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A Car Up To 10K Euro


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Audi S3 Second Hand

or VW Golf VI Gti

I want 5-doors car, a legit S3 is 3-doors as far as I noticed, or I'm wrong. S-line looks better from my pov, I dont need a "village tuning" heh :)

Golf VI Gti - I'd take it instantly, but sadly I can't buy it up to 10k e, at least in my country.


I'm going for Audi A3 2008/2009 year.


I fall in love.



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Another suggestion of mine (at least this is what i'm gonna buy until december) Seat Ibiza fr 2.0 tdi (143 hp - 35 kg torque) .
It's an amazing car , it has a lot of power and it's pretty economic too. (Around 5.5 ltrs / 100 km)


Think of it. Full edition costs 17.500 € . ;)

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Seat Ibiza fr 2.0 tdi

it has a lot of power and it's pretty economic too. (Around 5.5 ltrs / 100 km)

I can agree only on that. The look inside is so damn crappy. And for such a price.. oh man.. I'd buy definitelly BETTER car. Even still Audi, you can't really compare those two, it's like heaven and hell, guess which one Seat is :D

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I can agree only on that. The look inside is so damn crappy. And for such a price.. oh man.. I'd buy definitelly BETTER car. Even still Audi, you can't really compare those two, it's like heaven and hell, guess which one Seat is :D

You right on that, the interior is too "crappy" for such a car.

They have to upgrade it .. 

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Sweets, for 10k look for a premium car.

I mean Bmw,Audi, Mercedes... or a Vw.


The reasons are many... like u buy have to choose from buying Nike shoes or random shoes.

The parts may be more expensive but atleast you drive a good car. 
Be sure that the car is in a good condition when you buy it.


I can tell you many tricks wich you can test by yourself when you buy a car to be sure it is fine.

But is much more safer to take the car to an authorised service for verifications.


A bmw 318-320D is a dream car for that money..  Don't know the car prices in your country but near 10k you can buy the 2009-2010 version


Low consumption, powerfull engine, alot of control systems (even if it's rear wheels traction). I had one and till now it was the best car... Even on winter it's damn safe.


The revisions are not so expensive...

But the most important, you can be sure you drive a GOOD car!

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Yup, I totally agree on that. That's why I am/was thinking about Audi and BMW. But well, I guess I will stick with Audi :)


In Poland the BMW acronym stands for "you will have expenses" :D

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Don't think that Audi will have lower prices.

If you have the bad luck to have problems with some expensive parts, it will be almost the same prices for both cars.


I would go definitely with a sedan car not a hatckback... 
More space, more confort.. and better design.

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Ofc, it's not gonna be cheap neither ;)


Yup, that's why I'm going to buy a sportback, 5 doors and it's not that bad. I was also thinking about A4 B7 3.0TDI, but well.. I don't rly need such a "huge" care :P

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Ofc, it's not gonna be cheap neither ;)


Yup, that's why I'm going to buy a sportback, 5 doors and it's not that bad. I was also thinking about A4 B7 3.0TDI, but well.. I don't rly need such a "huge" care :P

I have an a3 1,9 TDI.

Its good. Go for it...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello,just registered here.


Decide for what you will use the car - Daily Driving or Performance? FWD,RWD,AWD ? Diesel,Gasoline ?


Here is my opinion,I wont recommend a specific car,just give you guidelines:


-If you plan to race,tune the car,or you just like driving fast the only answer is rear wheel drive(RWD).Simple physics - when you accelerate,the weight of the car shifts backwards=rear(driven)tyres get better grip.Also in dry conditions RWD cars have much better handling,because front wheels are used for steering only,unlike front wheel drive cars.


-If you need a car for daily driving,FWD is better.A front wheel drive car,when not driven sporty,has better traction in variable conditions(rain,snow),because it has the majority of its weight shifted torward the front/steering/ wheels.Also FWD cars have better fuel economy,because of lesser mechanical losses.On the downside,when driven hard,FWD cars fail at a certain point and tend to understeer,which is a lot harder to manage than oversteering.Powerful FWD cars,when accelerating hard will also torque-steer(pull from the long halfshaft)


-AWD cars I can only recommend if you plan to race in rally(insane traction).For daily driver its not worth it - burns a lot of fuel,very expensive to maintain.


-Diesel vs Gasoline - Its a tie.Diesel has a lot better fuel economy but expensive maintenance.Gasoline = worse fuel economy,but cheaper parts.If its for daily driving I would pick diesel = for the huge torque.But since I assume you will buy a used car,get whats in best condition.


I will give example with myself.I have 2 cars - old BMW E30 and Passat 2.0 TDI 2008.

-BMW has swapped engine(S50B30) with some tuning.The BMW I use only for racing because it burns 30-35/100 and oversteers a lot.Its absolute shit for daily driving.

-Passat is a slow car,but so far is very reliable and has great fuel economy.Great for daily driving.

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