristianPascual
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you can check quest status 

var i,z :integer;
a,b: string;
for z:=1 to 20000do begin
  for i:=-20 to -1 do begin
    if  Engine.QuestStatus(z, (abs(i)))then begin
      str(z,b) ;
      str(abs(i),a) ;
      print('QUEST '+b+' stage '+a);

for kill mobs just use engine.facecontrol(0,true) its turn on bot interface

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Ofc. you can learn it if you want to.

Do as adr.bot says and open the help pdf, find some script examples and find out what they do and what the different lines mean.

As I've said numerous times before around here: I don't mind giving hints and help as long as you have tried yourself first but don't expect anything without a bit of effort on your side.

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you can check quest status 

var i,z :integer;
a,b: string;
for z:=1 to 20000do begin
  for i:=-20 to -1 do begin
    if  Engine.QuestStatus(z, (abs(i)))then begin
      str(z,b) ;
      str(abs(i),a) ;
      print('QUEST '+b+' stage '+a);

for kill mobs just use engine.facecontrol(0,true) its turn on bot interface


I have in red error this part of code: var i,z :integer; , i tried add ) after integer but its not the problem

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i recommend start first from simple things xd when i start i try make farm script, if good remember i tried it make 3days xdd ofc 2times i give up but finally i make it work, then step by step learn more and more

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better start with newbie farm adena like you teleport to spot and turn on  bot


after when u sell your first 1b u can buy your first script for that location 


after 68789709b sold u can buy everything what u want lolol,oolkol 

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better start with newbie farm adena like you teleport to spot and turn on  bot


after when u sell your first 1b u can buy your first script for that location 


after 68789709b sold u can buy everything what u want lolol,oolkol 


If u bot in front of pc why notxD press bot on is 0,1 seg

Just need bot 1 week and u full for olys, dont need more :D

Edited by Anitah
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i recommend start first from simple things xd when i start i try make farm script, if good remember i tried it make 3days xdd ofc 2times i give up but finally i make it work, then step by step learn more and more


So im now relax xD

I am trying understand this fucking .pdf :rage:

For example this line: SetTarget(constName:string):Boolean;overload; for target by name, what is "overload" "boolean" and "const"?

Edited by CristianPascual
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So im now relax xD

I am trying understand this fucking .pdf :rage:

For example this line: SetTarget(constName:string):Boolean;overload; for target by name, what is "overload" "boolean" and "const"?

hmm, good question, if really i have no idea , i just know how use it xd

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