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I was unsure wether to post this in the General Discussion or PServer Request Subforum. I figured its more of a discussion where you might drop in a server suggestion.


Sup everyone, I am at a loss.


I have played this game quite intesively in my past. Offical, Pserver, everyting from C1 to Interlude.

I've been gone for a while, 4 years maybe. I want to return.


For a few weeks now I've been checking out servers left and right. Every lowrate server I could find that runs Interlude, while wasting some time on a highrate.

There is not a single decent project - none. Why?

I honestly dont understand, we have thousands of private server around with probably still millions of people playing this game across the board yet we fail to introduce one decent project, no matter the Chronicle.


People tell me the game is dying. Well, its to be expected after 13 or what years? But is this really the main reason?

Even the so called Old-school projects that run a semi-decent low rate server on paper fail to deliver the experience and are most likely dead after 1-3months. Why does this happen?



The private Server I used to play on after and between retail sessions was a german Server. A very small project. 100-150 active players maybe. Been having fun on there for over 1.5 years!

A successfull server with a small family like community. An Interlude chronicle, probably not L2Off but very close and it was made and maintained with caution and love.

A true official like experience, minus the bots.


I fail to find me such a home again.

Though my view a perfect server is pretty simple. And I am sure many wish for something like I do:



Lowrate Interlude: x3-x10


No Donation-Rewards (Maybe Cosmetics - Just normal voluntary Donations. You cant tell me people wont pay for a decent project - I would! What happened to that?)

No Skipping CCQ via Donation or Adena. Not even Subless or Nobless. Nothing.

No Custom Buff/Shop NPC or Items.

No Vote rewards. (Or make them nonsignificant, like fame or toy items. What happened with loyally supporting your favourite Server wihtout getting stuff up your....?)


And lastly, No Dualbox. I can understand why and where this trend emerged and I might accept 1 box if it needs be, but it kills the game. It literally does.

I can understand if you probably not want to play a Prophet but thats about the only class I would tolerate a box for.

Dual boxing promotes solo play. This has happened on pretty much every Server I visited since early december 2014.

Noone talks in chat, Noone seeks parties or needs help. Noone farms together. It doesnt even seen like folks communicate at all. Semi-Dead servers where everyone plays in solitude with their boxxed spoilers/buffers etc. Whats the fun of that?

Does noone want to play these classes anymore? Has the game really turned into a rush to endgame and be it?


And you know exactly what happens on every one of those servers, folks reach engame and leave, because there is nothing left to do, noone to talk to.

You havent made friends and enemies, you did not enjoy the ride and grew onto your charater. The community is dead.

And lastly the community is the only thing worth playing for in L2 endgame, everyone knows that.

When I play L2 I want to be part of community that works together with the admins and each other to create a great project.

Its not like this is an impossible Thought, I have seen it being possible back then on this small server I was part of.



With all that beign said, Its simple really.  Just slap on your gamefiles and launch the server. Maybe create a rule set and thats it. This cannot be to much to ask for?

Who needs all those custom fancy stuff that just ruins the games experience. I want to enjoy the game the way it was made and meant to be played. Thats the reason I LIKE the game so much.


I fell in love with the Original and thats what I want to play. (Clearly we can all agree that the decision making on the official servers has ruined the game just as much, so that is out of the question.)

Add a decent stuff to the server, ensure a quality ride and make sure the finacial situation is stable for years to come. (I am so sick of Donation-leechers)



Meanwhile my friend and I are sitting here, staring at lists of servers in despair...

Help a fellow out, will ya?


Please leave your thoughts below while you are at it :)




My respects to you!

Well it's been said countless times, it's not the players fault that everyone thinks he's a developer now and 100 servers are opening every day.

Players got confused,server owners got greedy as f*ck and that's how "this game" is dying.

The game is not dead,the communities are! The huge amount of servers that provide nothing but donation stuff for 1-2 months then close and then re-open with another name. That's all I can say.

My plan exactly is what you just wrote above and I want to think I can achieve it soon! :o


  • 2 weeks later...

It might sound strange to some of you but, in my opinion, MaxCheaters is the reason L2 is dying these days. Before 4-5 years it was TOTALLY promoting it, the opportunity for new ideas to rise, to make your own server for this huge L2 community to play etc...


But now, things have totally changed. Every player (well, at least 98% of the players) wants to open a server. Guess what? MxC is the first place they will search for guides, customs, codes and more stuff. I am not blaming the forum neither Maxtor, but ffs, imagine what would happen if l2j development boards were deleted. Only the existing fellows that have the files would be in the position to open a server and, i believe, the new built servers would last.


Customs, codes and stuff, yeah, it hurts a lot when you show in your server preview an event, a 'simple' one, for example DeathMatch event, as a custom feature and everyone passes it like it is meant to be there. I'd like to see you in L2Infogate times, when custom was considered to be a safe + 3 max +50 enchantments. And that's true, believe me. (L2Infogate had over 1000 players online running on C5 and later on Interlude client.)


