Hello guys, There is a bug in my server,which allows players to have multiple classes skills. For example,Saggitarius with Paladin skills.I know it's related to PHX. I tried this fix,but it just removed every skill:
public L2Skill addSkill(L2Skill newSkill, boolean store)
// Add a skill to the L2PcInstance _skills and its Func objects to the calculator set of the L2PcInstance
L2Skill oldSkill = super.addSkill(newSkill);
// Add or update a L2PcInstance skill in the character_skills table of the database
if (store)
storeSkill(newSkill, oldSkill, -1);
+ if(!SkillTreeTable.getInstance().getAllAvailableSkills(this, getClassId()).contains(newSkill))
+ removeSkill(newSkill,false);
return oldSkill;
Original was based off L2OFF, so how would he even be able to compete or deliver the same quality? It will be just another L2F from shein.
Whatsoever, some times you should just let the horse die.
Hello guys,
There is a bug in my server,which allows players to have multiple classes skills.
For example,Saggitarius with Paladin skills.I know it's related to PHX.
I tried this fix,but it just removed every skill:
I am using acis 320
Edited by StealthyS4m11 answers to this question
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