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I was playing as caitlyn, i was crazy fed, just a sure win. One of my oppoments was morde, dat noob killed me and dat -beep-ing caitlyn's ghost did penta... and we lose the game ofc... Morde too op!

He is op just because you threw one game?



I was playing as caitlyn, i was crazy fed, just a sure win. One of my oppoments was morde, dat noob killed me and dat -beep-ing caitlyn's ghost did penta... and we lose the game ofc... Morde too op!


If morde managed to touch you as cait then your positioning was probably bad. ;p




Twisted Fate



- Twisted Fate is an AP carry that is usually seen in the mid lane. Despite, being a weak duelist, he is very strong at making crucial plays for his team, like forcing favorable fights or helping his teammates out through ganks. That's the main reason why he's been considered a very strong pick in both solo q and competitive play for so many years.



- Most common TF spells are Flash + Ignite/Barrier. Flash is a must on such a squishy champion with no escapes, but it also helps him force fights with his CC. Ignite is needed for finishing off enemies, while Barrier is usually picked when the enemy team has a strong assassin in the mid lane that can instantly burst TF, even when he's under his turret (Zed, Fizz etc)


- When it comes to masteries, I believe that there is no better option than 21/0/9.



- As for runes, most times I see 2 set ups...


1. Magic Pen Marks, Armor Seals, MR blues, AP quints

2. Magic Pen Marks, Armor Seals, MR blues, MS quints


- Skill order: R>Q>W>E


- Finally, TF's range and ability to pick his own fights allow him to build really squishy.


Common TF build: 1. Sorceror's Shoes, 2. Lich Bane, 3. Rabadon's Deathcap, 4. Zhonya's Hourglass, 5. Void Staff, 6. Deathfire Grasp

(Not necessarily at this order)




Twisted Fate



- Twisted Fate is an AP carry that is usually seen in the mid lane. Despite, being a weak duelist, he is very strong at making crucial plays for his team, like forcing favorable fights or helping his teammates out through ganks. That's the main reason why he's been considered a very strong pick in both solo q and competitive play for so many years.



- Most common TF spells are Flash + Ignite/Barrier. Flash is a must on such a squishy champion with no escapes, but it also helps him force fights with his CC. Ignite is needed for finishing off enemies, while Barrier is usually picked when the enemy team has a strong assassin in the mid lane that can instantly burst TF, even when he's under his turret (Zed, Fizz etc)


- When it comes to masteries, I believe that there is no better option than 21/0/9.



- As for runes, most times I see 2 set ups...


1. Magic Pen Marks, Armor Seals, MR blues, AP quints

2. Magic Pen Marks, Armor Seals, MR blues, MS quints


- Skill order: R>Q>W>E


- Finally, TF's range and ability to pick his own fights allow him to build really squishy.


Common TF build: 1. Sorceror's Shoes, 2. Lich Bane, 3. Rabadon's Deathcap, 4. Zhonya's Hourglass, 5. Void Staff, 6. Deathfire Grasp

(Not necessarily at this order)


You said everything that was needed to be said.


I can't add something else except that he is very strong in late game.. and when he reach 6 lvl he can gang other lanes.


Mordekaiser this time.


Mordekaiser is a relatively tanky AP carry, that is rarely played these days... However, he is one of the best farmers in the game. I can't add much, since I don't know much about him :/


Your turn ;p


Morde is pretty much direct counter to every bruiser mid and can go over not so tanky tops pretty easily if played right. Morde i think is similar to trynda in a sense that you either win your lane against him hard or you loose, theres no okay i'll just farm and skip through the laning phase.










~No time to comment. Just wanted to update hero of the day. Sorry ;p





hmm.. we can't tell too much about her since she is kind of new atm.. but she is very nice against most adc's because of her blind, OP ulti, and her E.


She is just the perfect adc if she has nami with her or leona







Karma is a team-oriented AP-based champion with a ton of utility. She is usually played mid, as a support or as a jungler according to Diamondprox.



In my opinion, she is a very strong pick, that is really underrated. She combines everything, utility, CC, damage, poke and wave clear.



Her versatile natures gives her a lot of options when it comes to runes, masteries and summoner spells.


- Masteries:


Mid: 21/0/9 (Best option imo)

Support: Too many options, but I prefer 9/0/21, for poke strength in lane and cdr in the utility and offense tree.

