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high five [L2J] L2Redemption


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L2Tales again?Full with phantoms in towns.10k+ ONLINE but only 1 000 real players..And from those 1 000...300 are donators with full eq in first 2 weeks...thats what i saw from my last stay in L2Tales..enjoy :) good luck


P.S. Russian devs are working on a program which can "catch" the fake players(phantoms) and when it's finished..there will be screenshots everywhere so no point in phantoms or fake online

Edited by Awalon
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butthurted mby?

u should read what "mad" means. i just said its mouse server and its 100% just need to check the server's FB site. anyway if i 'd be mad i'd flame but i just wrote whos server it is.

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For all players, please read my next toughts and  you will understand why you should play on l2redemption



we dont have anything to do with those server admins mentioned before in this topic, we`ll prove to you people that we`re a new good nice team of young people and we`re not greedy. we`ll have to prove this ofc, you cannot take my words for granted, our main goal is to provide to our players a good server where you can call it home. we are sad to see that players switch servers every 2 weeks because admins sell epics or other op items. you will not see such things here! thats a promise! we invested a lot in this project in advertise files etc. we even have one dedicated event gm streamer that will have full time job 6 hours minimum everyday streaming, supporting the players and hosting nice events. lack of gm activity will not exist on this server. give us a chance to prove that there are also different kind of people and not just greedy bastards admins who want to get rich.

wish you gl , +1 from me

Edited by Le9end
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holiday= tales forum ip
Tales, Cartel propaganda servers when you see 10,000+ online its obvious is them :D


And your server Bela with "real online" 800, when in jail you/your team logged 350 bots? You should stop troll other servers, when you doing even worse then they

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lolol this ageservers put moderators to delete my post cuz i called him "bella"  


:happyforever:  :happyforever:  :happyforever:




Karasu, I love you, really, you the best in this forum!

EDIT: If someone ask why, because he say the true!

Edited by Karasu
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Few reasons why I like this server and why I will play on it!


First of All the Admins are all day long online and working on this server, they even tell the people when they go to eat, so the people know every moment when and what the Admins are doing. I can see that they really are loving their server and their work.


They love it even so much, that they dont even did a donation list, you can see it for your self on the site there isnt any donations yet and im pretty sure that when the donation list will come out, that it wont be op. It will not be including custom shit premium accounts or unban options or something worse like this.

If the Admin would be greedy like some people said, then tell me why he doesn´t have such shity options hm? tell me? couse he ´s not!


Furthermore things that I like there isn ´t any bad custom staff-shit like in other servers. Everyone who is testing the Beta is knowing and seeing this.


Many big clans from other servers announce they will be here on live start and im looking forward to the start too, couse I think its finally happing, it happens for what I was waiting for years, that at last one server like this would open to replace all other shity servers and becoming SOMETHING that you can call home.

Where you don´t have to fear anymore about selfish admins like on other servers,

where you don´t have to leave after a certain amount of time

where you don´t have to suffer anymore about imbalance between classes like summoners or some other shit..


In my opinion it will be a server where you can finally enjoy your self, chill and fight together with your friends to reach your goals to become the best on the best l2server.

Where L2 is like it should be...only L2 and nothing more than L2)

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Few reasons why I like this server and why I will play on it!


First of All the Admins are all day long online and working on this server, they even tell the people when they go to eat, so the people know every moment when and what the Admins are doing. I can see that they really are loving their server and their work.


They love it even so much, that they dont even did a donation list, you can see it for your self on the site there isnt any donations yet and im pretty sure that when the donation list will come out, that it wont be op. It will not be including custom shit premium accounts or unban options or something worse like this.

If the Admin would be greedy like some people said, then tell me why he doesn´t have such shity options hm? tell me? couse he ´s not!


Furthermore things that I like there isn ´t any bad custom staff-shit like in other servers. Everyone who is testing the Beta is knowing and seeing this.


Many big clans from other servers announce they will be here on live start and im looking forward to the start too, couse I think its finally happing, it happens for what I was waiting for years, that at last one server like this would open to replace all other shity servers and becoming SOMETHING that you can call home.

Where you don´t have to fear anymore about selfish admins like on other servers,

where you don´t have to leave after a certain amount of time

where you don´t have to suffer anymore about imbalance between classes like summoners or some other shit..


In my opinion it will be a server where you can finally enjoy your self, chill and fight together with your friends to reach your goals to become the best on the best l2server.

Where L2 is like it should be...only L2 and nothing more than L2)

i can't believe such blind ppl still exist xd

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