Sighed Posted December 2, 2013 Posted December 2, 2013 (edited) This is a Tool for changing the Auth Port in the Engine.dll made by some goldfinch guy i don't quite remember who he is.Its written in FASM also i provide the source code. ;Lineage 2 authorization port changer, version 1.2b ;Copyleft (?) GoldFinch, 2008 ; ;You may freely use, modify and distribute this code. ; ;Compile this file with fasm ( ;===================== SETUPS =========================== ;pattern virtual use32 ;- begin - pushd 2106 ;- end --- load PATTERN dword from $$ end virtual ;================ MACRO DEFINITIONS ===================== ;High-level-like imported api calls macro. ;Lite version with procedure calls and string constants with "\n" support. macro IMPORTS [dll,funclist] { common data import forward dd 0,0,0,rva a#dll, rva v#dll common dd 0,0,0,0,0 end data forward v#dll: irp func,funclist \{ p\#func dd rva a\#func macro func [line*] \\{common match (arglist)tail,line* \\\{ push_r arglist \\\} call [p\#func] \\} \} dd 0 forward a#dll db `dll#".dll",0 irp func,funclist \{a\#func db 0,0,\`func,0\} } macro push_r [arg] { reverse if arg eqtype "" call @f local str str db arg,0 @@: fix_str str,$-str else pushd arg end if } macro fix_str pStr,nLen { repeat nLen-1 load w word from pStr+%-1 if w="\n" store word 0x0D0A at pStr+%-1 end if end repeat } ;============================================== ;Some console output macro (print and println) macro __print text { local size,str push_r size,0,0 call @f str db text @@: size = $-str fix_str str,size WriteFile([stdout]) } macro __printf format,[arglist] { common wsprintfA(gMsgBuf,format,arglist) local ..argcount ..argcount=0 forward ..argcount=..argcount+1 common add esp,8+..argcount*4 WriteFile([stdout],gMsgBuf,eax,0,0) } macro print format,[arg] {common if arg eq __print format else __printf format,arg end if } macro println format,[arglist] {common print format#"\n",arglist} ;********************* PROGPAM CODE ************************************************** format PE console section 'O_o' code readable executable writeable IMPORTS KERNEL32, < GetStdHandle,WriteFile,ReadFile,CreateFileA,SetFilePointer,GetLastError,CopyFileA,LoadLibraryA,CloseHandle,\ FreeLibrary,DeleteFileA,ExitProcess>,\ USER32,<wsprintfA> entry $ GetStdHandle(-11) ;STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE mov [stdout],eax GetStdHandle(-10) ;STD_INPUT_HANDLE mov [stdin],eax print "L2 authorization port changer version 1.2b\nCopyleft (?) GoldFinch, 2008\n\n"#\ "This program changes auth port number in engine.dll\nIt must be placed in lineage2\system folder\n"#\ "Enter '1' to proceed or nothing to terminate program: " ReadFile([stdin],gMsgBuf,1024,nRead,0) cmp byte[gMsgBuf],"1" jne exit_err ;------------------------------------------------ ;[1] Analyse file print "Opening engine.dll ... " CreateFileA("engine.dll",0xC0000000,1,0,3,0,0) cmp eax,-1 jnz open_ok GetLastError() println "failed with error code = %#x",eax jmp exit_err open_ok: mov [hFile],eax println "OK" ;Get PE header offset SetFilePointer([hFile],0x3C,0,0) ReadFile([hFile],dwPE,4,nRead,0) ;Get entrypoint mov eax,[dwPE] add eax,0x28 SetFilePointer([hFile],eax,0,0) ReadFile([hFile],Entrypoint,4,nRead,0) ;Check if file was patched cmp [Entrypoint],4 jnz not_patched ;_______________________________________________ ;File is already patched println "WARNING: File is already patched"; ;Get port value SetFilePointer([hFile],port_value-__patch_data,0,0) ReadFile([hFile],port_value,4,nRead,0) println "Current port number is %d",[port_value] ;Ask new port value call InputPortNumber ;Write new port value SetFilePointer([hFile],port_value-__patch_data,0,0) WriteFile([hFile],port_value,4,nWritten,0) CloseHandle([hFile]) ;Exit println "Port number was changed.\n\nPress [Enter] to close log." ReadFile([stdin],gMsgBuf,1,nRead,0) ;OR die () ExitProcess(0) ;_______________________________________________ ;File is not patched not_patched: ;Make a copy of file to load it print "Creating temporary file engine.tmp ... " CopyFileA("engine.dll","engine.tmp",0) test eax,eax jnz copy_ok GetLastError() println "failed with error code = %#x",eax jmp exit_err copy_ok: println "OK" ;Load dll print "Loading engine.tmp ... " LoadLibraryA("engine.tmp") test eax,eax jnz load_ok GetLastError() println "failed with error code = %#x",eax DeleteFileA("engine.tmp") jmp exit_err load_ok: mov [hEngine],eax println "OK" ;Get image size mov eax,[hEngine] add eax,[dwPE] pushd [eax+0x50] ;SizeOfImage popd [SizeOfImage] ;Find pattern print "Looking for the pattern %#08x ... ",PATTERN mov edi,[hEngine] mov ecx,[SizeOfImage] mov eax,PATTERN cld @@: repne scasb test ecx,ecx jz @f cmp dword[edi-1],eax jne @r jmp _found @@: println "not found. \n Base=%x, Size=%x",[hEngine],[SizeOfImage] jmp exit_err _found: sub edi,[hEngine] ;get rva println "OK, found at rva %#x",edi add [port_delta],edi ;Ask port number call InputPortNumber ;Change entrypoint mov eax,[Entrypoint] add [oep_rel],eax mov [Entrypoint],4 mov eax,[dwPE] add eax,0x28 ;Entrypoint SetFilePointer([hFile],eax,0,0) WriteFile([hFile],Entrypoint,4,nWritten,0) ;Write patch code SetFilePointer([hFile],0,0,0) WriteFile([hFile],__patch_data,__patch_size,nWritten,0) println "%#x bytes was written.