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high five [L2J] Lineage 2 Critical


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Hello everyone,


I'm glad to announce that we are working on a new server, a server that I hope will be worth trying! I will take my time to mention some of the features that we will offer, but I won't reveal everything, by the time our PBE is about to go Live I'll have them all posted and revealed. We hope that jumping into High Five gives us more creativity to work on new event engines and implement a new path for everyone that will play, a path that hasn't been offered  before in a custom server.


I will try to give out some answers on what we're doing, that might have your interest. 

Q: What is our idea

A: We want to make a server, that won't have to keep you grinding and farming all day long, but a server that's going to have alternatives, a faithchanging decisions that you have to take for the route that you'll decide to go to.


Q: What you I mean by this?
A: This mean we'll try to give you atleast a few ways to obtain stuffs, not the traditional ones only, for example Enchanting, we're discussing a new way of enchanting, because this is what keeps the server alive, if we offer the only traditional way let's be honest people are going to get to max enchantment and then it's gonna be over. This is why I'm into discussion with the teammates about a unique way to bring people more of what they need.


- These are the standart Features that you have to know for now, they are below, and are subject to change. Read below for more information on each.



Server Rate

  • EXP: 20x
  • SP: 20x
  • Adena 20x
  • Party EXP: 2x
  • Party SP: 2x
  • DropItems: 10x
  • RaidDropItems: 3x
  • RaidDropJewely: 1x
  • Spoil: 10x

We believe that those are the best rates that may keep your gameplay busy for awhile, not for a long period, but enough to give you pleasure of the gameplay that the game itself offers.


Buffs Setting

  • Max Buffs: 24 + 4
  • Max Dances/Songs: 12
  • Buffs time: 2 hours

The buffs will be set to 2 hours because we don't want to give you pain into creating extra characters for buffs or have multiple boxes to recieve what should be given from us to you.


Enchant Setting

  • Normal Enchant: 55%
  • Blessed Enchant: 65%
  • Safe enchant: +4
  • Max enchant: +16

Our enchant rates are currently those, not final but may be a subject of changes. Since I was talking about alternatives way to the Enchantment system, it's time to reveal a few options that we are discussing.


- PvP Enchantment System:

The system is simple but very effective. How does it work? 
Well for example, we're focusing on a PvP based server with lower to midrates of enchantment and farm rates, but we want to encourage people to PvP, and what if not giving them the most valuable? 
The system work in a simple way, X amount of PvP will lead to a 100% successfull enchant on your gear, we are tho discussing whether it has to be limited to a specific item grade or available only if you've completed a task for us, a quest ingame or it could be limited and set to work only after you've reach atleast +6 gear, this is into discussion but we'll see how to final system is going to work and I will have the topic updated.

P.S: Don't have high hopes that this will be exploitable thru dualboxing PvP or farming on newbies, working on a strictly checking system to have a fair gameplay and fair custom features.

- Quest Enchantment System:

Nowadays people have forgotten how valuable Quests can be, and how fun they also are. They think of them as something bad and boring to do, this is why we want to implement our own custom quests, thru whom you'll be able to get awesome rewards that'll help you in your journey into our server.
For now the idea is really raw, we are discussing whether it should be available only for a certain criterias met, or if everyone could hop into making quests, we want to make them vital for our server, as into giving people Daily Quests for boosts and other helpful little things. Currently the idea is to make the Final Enchant available thru Quest only (UNDER DISCUSSION). What that mean? For example I personally suggested to have limited the normal Enchants to +14/15, and only player who are worthy to complete tasks may have the Final Enchant available, linking into a few quests that have to be completed you'll be granted the Final Enchant which will be also our Max Enchant limit. 
Why do we want to do that? Personally I would say its for Economy reasons, we need to have High Valuable and rare items that only a few of you will reach with hard work, this will motivate others to trade/buy/offer for your worthy items, or will send them on a Quest Journey to obtain those themselves. 


Both of those systems are under discussion and are subject to changes, this is just a preview of the things that we want to bring to our server.



Auto Events

  • Team vs Team
  • Korean Style
  • Capture the Flag
  • GvG Event 9vs9 18vs18 27vs27
  • Last Hero
  • Baium Clone Event (PvE Event)


- Our Events are most of the standarts, but currently we're doing tests and works on new type of Events available only for our server. More on those will be revealed later.


This so far is enough information that I am revealing, more will be posted daily on our Forum so feel free to get an early account, who knows, some of you may find themselves rewarded for that.

Our website design is currently into rework, what you see is not Final, we'll have them updated and renewed really soon, for now feel free to browse our Forum and drop your ideas and comments about the ideas that we have.

Sincerely yours,


Our Website: Lineage2Critical
Our Forum:  Lineage2Critical Forum


If you have any questions feel free to send your PMs to me I'll gladly answer, or you can drop a comment here. Please keep your negativity down and WE do NOT need spammers and flamers here. Peaceful day everyone! 

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Dead serbidor . Failed before beta :-) . And he comes trash talking others servers . Bigg mouth but nothing to back it up . If u failed already and u did on ur project who will join when ever owner dont trust in it . First time agreeing with achylek . Dead serbidor

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If you've read a bit, before spamming my topic, i've already written that The Website and forums are under redesign, also please, your poor attempt to provide a "failed" server information makes you look like a fool, please do not spam my topic. 

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If you've read a bit, before spamming my topic, i've already written that The Website and forums are under redesign, also please, your poor attempt to provide a "failed" server information makes you look like a fool, please do not spam my topic. 


yah true storki 

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Dead serbidor . Failed before beta :-) . And he comes trash talking others servers . Bigg mouth but nothing to back it up . If u failed already and u did on ur project who will join when ever owner dont trust in it . First time agreeing with achylek . Dead serbidor

This is my topic, as you can see, we comment the server, not anyone affiliated with it, neither developers or administrators, please put the spam away.


/P.S. Can someone clean my topic, please.

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When someone tell the truth is spamming but when some kiss ass sheep gives good comment thats not a spam right . Please read what spam means and then complain .

Also this is a forum where ppl can give their opinion and thats what i did . Ur server said it will open on april 1 . Oh wait now i understand was a low quality april fools joke no? If u didnt noticed is april 3rd and ur server isnt even in beta .

Like i said server is fail because people who manage it cant even give an eta on beta or live and already failed to open

Gl with ur 100 on fake counter serbidor

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When someone tell the truth is spamming but when some kiss ass sheep gives good comment thats not a spam right . Please read what spam means and then complain .

Also this is a forum where ppl can give their opinion and thats what i did . Ur server said it will open on april 1 . Oh wait now i understand was a low quality april fools joke no? If u didnt noticed is april 3rd and ur server isnt even in beta .

Like i said server is fail because people who manage it cant even give an eta on beta or live and already failed to open

Gl with ur 100 on fake counter serbidor

I think your brain capacity won't allow you to understand that this is the old website that we're not using, we keep it online for a few purposes, first it to get stuck into bots system of Google, but that isn't in your capacity either. The ETA is old information, from the time when part of the team was different. You cannot say what a fail server is before it is open, or even in a random phase of it's creation, and no this is totally harassment directed posts the one that you blew here, it would be a good comment if there was criticism or any point that could give a suggestion or atleast a backed up comment of the statement that you're trying to imply here. 


(P.S: hope your english skills are more advanced, hopefully you'd understand what I mean)

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