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that depend on net speed and believe not everyone have possiblity to download in 20min.. i get it after 2hours with my net connection... and i rly believe (knowing many ppl playin games with me and their connection) that waiting so long only to get few critical and finally cant connect......


(OS : Windows7(32) 6.1 (Build: 7601)

CPU : AuthenticAMD  AMD Athlon II X2 255 Processor @ 3114 MHz 4095MB RAM
Video : NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450    (2049)
PosCode : LS1(273) 0:0:0 2/0 [721]
General protection fault!

History: UNetworkHandler::Tick <- Function Name=SSQInfoPacket <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop


....after many tries THAT THIS CAN BE REASON FOR SO FEW ONLINE ;P anyway gl... i hope u c that i rly tried to check ur server... but it was impossible

Edited by micbarpia
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that depend on net speed and believe not everyone have possiblity to download in 20min.. i get it after 2hours with my net connection... and i rly believe (knowing many ppl playin games with me and their connection) that waiting so long only to get few critical and finally cant connect......


(OS : Windows7(32) 6.1 (Build: 7601)

CPU : AuthenticAMD  AMD Athlon II X2 255 Processor @ 3114 MHz 4095MB RAM
Video : NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450    (2049)
PosCode : LS1(273) 0:0:0 2/0 [721]
General protection fault!

History: UNetworkHandler::Tick <- Function Name=SSQInfoPacket <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop


....after many tries THAT THIS CAN BE REASON FOR SO FEW ONLINE ;P anyway gl... i hope u c that i rly tried to check ur server... but it was impossible


General protection fault! Looks like a game guard issue. Try disabling the gameguard.

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Update 02/09/2014 - 09/09/2014


- The maximum amount of Amber Adena dropped by monsters has been decreased to 2

- The reward of the Tournaments has been changed from Ancient Adena to Amber Adena
- The 'Seven Signs: To The Monastery of Silence' quest has been added (the rest need fixing)
- A separate Auction House NPC has been made. Her name is 'Sainya', find her in town.
- The prices of the armor enchant scrolls have been reduced on the Mineral Staff NPC
- An issue where players would get a runtime error while teleporting and having a servitor has been fixed
- The missing Blue Coin exchange multisell on Captain Mathias in Rune has been added
- An issue where players were prevented from picking up herbs has been fixed
- An issue where servitors & players would randomly stop attacking has been fixed
- The delay on the servitor follow action has been removed
- The 'stop action' button on servitors has been fixed
- Support for physics items has been revised
- An issue where monsters could not see/attack players on silent move although they had been attacked has been fixed
- An issue where when players were autoattacking wouldn't follow the monster has been fixed
MMOPlay staff keep going no matter what.
Edited by MMOPLAY
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It's trully well-made server with a great potential, but players are players - unless you give them new server, they're unlikely to join.


The thing is, I consider current server as a sneak peak for what's coming next - people saw that devs did a great job on it and by the time they open second server (Possibly 50x or so), there'll be much more people.


It would be a shame if they decided not to, this thing really does have a potential :))

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The results from the Lucky Draw event are in!


Scubba wins the Blackwidow Razer Keyboard and Warren wins the Sony Waterproof MP3! Congratulations! We will contact you via Email.


Another important thing to mention is that MMOPlay will not be shutting down. We will be increasing the rates to x50 so you can enjoy our custom features and will continue to update the server.




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But the online is not encouraging. What people expect from servers nowadays are: pretty nice server rates, as low number of bugs as possible, nice gameplay, and BIG COMUNITY, why do you think Stalone's servers are so successfull? Because of good files and nice staff? Nah, it's quite of a bugland, corrupted as f@ck, but it has the BIG COMMUNITY, there is no other private server like Tales right now... People know Tales is corrupted and stuff, but what counts in L2World right now is the competition, and that's what the big community provides. To make it clear - I don't play Stalone's servers, never did, and never will (never say never, blah blah), so it is not advertising or something, just the truth.



ttrue story.

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  • 2 weeks later...
rev 1073:


2nd dimension fixes and reworks:

- empty destroy time set to 10 minutes

- can now reenter instance after leaving


Events / stats fixes and updates:

- fixed player max / total online time to be stored correctly in db

- moved AchievementsManager to L2GameClient, to solve NPE's on new player first logon and to properly initializePlayerAchievements (when player online status is set)


Action handlers fixes:

- shift + click / target action handlers fixes for players, pets, static objects etc (fix for shift + click on eg. pet causing char to stuck until pressing Esc etc)

- removed pet / summon move after interaction delay


Skills fixes:

- Hide skill fixed (player movement is now visible for him, he can target himself, his pet / summon is also invisible to others when using hide; fixed: hide effect stopping not refreshing for all players, causing sometimes to player stay invisible until players around relog)

- Vitality Herb effects are now stored on logout and restored on player login 


AI fixes / improvements:

- added support for MinTimeSinceLastIntentionRequest check in scheduled AI intentions (fixes eg. player movement stopping, when request to move was just before character arriving on prev. target destination)

- by default IntentionCommands do not record creation timestamp anymore (little performance improvement)

- fixed returnHome routine when mob is moving using progressive pathfinding (will not stop and wait few seconds looking for path, but will continue to spawn without stopping)

- fixed MOVE_TO / MOVE_ON_PATH intention validation for players and summons: when not moving anymore, intention is now correctly set back to IDLE (fixes eg. some pet follow issues, sometimes requiring to press Stop, for pet to go back to owner)

- fixed WalkingManager: mobs / NPCs moving on routes now move with proper delay between consecutive path points.