\nEngine.dll was patched with new auth port number.",[nWritten] CloseHandle([hFile]) ;Exit println "\nNow this program will be terminated.\nYou can use it to change port number again.\n"#\ "Warning: probably, this program will crash now, it's normal for this version.\n\n"#\ "Press [Enter] to close log." ReadFile([stdin],gMsgBuf,1,nRead,0) FreeLibrary([hEngine]) DeleteFileA("engine.tmp") ExitProcess(0) ;--------------------------- exit_err: println "\nPress [Enter] to close log." ReadFile([stdin],gMsgBuf,1,nRead,0) ExitProcess(0) ;------------------ InputPortNumber: ;Asking a port number print "Input new port number to patch or nothing to abort patching:\n-> " ReadFile([stdin],gMsgBuf,10,nRead,0) xor eax,eax ;for digits xor edx,edx ;for a number cld mov esi,gMsgBuf mov ecx,[nRead] sub cl,2 ;strip CR,lF jz exit_err ;lmp if empty line str2dw_loo: lodsb imul edx,10 sub al,"0" cmp al,9 ja exit_err ;jmp if not a number add edx,eax loop str2dw_loo mov [port_value],edx ret ;_____________________________________________ ;Patch body align 16 __patch_data: dd "MZ" ;new entrypoint will be here pushd [esp+0x0C] ;copy Dllmain arguments pushd [esp+0x0C] pushd [esp+0x0C] ;call themida "original" entry point db 0xE8 ;"call rel32" ;Relative offset. Must be equal to (OEP RVA) - (ret_addr RVA) oep_rel: dd -(ret_addr-__patch_data) ;= negative ret_addr RVA, add (OEP RVA) here ret_addr: call __base __base: pop edx ;get __base virtual address, rva=4 ;in-memory patch db 0xC7,0x82 ;mov dword[edx+imm32],imm32 ;Patch place delta offset. Must be equal to (PortValue RVA) - (__base RVA) port_delta dd -(__base-__patch_data) ;= negative __base RVA, add (PortValue RVA) here port_value dd 0 ;rva 0x0C ;write desired port value here ret 0x0C ;return to OS __patch_size=$-__patch_data ;_____________________________________________ ;Uninitialized data. Must be at end of section dwPE dd ? Entrypoint dd ? SizeOfImage dd ? ;--------------- hFile dd ? hEngine dd ? ;--------------- nRead dd ? org $-4 nWritten dd ? stdout dd ? stdin dd ? gMsgBuf db 1024 dup (?) Auth Port Edited December 2, 2013 by Sighed
Dante44® Posted December 2, 2013 Posted December 2, 2013 Is the TR/Patched.Ren.Gen Trojan Why i get that error for virus?I had used that program also before when i had a server and when the players download the patch for the server with the edited engine.dll alll the time Antivirus Hit Red!!!
mcbigmac Posted December 2, 2013 Posted December 2, 2013 (edited) This port changer has been made by Fyyre :) Actually only the base-code\poc is - goldfinch modded it and changed it to be a .exe capable of just permanently changing authport. Because people asked to have it like that - and fyyre well within his rights told people to mod it themselves when sharing source. So some credit to Goldfinch is deserved. Wonder if the byte signature matches newer clients tho. Edited December 2, 2013 by mcbigmac
JamesSn0w Posted December 9, 2013 Posted December 9, 2013 It works of course but did you guys noticed that people with windows 8 cannot connect when the AuthD port is changed with this tool ?
xeL Posted December 16, 2013 Posted December 16, 2013 Actually only the base-code\poc is - goldfinch modded it and changed it to be a .exe capable of just permanently changing authport. Because people asked to have it like that - and fyyre well within his rights told people to mod it themselves when sharing source. So some credit to Goldfinch is deserved. Wonder if the byte signature matches newer clients tho. Tested and didn't work. It crahes when trying to start game . H5 and GF client.
mjst Posted January 23, 2015 Posted January 23, 2015 any one test with vaganth files? i use 2107 and nothing..
madocter Posted September 8, 2015 Posted September 8, 2015 I think this file is incomplete , it needs authport.dll & authport.ini and dll must be added to import table of l2.exe
xeL Posted September 8, 2015 Posted September 8, 2015 I think this file is incomplete , it needs authport.dll & authport.ini and dll must be added to import table of l2.exe thats other stuff. This edits directly on engine.dll
Rootware Posted September 8, 2015 Posted September 8, 2015 If Engine.dll unpacked from Themida, then the login port can change w/o problem by hand. Enough IDA Pro and HEX editor.
nagudung Posted February 17, 2016 Posted February 17, 2016 Oh.. this is good. working good on epilogue version.
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