Everyone nowadays thinks L2 is a way to make money and this is the main reason it has been ruined. It's sad to see topics blaming 'the kids' that open Interlude servers, while the topic creator's 99(.999999999999)% have been a server's admin.


To conclude, don't expect to find a decent server, maybe you could play a Russian server (if you can manage to), they have a huge community and great low rate servers, or even a few H5 servers are nice these days. GL mate :)

Posted (edited)

when custom was considered to be a safe + 3 max +50 enchantments

Yes, back when our (casual plebs) understanding and awareness of what it took to make a server was in its early infancy. Back when we didn't know fundamental things like client or server side.


As L2j knowledge base became more populated and accessible to the public, curious, but not proficient in programming, people started going through it and disseminating.


We came to a reasonable, practical conclusion that if you say "I've made a server with a unique custom - safe +3 and max +50" you are really just full of **** and done nothing to address the growing issues in gameplay which are the result of L2s flawed design. Likely because you (not you personally, consider context) prolly think everything in L2 is fine and NCsoft did everything right. Which is ignorant.


L2 gameplay is poorly scalable with rates - demonstrated by huge inflation of currency due to lack of loss for any (if not all) activities. Literally the only continuous loss in typical L2 server is potions. Which hold trivial market share power because every admin makes them cost in practical terms 1a.


Remaining L2 community demands the game to be akin to the olympics with a heavy sportsmanship aspects - everything is meant to be fair and conflict should be reduced to people with different colour names fight each other because the game said so. No griefing allowed (because internet tears are tsunamis) and spontaneous combat out of town is frowned upon. The result is that on majority of servers people sit inside town waiting for event or olympiad and only go outside of farm currency.


These are really just a small fraction (like 2 out of 1000) of the issues that could be addressed. Instead we get typical +3 safe hurr durr servers with adverts that are wall of texts of server config copy pasta. 


Things only really die when they stagnate. People take death for granted as if it were a natural phenomenon. Death is only the result of stagnation of progress. Even in real life something dies only because its heart stop beating, even with age cells deteriorate. Address the deterioration or substitute it with progress and you overcome death. Sounds philosophical and medically inapplicable in real life, but when you look at Java/C++, think hard about whats possible, and then see servers with their "unique rebirth" and "unique NPC models" it really makes you think how much we lost. I hence have no sympathy for people who cannot cope with these demands. Really, some things are prolly the bare minimum (DM event) unless you have a really good reason not to have it (concentrate server PvP to be out of principles, rather than Counter Strike/Quake like).

Edited by Epiquin
  • 2 months later...

Phew, I almost forgot about my own topic.


L2Citadel. It's not C6 it's hellbound, but the best low rate your likely to see for quite some time.


Guess where I've been playing... It was great and got my spirits up again. My passion burning. I made some friends of whom I still talk to now and we might stick together and look for another server sometime.

Why the server had to go down is still beyond me. Some idiots must always ruin the fun I guess.

Played a PvP powerhouse this time. Had been goofing all over my keyboard. This stuff is to stressfull at times. I am to old for that, next time I'll main a buffer again. lol


Everyone nowadays thinks L2 is a way to make money and this is the main reason it has been ruined. It's sad to see topics blaming 'the kids' that open Interlude servers, while the topic creator's 99(.999999999999)% have been a server's admin.


To conclude, don't expect to find a decent server, maybe you could play a Russian server (if you can manage to), they have a huge community and great low rate servers, or even a few H5 servers are nice these days. GL mate :)


The money making issue is sad yes. We are killing our own communites with that. I still dont get it at all.

And yes, sometimes I wish I knew russian. They seem to have a very very active community with lots of action! Sadly I think that is out of the question, as it would kill the entire community aspect for me since most russians refuse to speak english :<



To conclude, it seems people view the game differently these days. Might be a generation issue.

As Epiquin mentioned, its just olympiad sportmanship and a race to be the best, entirely ignoring everything around it.


How about taking it slow and taking in everything thats part of it?

I also would not consider NCsoft and whoever was responsible for the creation of this game has made everything perfectly fine, but I can say for sure that even this orginial age old, possible not flawless game is what I grew to love over the years and its still a lot better than anything ever custom created/enhanced by the community. This is the reason I mainly dislike anything custom-made because it often narrows and cripples the games potential. Its about the open world pvp after all while the olypiad is only a tiny addition, just to name one example.


I still believe there are enough players interested in a retail project. The official classic server shows us the demand is tremendously high, even today.

