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interlude [L2J]L2Primer


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Just look what you write... its enough insult nothing more i can add.


go to your work of reporting good admins and start defend more worse one .Mxc failed you supported them.enuf we all know here who you are.wannaberobinhood

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go to your work of reporting good admins and start defend more worse one .Mxc failed you supported them.enuf we all know here who you are.


Who em I? Kid, i'm not your father... sorry... you are in mistake.

L2 AURO RA dude...

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Who em I? Kid, i'm not your father... sorry... you are in mistake.


your life is a mistake dont show me more how miserable you life is


good servers will stand still and shits will be down that's a fact . same with ppl so Qq failz0rsbrs

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your life is a mistake dont show me more how miserable you life is


good servers will stand still and shits will be down that's a fact . same with ppl so Qq failz0rsbrs


Repeat: L2 Aur ora guy.


Plus: Cya.

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I'm not related any way with MxC server... i was playing it...

Q: How exacly did i support L2MxC?


(Sorry for offtopic)


i was playing too and i learn alot about the files and such i wonta play again on thief's server.


look for trut in your fake life it's my kindest advice


you was against good admins , your words dont worth sh1t now.

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Don't you dare give up, just wait till they get bored. Also try to find a cheap protection. There are several sellers..


I wish you good luck and when it opens i will give it a try.

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no doubt fake ass


You are just annoying kid trying to be someone, you are noone.

Trashtalk on every server topic, and my life sux?

Dude go find another hobby because if anyone check your posts are only:

Fail, crap, custom fail, ill never try, sux... and so on...


Just gtfo if you are not going to play the server or you are not related any way with it... trashtalking people are too much in this forum.... so we don't need more 1.

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Don't you dare give up, just wait till they get bored. Also try to find a cheap protection. There are several sellers..


I wish you good luck and when it opens i will give it a try.

This i am doing


Thank you!

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