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classic [L2J] L2Alqaeda


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Well, i wasn't about to reply but i think i have to make some things clear here.



Lately, i've been really busy IRL, which doesn't allow me to start working on a new project for a while. So, no. I'm not the owner of this one.

As i said to anyone who asked me, I've got paid for the server's features by the l2 Al qaeda staff. However, i don't really care what rumors say.. i will prove my point ingame (as i said above i'll be there ;) )


So, Let's go to the hate part. xdem aka infinity. You keep saying that his server is mine. Have you got any proofs for that? I guess not.

So now, tell me this... Why the hell would i be playing 15 hours per day on ur shit server while i was preparing my own one? (I guess u have no answer for that)

As about this "retard" GoTz with the low iq... Him (and most of LA members) found many major bugs and abused them. Imagine what would happen if we had "HIGH" iq... AAA BTW. Remember when you, me and gotz talked on skype after gotz uploading the picture with vesc? I was explaining u in every detail what you did wrong on ur server (after u asking me to do it). I was talking continuously for 30 minutes (10 minutes of these are recorded, so dont make me upload it) and every time i ended a sentence you were like: Oh, yes, you're right on that, or.. Oh, yes i should have fixed that, i was just lazy.Then, you end up like "Look sorceri, i know that you are a more professional admin than i am myself, and i know you know the game better than me"(this is recorded too). After this, you asked me to open a hi5 server together, And to be honest i was positive until i read ur post on this topic, cause i appreciate your java skills. But now, i'll chose one of your words. I cannot work with PUSSIES. (this is what you said for your old partners, and now i guess it's going against you).


These from me.


P.S. i still have more than 20 different situations to talk about, but i don't want to. This is a server advertisment topic and we shouldnt talk about our personal shits here in first place. Respect the person who's hosting this server. Have a good night.



That convrsation ensured me what a rat you are and that you was behind everything. Thats me, I make people think they are smarter so they start talking and talking till I know everything. About the H5 server, yes you can think that I was on it, but it was a bait so you think that Im positive thinking about you. But no, Im smarter, let me repeat my words. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.


And believe me, I was pretty sure that you where gonna hate right after I commented and that would prove who is behind L2OsamaInAden or whatever, like you did before with Canyon, hey infinity my friend opens the Freya, now again, hey Infinity I gave my pack to a friend AND I WILL PLAY THERE. Common dude, cut the bullshit if you wanna make a name or whatever you wanna make just stop the bullshit, everyone knows you are a sneaky rat that will backstab with the first chance.

Edited by xdem
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okay on topic , well cool features but cant trust the deal with the admin and sorceri..maybe they also deal about free items to the old owner and his clan? or some ingame help on somewhere ? rb ? sieges ? u shouldnt named urself here if u wanted a clearly opening . i and many guys i think thinking the same about the deal. and why not ? the time will show us ^_^
i dont have any problem with sorceri on others randoms(not fail ) servers like on aepvp while sorceri was typing every sec and saying bullshits on me when i was next to him while i didnt even said something to him cuz as a player i respect him , anyway you have some problems with me cuz of ur old servers dont care anymore ^^ but on this one im gonna wait to see how the new admin will improve this one. Good luck and i may join who knows!

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okay on topic , well cool features but cant trust the deal with the admin and sorceri..maybe they also deal about free items to the old owner and his clan? or some ingame help on somewhere ? rb ? sieges ? u shouldnt named urself here if u wanted a clearly opening . i and many guys i think thinking the same about the deal. and why not ? the time will show us ^_^

i dont have any problem with sorceri on others randoms(not fail ) servers like on aepvp while sorceri was typing every sec and saying bullshits on me when i was next to him while i didnt even said something to him cuz as a player i respect him , anyway you have some problems with me cuz of ur old servers dont care anymore ^^ but on this one im gonna wait to see how the new admin will improve this one. Good luck and i may join who knows!


theres no new admin, sorceri is behind everything, if theres a second guy it is possibly the "retarded sponsor" he was talking about. Sorceri is clearly the admin, but Im too bored to search for the chat logs again and post here.

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Well, the way you're trying to ruin this guy's try is just gay. However i'll take this as a compliment. I love that i still am a headache to you, even while being almost 2 years done with server administrating ;)

As about the "deals and free items" part which detro mentioned,if this was really happening, i would never join as sorceri, believe me. Also, a professional admin would never accept this type of deal, even if i asked to. What can i say..


The rest will be solved ingame.


Sorry to al qaeda's owner for being offtopic here, but i had to make some things clear.


P.S. I will not reply anymore to this topic, unless if it's related to the server and it's features e.t.c

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Well, the way you're trying to ruin this guy's try is just gay. However i'll take this as a compliment. I love that i still am a headache to you, even while being almost 2 years done with server administrating ;)

As about the "deals and free items" part which detro mentioned,if this was really happening, i would never join as sorceri, believe me. Also, a professional admin would never accept this type of deal, even if i asked to. What can i say..


The rest will be solved ingame.


Sorry to al qaeda's owner for being offtopic here, but i had to make some things clear.


P.S. I will not reply anymore to this topic, unless if it's related to the server and it's features e.t.c

veouzel isn't detro


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