Jungle: There are plenty of options here too that focus more on the offense or defense tree. 15/11/4 is my favorite though. This way you get lots of damage potential, the required jungle-related defensive masteries and mana regen from the utility tree.


- Runes


Marks: Magic Pen (Jungle, Mid, Support), Hybrid Pen (Jungle, Support)

Seals: Armor (Mid, Jungle, Support), GP10 (Support), Mana regen (Mid), AP (Mid)

Glyphs: MR (Mid, Jungle, Support), CDR (Mid, Jungle, Support), AP (Mid, Jungle)

Quints: AP (Mid, Jungle Support), GP10 (Support)


- Summoner Spells


Mid: Flash/Ignite, Flash/Teleport, Flash/Barrier

Jungle: Flash/Smite

Support: Flash/Ignite, Flash/Exhaust


- Skill Order


You always max Q first. It's needed for pushing in mid, clearing the jungle and poking as a support. Second skill depends on the situation or your personal preferences. You can max W for more CC or E for more MS and stronger shields.


Karma highly underrated champion

diamondprox & alex ich proved it can be played in competitive scene

even if you look at NA soloQ's you'll see karma been played. Mostly in toplane tho.

she has good poke & good mobility, easy to deny from lane.


i would say risky pick, but if you manage to get it work you can carry


Karma highly underrated champion

diamondprox & alex ich proved it can be played in competitive scene

even if you look at NA soloQ's you'll see karma been played. Mostly in toplane tho.

she has good poke & good mobility, easy to deny from lane.


i would say risky pick, but if you manage to get it work you can carry


Never seen Karma top, but it could work I guess for the same reasons Lissandra works as a top laner.


Ranged poke is always strong in the top lane. She can escape ganks with her CC and E, and she can endure sustained fights with her R+W combo.







Gragas is a burst-based AP carry that is usually played in the mid lane. Despite the huge ammounts of damage he can deal, Gragas can offer utility to his team. His Q reduces attack speed, his E slows and his ulti knocks targets back. Also, he's pretty mobile thanks to his low CD dash, which is great for mid laners and melee heroes.


He is usually built with pure AP and CDR. Items like Morellonomicon, Rabadon's Deathcap, Zhonya's Hourglass and Void Staff are commonly built by Gragas players.



- Most common masteries: 21/0/9 (AP, CDR, Magic Pen, Mana Regen, Longer blue buffs!)


- Most common runes: Magic Pen Marks, Armor Seals, MR Glyphs, AP Quints  (DAMAGE + Resistances that are needed, especially when playing against ranged champions)


- Most common summoner spells: Flash / Ignite (Flash OP, Ignite for adding to your burst damage)


- Most common skill order: R>Q>W>E or R>Q>E>W if the lane's easy. Q needs to be maxed first since it's Gragas' main damage source and also helps him clear waves fast. W offers lots of sustain, durability and AD, which is nice for your E that scales with both AD and AP, or even landing a few AAs if you get a good chance. E can be used to either slow/damage 1 or more enemies, escape or get closer to somebody.









Gragas is a burst-based AP carry that is usually played in the mid lane. Despite the huge ammounts of damage he can deal, Gragas can offer utility to his team. His Q reduces attack speed, his E slows and his ulti knocks targets back. Also, he's pretty mobile thanks to his low CD dash, which is great for mid laners and melee heroes.


He is usually built with pure AP and CDR. Items like Morellonomicon, Rabadon's Deathcap, Zhonya's Hourglass and Void Staff are commonly built by Gragas players.



- Most common masteries: 21/0/9 (AP, CDR, Magic Pen, Mana Regen, Longer blue buffs!)


- Most common runes: Magic Pen Marks, Armor Seals, MR Glyphs, AP Quints  (DAMAGE + Resistances that are needed, especially when playing against ranged champions)


- Most common summoner spells: Flash / Ignite (Flash OP, Ignite for adding to your burst damage)


- Most common skill order: R>Q>W>E or R>Q>E>W if the lane's easy. Q needs to be maxed first since it's Gragas' main damage source and also helps him clear waves fast. W offers lots of sustain, durability and AD, which is nice for your E that scales with both AD and AP, or even landing a few AAs if you get a good chance. E can be used to either slow/damage 1 or more enemies, escape or get closer to somebody.



i still remember the times with lower cd on ulti and also he could destroy every fight cause of cds. he is still viable though if u have max cdr items or blue on ur ass

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