Posted (edited)

I also hadn't played L2 since 2010, started again for a bit about 2-3 months ago and quit recently. The reason why the game is dying is because most smart people have realized that the game is shit in comparison to their other contemporary options, so there are mostly dumb people left playing. This is because L2 has a huge ammount of RNG factor (that was totally acceptable back in its time) that gives the baddies a chance to win sometimes, so they do not get totally destroyed like in games where skill is a real requirement in order to become factor. Almost all hard-core passionate players are gone. Even retail is full of casuals (and when I say full, I mean FULL. About 99 %, not exaggerating), that log in for 1-1.5 hours every day, do some dailies and then do nothing. And the thing is that it's not that they have other responsibilities in real life or something important to do. They're just not willing to do anything and stay online chatting in clan halls, while doing absolutely nothing.

Edited by Fortuna

This is the reason I mainly dislike anything custom-made because it often narrows and cripples the games potential. Its about the open world pvp after all while the olypiad is only a tiny addition, just to name one example.


I still believe there are enough players interested in a retail project. The official classic server shows us the demand is tremendously high, even today.

There is no motivation to actually play the open world. Beyond the typical farming traps (mats, element crystal, SA crystals, Lifestones, etc) there is literally nothing to do outside.


NCsfot designed the game to be a grindfest, thats palatable when doing it with friends. Occasionally there'd be an epic with some cliche lore story attached to it and some gimmicky mechanics that never extended beyond dealing enough damage.


Reality is there is no good server because of A LOT of reasons. This subject can be debated on a lot. And we are likely to never come to a consensus as to why. Neither is that important. 


The important part is to deal with the problems.


> Motivate people to compete for out of town and open world areas to actually generate EMERGENT content. Stuff that isn't controlled by an event engine rolling a DM every 60 minutes.

> Abolish carebearing ideals, like not allowing scam (srsly if you let yourself be scammed you deserve it), overbuff, spying, etc. Generally stuff thats relatively clever but made victims very butthurt.

> Create an environment where players are not pressured into farming for 2 weeks before they can even begin to be relevant. The common issue I find is that you need to have TOP gear, TOP skills, TOP everything before you can even bother to PvP. By the time you get there people start realising how shit everything is and quit. Need to stop prolonging the inevitable and fix core problems.


There are many other issues, but I think the above are the generic 3 out of 5-10 that would be a good start.

Posted (edited)

What killed lineage:

- easy noble quest. No pvp in bs, no  barakiel daily pvp.

- free 7rb weapons.

- bosses lvl cap, atm they just made 3 instances and open world bosses are FORGOTEN. Where is that daily PvP in bs, hs, fog? Its dead, cause u farm all shit in instances.

-they add gear, but 0 content at all, again 0 open world pvp. Lets say helbound was last good addition to game. Not many mobs, small area, many pvp.

-they killed buffer classes like prophet or se with combo buffs and all in one wc/ol.

- you even have to lvl up crystals in instances - its a joke....


Also 1v1 olympiad should be removed, cause its unplayable vs paladins titans and ee....


Thats why i hate NCsoft.

Edited by Bydle

What killed lineage:

- easy noble quest. No pvp in bs, no  barakiel daily pvp.

- free 7rb weapons.

- bosses lvl cap, atm they just made 3 instances and open world bosses are FORGOTEN. Where is that daily PvP in bs, hs, fog? Its dead, cause u farm all shit in instances.

-they add gear, but 0 content at all, again 0 open world pvp. Lets say helbound was last good addition to game. Not many mobs, small area, many pvp.

-they killed buffer classes like prophet or se with combo buffs and all in one wc/ol.

- you even have to lvl up crystals in instances - its a joke....


Also 1v1 olympiad should be removed, cause its unplayable vs paladins titans and ee....


Thats why i hate NCsoft.

Welcome to 2015, Interlude player...


Welcome to 2015, Interlude player...


Nonetheless he is right. Instances kill open world pvp. You can lvl from 1-85 (or whatever your level cap is) - at a decent speed even - without ever having to kill a mob outside instances. And while doing so get some decent gear at the same time so you don't even HAVE to kill open-world mobs.

Posted (edited)

What killed lineage:

- easy noble quest. No pvp in bs, no  barakiel daily pvp.

- free 7rb weapons.

- bosses lvl cap, atm they just made 3 instances and open world bosses are FORGOTEN. Where is that daily PvP in bs, hs, fog? Its dead, cause u farm all shit in instances.

-they add gear, but 0 content at all, again 0 open world pvp. Lets say helbound was last good addition to game. Not many mobs, small area, many pvp.

-they killed buffer classes like prophet or se with combo buffs and all in one wc/ol.

- you even have to lvl up crystals in instances - its a joke....


Also 1v1 olympiad should be removed, cause its unplayable vs paladins titans and ee....


Thats why i hate NCsoft.



You hate NCSoft for playing on private servers. Makes sense. These things are fixed like 6-7 years now. 

Edited by Fortuna
Posted (edited)

If you are still looking for a server join official. https://eu.4game.com/lineage2classic/

I think this is what you were looking for,you wont regret it.

Plz if there are still ppl who dont know about l2 classic,just register in that site. We need 15k regs and we currently have 8,7k

Edited by PaulVanDyke

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