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[L2J] Edited Augmentation System


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Good evening people. In the past I made this code for my server and now I am selling it.


Description: You are able to set an amount of stuckable active skills. For example if you set 3, every character will be able to stuck only 3 active augmentation skills.




As you can see the config file says 3 max augment skills, in chat you can see that I used 4 skills and in buffs you can see the 3 of them.

It is bugless and clean coded.


Skype ID: harris.devlin

Edited by Devlin
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It's really good code, do not miss it.


Also there is an option for premium characters (vip, donator or whatever).

For example, premium characters are able to stuck 5 skills and normal characters are able to stuck 3 (example).


It's your choise.



Edited by Devlin
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