- fixed LOST_COMBAT / WON_COMBAT AI events order (LOST_COMBAT should be before DEAD event, and WON_COMBAT before THINK event); thanks to this, mobs now evolve before next respawn / next intention not after  

- fixed wrong delta max range for rounding chars position during movement (100, was 100000)

- fixed water top Z adjusting for movements in water, causing players to escape water zone while still swimming in water; NOTE: some zones might need adjusting waterTopZ value manually (please use .issue command to report water zones that still will not work correctly)

- fixed ARRIVED event triggered when character is at next path point joint / at the movement destination (adjusted event hit timming, to make movement more smooth and precise)

- for now removed water levels detection movement request (it needs to be moved into path processors, to adjust whole path accordingly, not only starting and destination position)  

- fixed player INTERACT / follow task: now movement to NPCs / mobs is possible even when they're surrounded by very close to obstacles

- adjusted movement broadcast / start parameters, to eg. include delay in movement, when player char starts moving, or needs to turn around, and then move

- events BEGIN_MOVE and CONTINUE_MOVE are now executed independently by separate thread process for each AI, to reduce delays between movement request / actual movement start, and to reduce delays between consecutive path points movements (for improved smoothness and movement precition)



- added Gracia Final Mithril Mines (choose on entrance to mines, which version you wish to explore). More locations coming (next: pre-Freya LoA)

- optimized routines for entering / exiting instances:

  - moving into instance / out of instance is now quicker

  - added proper knownlist refreshing inside instances (no more invisible mobs for some party members)

- player instances are now restored if he abnormally left it (if instance did not expired, player on relog on server, will be in spot in his instance, where he was disconnected)

- fixed ejectPlayer routine:

  - performing ejectPlayer procedure only when player is online (otherwise leaving player offline inside instance, so he can rejoin on login)


  Packet Manager / Broadcaster fixes and optimizations:

- not allowing to send ActionFailed packet during player movement (more smooth visually eg. attacking mobs animations, and player movement itself)

- fixed sendSystemMessage method (fixes some missing messages eg during combat)

- dead pet is now properly updated on player logoff (dead pets stay online on server)

- reworked movement packets broadcasting mechanism:

  - MoveToLocation packets are now synchronized with GameServerTicks (improved, much more smooth movement of chars); additionally now always using  PacketBroadcaster task for broadcasting them, what additionally improved core performance and reduces lags)

- fixed EnterWorld client packet, to send SSQInfo packet to player on login (now sky in game will be properly shown, according to Seven Signs scores / period)    


GeoEngine / Pathfinding engine fixes and updates:

- forcing final destination xyz as requested by movement, only when path ends within 16 range 2d, Z difference is less than 10 and NSWE = ALL

- added pathfinding debug feature to show final, processed path points, on top on path found by engine

- fixed checkLineNSWE method, to return "invalid" value for too short line checks (less than 2 geonodes in length)

- removed path initial pre processing for playable characters


Other core fixes:

- Skipping not needed tasks during server shutdown, like updating world objects list,

- MovieManager player eject fixes:

  - now properly ejects player from movie instance on logout / disconnect / crash

  - and restores player back on login

  - removed code to send back player after movie ends, instead using InstanceManager build int ejectPlayer routine

- Added WyvernTravel manager

- Optimized findObject() method, to look only in invisibleObjects map, when object not found in global visibleObjects map (no need to go through all objects in all regions, as all visible objects are already in visibleObjects map)


Community Server:

- fixed NetConn module, for proper ExtCommunityServer support

- reduced reconnect delay to 3s

- fixed max html length 


rev 1071:

fix: actions disallowed for players in observer mode


rev 1070:


- Makia for now will not wander and spawns at Giran Center 

- fixed setCastTarget for mobs for better AI cast control 

- fixed invisible players packet management 

- removed ValidateLocation packet from broadcastUserInfo 

- removed findObjects for players onSpawn 

- putting object to regionsXY map only if object can be stored in map if invisible 

- optimized storing objects in invisible objects map 

- action fix for invisible players to be able to eg target self


rev 1068

- New Auction House, better htmls, checks, some improvements, and updated to latest version

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"Things can always get worse, but only quitters quit. once you quit one thing, it gets easier and easier just to leave situations rather than deal with shit"



MMOPLAY Administrators deals with the shit and quitting is not an option. We will keep updating our server make it as much as stable we can and donations won't be available for a long time now..our goal remains the same, best possible and enjoyable gaming experience for our players.


Rev 1080
- optimized geodata checks for aggro mobs, when they are looking for player to attack
- fix: only mobs with spawns and not in instances can pickup items
- fix: SSQ packet removed from sending to player in CharSelect packet
- fix: possible NPE in RequestDropItem packet fix
- some code cleanups
- fix: possible item dupe hack patched
some bosses fixes, and new "horde" event with mobs becoming stronger while they fight with players, as a result becoming mini raid bosses.
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Hordes. Those are replacing Champion and hero mobs.

Mobs evolve while in combat (eg Player). Their stats improve, they learn skills. Once they reach an appropriate stage, they may become Horde Leader. Horde leaders recruit other mobs, to become their minions. They form then a Horde.

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