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1) the chronicle will be Interlude from the start and after some months (6-7) we will upgrade maybe to GF or Hi5 L2OFF....


Copy paste apo ton l2avellan.


Hi5 OFF ... mlkia eipe?


1) the chronicle will be Interlude from the start and after some months (6-7) we will upgrade maybe to GF or Hi5 L2OFF....[/size]


Copy paste apo ton l2avellan.[/size]


Hi5 OFF ... mlkia eipe?

Uparxoune l2off h5 apo oti kserw :p
Posted (edited)

Uparxoune l2off h5 apo oti kserw :P

To 8ema einai ean paizonte h einai gemata bug... Dn exw dei Hi5 OFF sta private server

Gia to ean uparxoun dn exw idea..

Edited by bravetobe

To 8ema einai ean paizonte h einai gemata bug... Dn exw dei Hi5 OFF sta private server

Gia to ean uparxoun dn exw idea..

Dn exw peksei kai pola h5 kai itane ola java osa epeksa..twra apo ekei k pera dn exw apanthsh alla as kanoune oti nomizoune :p

To 8ema einai ean paizonte h einai gemata bug... Dn exw dei Hi5 OFF sta private server

Gia to ean uparxoun dn exw idea..

Δεν έχεις παίξει δηλαδή BnB...


1) the chronicle will be Interlude from the start and after some months (6-7) we will upgrade maybe to GF or Hi5 L2OFF....


Copy paste apo ton l2avellan.


Hi5 OFF ... mlkia eipe?

Δεν ξερω αν ειπε μαλακια η οχι παντως το κραξιμο το εφαγε  :-[




Εντάξει τότε ας λέω ότι πήρα predator, ωραία λογική.
Δεν είναι ίδιες, πως να το κάνουμε; Κι έλα παραδέξου πως πέταξες μαλακία και τις μπέρδεψες, δεν τρέχει και τίποτα.

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